blob: 08ce6c0ff11e8fe62183e1af4445709c81642f67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fs/pseudo-dir.h>
#include <fuchsia/sys/cpp/fidl.h>
#include "lib/component/cpp/startup_context.h"
#include "lib/component/cpp/testing/fake_launcher.h"
#include "lib/svc/cpp/services.h"
namespace component {
namespace testing {
// A fake |StartupContext| for testing.
// Does not allow publishing or accessing services outside of the test
// environment.
class StartupContextForTest : public StartupContext {
StartupContextForTest(zx::channel service_root_client,
zx::channel service_root_server,
zx::channel directory_request_client,
zx::channel directory_request_server);
~StartupContextForTest() override = default;
static std::unique_ptr<StartupContextForTest> Create();
// Defines the testing surface to be used in conjunction with
// |StartupContextForTest|.
class Controller {
// Returns a |Services| that sees all public services added to the
// |StartupContextForTest|.
const Services& outgoing_public_services() const {
return context_->outgoing_public_services_;
// Adds the specified interface to the set of incoming services in mocked
// context.
// Adds a supported service with the given |service_name|, using the given
// |interface_request_handler|.
// A typical usage may be:
// AddService(foobar_bindings_.GetHandler(this));
template <typename Interface>
zx_status_t AddService(
fidl::InterfaceRequestHandler<Interface> handler,
const std::string& service_name = Interface::Name_) const {
return context_->service_root_dir_->AddEntry(
fbl::AdoptRef(new fs::Service(
[handler = std::move(handler)](zx::channel channel) {
return ZX_OK;
// Adds the specified interface to the set of incoming services in mocked
// context.
zx_status_t AddService(const fbl::RefPtr<fs::Service> service,
const std::string& service_name) const {
return context_->service_root_dir_->AddEntry(service_name.c_str(),
FakeLauncher& fake_launcher() const { return context_->fake_launcher_; }
Controller(StartupContextForTest* context) : context_(context){};
StartupContextForTest* context_;
friend class StartupContextForTest;
// Returns |Controller| for tests.
// Tests should move the |StartupContextForTest| into the code under test, and
// use the |Controller| to perform and verify interactions.
Controller& controller() { return controller_; }
friend class Controller;
Controller controller_;
component::Services outgoing_public_services_;
fs::SynchronousVfs service_root_vfs_;
fbl::RefPtr<fs::PseudoDir> service_root_dir_;
FakeLauncher fake_launcher_;
static zx::channel ChannelConnectAt(zx_handle_t root, const char* path);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace component