blob: 7afaf8d843822f19fbb8200ff74a651f9a40f806 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.mediacodec;
// See for detailed interface documentation. The comments here are a
// summary only. Client implementers should see for more detail on any
// message that doesn't seem sufficiently-described here. Codec server
// implementers should probably read before implementing.
// Overview of operation:
// 1. Create
// * create via CodecFactory - see CodecFactory
// 2. Get input constraints
// * OnInputConstraints() - sent unsolicited by codec shortly after codec
// creation.
// 3. Provide input buffers
// * SetInputBufferSettings() / AddInputBuffer()
// 4. Deliver input data
// * QueueInputPacket() + OnFreeInputPacket(), for as long as it takes,
// possibly working through all input packets repeatedly before...
// 5. Get output constraints and format
// * OnOutputConfig() - may be delivered as early as before
// OnInputConstraints() by some codecs, but a client must tolerate as late
// as after substantial input data has been delivered including lots of
// input packet recycling via OnFreeInputPacket().
// * This message can arrive more than once before the first output data.
// 6. Provide output buffers
// * SetOutputBufferSettings() / AddOutputBuffer()
// 7. Data flows, with optional EndOfStream
// * OnOutputPacket() / RecycleOutputPacket() / QueueInputPacket() /
// OnFreeInputPacket() / QueueInputEndOfStream() / OnOutputEndOfStream()
// It's possible to re-use a Codec instance for another stream, and doing so
// can sometimes skip over re-allocation of buffers. This can be a useful thing
// to do for cases like seeking to a new location - at the Codec interface that
// can look like switching to a new stream.
// CodecBufferConstraints
// This struct helps ensure that packet count and buffer space are sufficient
// to avoid major problems. For example, a video decoder needs sufficient
// video frame buffers to hold all potential reference frames concurrently +
// one more video buffer to decode into. Else, the whole video decode pipe can
// easily deadlock.
// The secondary purpose of this struct is to help ensure that packet count and
// buffer space are sufficient to achieve reasonably performant operation.
// There are separate instances of this struct for codec input and codec output.
struct CodecBufferConstraints {
// This is a version number the server sets on the constraints to allow the
// server to determine when the client has caught up with the latest
// constraints sent by the server. The server won't emit output data until
// the client has configured output settings and buffers with a
// buffer_constraints_version_ordinal >= the latest
// buffer_constraints_version_ordinal that had
// buffer_constraints_action_required true. See
// buffer_constraints_action_required comments for more.
// A buffer_constraints_version_ordinal of 0 is not permitted, to simplify
// initial state handling. Other than 0, both odd and even version ordinals
// are allowed (in contrast to the stream_lifetime_ordinal, neither the
// client nor server ever has a reason to consider the latest version to be
// stale, so there would be no benefit to disallowing even values).
uint64 buffer_constraints_version_ordinal;
// default_settings
// These settings are "default" settings, not "recommended" settings.
// These "default" settings can be passed to SetInputBufferSettings() /
// SetOutputBufferSettings() as-is without modification, but a client doing
// that must still obey the semantics of packet_count_for_client, despite the
// codec server not having any way to really know the proper setting for
// that field.
// For CodecBufferConstraints fields whose names end in "recommended", the
// default_settings will have the corresponding setting field set to that
// recommended value.
// The codec promises that these default settings as-is (except for
// buffer_lifetime_ordinal) are guaranteed to
// satisfy the constraints indicated by the other fields of
// CodecBufferConstraints. While client-side checking that these
// settings are within the constraints is likely unnecessary in the client,
// the client should still check that these values are within client-side
// reasonable-ness bounds before using these values, to avoid letting a codec
// server cause problems for the client.
// This structure will always have single_buffer_mode false. See
// single_buffer_mode_allowed for whether single_buffer_mode true is allowed.
// The client must set the buffer_lifetime_ordinal field to a proper value
// before sending back to the server. The 0 initially in this field will be
// rejected by the server if sent back as-is. See comments on
// CodecPortBufferSettings.buffer_lifetime_ordinal.
CodecPortBufferSettings default_settings;
// For uncompressed video, separate and complete frames, each in its own
// separate buffer (buffer-per-packet mode), is always a requirement.
// per_packet_buffer_bytes.*:
// These per-packet buffer bytes constraints apply to both buffer-per-packet
// mode and single-buffer mode (see single_buffer_mode). If
// buffer-per-packet mode, the constraints apply to each buffer separately.
// If single-buffer mode, the constraints need to be multiplied by the number
// of packets to determine the constraints on the single buffer.
// per_packet_buffer_bytes_min:
// If a client is using buffer per packet mode, each buffer must be at least
// this large. If a client is using single-buffer mode, the one buffer must
// be at least per_packet_buffer_bytes_min * packet_count_for_codec_min in
// size.
uint32 per_packet_buffer_bytes_min;
// Must be >= per_packet_buffer_bytes_min. Delivering more than
// this per input packet might not perform any better, and in fact might
// perform worse.
uint32 per_packet_buffer_bytes_recommended;
// Must be >= per_packet_buffer_bytes_recommended. Can be 0xFFFFFFFF if there
// is no explicitly-enforced limit.
uint32 per_packet_buffer_bytes_max;
// Minimum number of packet_count_for_codec.
// Re. input and output:
// This is a strict min for packet_count_for_codec, but a client can use more
// packets overall if the client wants to, by using a larger value for
// packet_count_for_codec and/or using a non-zero packets_for_client. A good
// reason to do the former would be if the client might tend to deliver a few
// not-very-full buffers occasionally - or to have a few extra packets within
// which to satisfy codec_input_bytes_min. A good reason to do the latter
// would be if a client needs to hold onto some packets for any "extra"
// duration.
// If a client specifies a larger packet_count_for_codec value than
// packet_count_for_codec_min, a server is permitted (but not encouraged) to
// not make progress until packet_count_for_codec are with the server,
// not merely packet_count_for_codec_min.
// For decoder input and audio encoder input: The packet_count_for_codec_min
// may or may not contain enough data to allow the codec to make progress
// without copying into an internal side buffer. If there isn't enough data
// delivered in packet_count_for_codec_min packets to permit progress, the
// codec must copy into its own side buffer internally to make progress.
// If a client intends to use extra packets for client-side purposes, the
// client should specify the extra packets in packets_for_client instead of
// packet_count_for_codec, but packet_count_for_codec must still be >=
// packet_count_for_codec_min.
// See for more on packet_count_for_codec_min.
uint32 packet_count_for_codec_min;
// This must be at least packet_count_for_codec_min and at most
// packet_count_for_codec_recommended_max.
// This value is likely to be used as-is by most clients, so if having one
// additional packet is a big performance win in a large percentage of
// scenarios, it can be good for the server to include that additional packet
// in this value.
uint32 packet_count_for_codec_recommended;
// This can be the same as packet_count_for_codec_max or can be lower.
// Values above this value and <= packet_count_for_codec_max are not
// recommended by the codec, but should still work given sufficient resources
// available to both the client and the codec.
uint32 packet_count_for_codec_recommended_max;
// This can be 0xFFFFFFFF if there's no codec-enforced max, but codecs are
// encouraged to set a large but still plausibly-workable max, and clients
// are encouraged to request a number of packets that isn't excessively large
// for the client's scenario.
uint32 packet_count_for_codec_max;
// Normally this would be an implicit 0, but for now we have a min so we can
// force the total number of packets to be a specific number that we know
// works for the moment.
uint32 packet_count_for_client_min;
// packet_count_for_client_max
// The client must set packet_count_for_client to be <=
// packet_count_for_client_max.
// This value must be at least 1. This can be 0xFFFFFFFF if there's no
// codec-enforced max. Clients are encouraged to request a number of
// packets that isn't excessively large for the client's scenario.
uint32 packet_count_for_client_max;
// single_buffer_mode_allowed false allows a codec that's not required to
// support single-buffer mode for a given input or output the ability to
// decline to support single-buffer mode on that input/output.
// All encoder output, regardless of audio or video: server support for
// single-buffer mode is optional. Please see for all the rules
// regarding single-buffer mode on output before using single-buffer mode on
// an output.
// Audio decoder output: server support for single-buffer mode is required.
// Video decoder output: There is little reason for a video decoder to
// support single-buffer mode on output. Nearly all video decoders will set
// this to false for their output.
// All decoder inputs: Servers must support single-buffer mode on input. The
// client is responsible for managing the input buffer space such that
// filling an input packet doesn't over-write any portion of an input packet
// already in flight to the codec.
// Encoder inputs: Server support for single-buffer mode on encoder input is
// optional. This is more often useful for audio than for video.
// Support for buffer-per-packet mode is always required on both input and
// output, regardless of codec type.
bool single_buffer_mode_allowed;
// If true, the buffers need to be physically contiguous pages, such as can be
// allocated using zx_vmo_create_contiguous().
bool is_physically_contiguous_required;
// VERY TEMPORARY HACK / KLUDGE - we want the BufferAllocator (or one of the
// participant drivers that needs physically contiguous buffers) to call
// zx_vmo_create_contiguous(), definitely not the Codec client, but until the
// BufferAllocator can be reached from a driver, this is to grant the client
// special powers it really shouldn't have, very temporarily until
// BufferAllocator is hooked up properly at which point this can be removed.
// Strictly speaking we could reverse which end allocates buffers in the Codec
// interface to avoid this hack even before BufferAllocator, but the overall
// path seems shorter if we jump directly from this to using BufferAllocator.
handle? very_temp_kludge_bti_handle;
// CodecOutputConfig
// The codec-controlled output configuration, including both
// CodecBufferConstraints for the output and CodecFormatDetails for the output.
// TODO(dustingreen): Need a better name for this struct, but still short
// hopefully. It's stuff the codec gets to control, not the client. It's
// different than output buffer settings, which the client does get to control
// to some extent. It's different than any configurable output settings the
// client might specify for output of an encoder.
struct CodecOutputConfig {
// A client which always immediately re-configures output buffers on receipt
// of OnOutputConfig() with buffer_constraints_action_required true can safely
// ignore this field.
// A client is permitted to ignore an OnOutputConfig() message even with
// buffer_constraints_action_required true if the client knows the server has
// already been told to discard the remainder of the stream with the same
// stream_lifetime_ordinal or if this stream_lifetime_ordinal field is set to
// 0. The server is required to re-send needed output config via
// OnOutputConfig() with new stream_lifetime_ordinal and
// buffer_constraints_action_required true, if the most recent completed
// server-side output config isn't what the server wants/needs yet for the
// new stream.
uint64 stream_lifetime_ordinal;
// buffer_constraints_action_required
// When the buffer constraints are delivered, they indicate whether action is
// required. A false value here permits delivery of constraints which are
// fresher without forcing a buffer reconfiguration. If this is false, a
// client cannot assume that it's safe to immediately re-configure output
// buffers. If this is true, the client can assume it's safe to immediately
// configure output buffers once.
// A client is permitted to ignore buffer constraint versions which have
// buffer_constraints_action_required false. The server is not permitted to
// change buffer_constraints_action_required from false to true for the same
// buffer_constraints_version_ordinal.
// For each configuration, a client must use new buffers, never buffers that
// were previously used for anything else, and never buffers previously used
// for any other Codec purposes. This rule exists for multiple good reasons,
// relevant to both mid-stream changes, and changes on stream boundaries.
// A client should just use new buffers each time.
// When this is true, the server has already de-refed as many low-level
// output buffers as the server can while still performing efficient
// transition to the new buffers and will de-ref the rest asap. A Sync() is
// not necessary to achieve non-overlap of resource usage to the extent
// efficiently permitted by the formats involved.
// If buffer_constraints_action_required is true, the server _must_ not
// deliver more output data until after output buffers have been configured
// (or re-configured) by the client.
// See for more on buffer_constraints_action_required.
bool buffer_constraints_action_required;
CodecBufferConstraints buffer_constraints;
// format_details
// It's up to the client to determine if a change in
// format_details.format_details_version_ordinal implies any client action is
// required, based on particular fields in format_details vs. any old value.
// The server guarantees that if the format has changed, then
// format_details.format_details_version_ordinal will change, but a change to
// format_details.format_details_version_ordinal does not guarantee that the
// format details actually changed. Servers are strongly encouraged to not
// change format_details.format_details_version_ordinal other than before the
// first output data of a stream unless there is a real mid-stream format
// change in the stream. Unnecessary mid-stream format changes can cause
// simpler clients that have no need to handle mid-stream format changes to
// just close the channel. Format changes before the first output data of a
// stream are not "mid-stream" in this context - those can be useful for
// stream format detection / setup reasons.
// Note that in case output buffers don't really need to be re-configured
// despite a format change, a server is encouraged, but not required, to
// set buffer_constraints_action_required false on the message that conveys
// the new format details. Simpler servers may just treat the whole output
// situation as one big thing and demand output buffer reconfiguration on any
// change in the output situation.
// A client may or may not actually handle a new buffer_constraints with
// buffer_constraints_action_required false, but the client should always
// track the latest format_details.
// An updated format_details is ordered with respect to emitted output
// packets, and applies to all subsequent packets until the next
// format_details with larger version_ordinal. A simple client that does not
// intend to handle mid-stream format changes should still keep track of the
// most recently received format_details until the first output packet
// arrives, then lock down the format details, handle those format details,
// and verify that any format_details.format_details_version_ordinal received
// from the server is the same as the locked-down format_details, until the
// client is done with the stream. Even such a simple client must tolerate
// format_details.format_details_version_ordinal changing multiple times
// before the start of data output from a stream (any stream - the first
// stream or a subsequent stream). This allows a codec to request that
// output buffers and output format be configured speculatively, and for the
// output config to be optionally adjusted by the server before the first
// data output from a stream after the server knows everything it needs to
// know to fully establish the initial output format details. This
// simplifies codec server implementation, and allows a clever codec server
// to guess it's output config for lower latency before any input data, while
// still being able to fix the output config (including format details) if
// the guess turns out to be wrong.
// Whether the format_details.format_details_version_ordinal will actually
// change mid-stream is a per-codec and per-stream detail that is not
// specified in comments here, and in most cases also depends on whether the
// format changes on the input to the codec. Probably it'll be fairly common
// for a client to use a format which technically supports mid-stream format
// change, but the client happens to know that none of the streams the client
// intends to process will ever have a mid-stream format change.
CodecFormatDetails format_details;
// Default values for input and output
// CodecBufferConstraints.default_settings.packet_count_for_codec.
// These are defined as "const" in FIDL to avoid all server implementations
// needing to separately define their own values, and these should be
// reasonable as default values, but strictly speaking this is not intended to
// promise that this value won't change from build to build. If a client cares
// about a specific number, the client should separately define what that
// number is and ensure that CodecPortBufferSettings.packet_count_for_client is
// at least large enough.
// In contrast to packet_count_for_client, the packet_count_for_codec is much
// more codec-specific, so this file has no numbers for that - each codec will
// set those as appropriate for the specific codec.
// These are not "recommended" values, only "default" values, in the sense that
// the codec doesn't really know what the correct setting for these values is
// for a given client, and if the default is not appropriate for a client,
// large problems could result such as deadlock. See the comments on
// packet_count_for_client.
// Despite these defaults, every client should ideally care about the
// packet_count_for_client setting and should ensure that the setting is at
// least large enough to cover the number of packets the client might ever need
// to camp on for any non-transient duration concurrently. The defaults are
// only intended to be plausible for some clients, not all clients.
// One for the client to be filling and one in transit.
const uint32 kDefaultInputPacketCountForClient = 2;
// One for the client to be rendering, and one in transit.
const uint32 kDefaultOutputPacketCountForClient = 2;
// For input, this is the default on a fairly arbitrary basis.
// TODO(dustingreen): Do we want the default for audio encoding to be
// single_buffer_mode true instead? If so, we may split this up by audio/video
// encoder/decoder.
const bool kDefaultInputIsSingleBufferMode = false;
const bool kDefaultOutputIsSingleBufferMode = false;
// CodecPortBufferSettings
// See relevant corresponding constraints in CodecBufferConstraints. The
// settings must satisfy the constraints.
// The client informs the codec of these settings and then separately informs
// the codec of each buffer.
// TODO(dustingreen): Rename from CodecPortBufferSettings to CodecBufferSettings
// in a separate CL (after some other stuff is out of the way first).
struct CodecPortBufferSettings {
// buffer_lifetime_ordinal
// The containing message starts a new buffer_lifetime_ordinal.
// There is a separate buffer_lifetime_ordinal for input vs. output.
// Re-use of the same value is not allowed. Values must be odd. Values must
// only increase (increasing by more than 2 is permitted).
// A buffer_lifetime_ordinal lifetime starts at SetInputBufferSettings() or
// SetOutputBufferSettings(), and ends at the earlier of
// CloseCurrentStream() with release_input_buffers/release_output_buffers set
// or SetOutputBufferSettings() with new buffer_lifetime_ordinal in the case
// of mid-stream output config change.
// See for more on buffer_lifetime_ordinal.
uint64 buffer_lifetime_ordinal;
// buffer_constraints_version_ordinal
// This value indicates which version of constraints the client is/was aware
// of so far.
// For input, this must always be 0 because constraints don't change for
// input (settings can change, but there's no settings vs current constraints
// synchronization issue on input).
// For output, this allows the server to know when the client is sufficiently
// caught up before the server will generate any more output.
// When there is no active stream, a client is permitted to re-configure
// buffers again using the same buffer_constraints_version_ordinal.
// See for more on buffer_constraints_version_ordinal.
uint64 buffer_constraints_version_ordinal;
// The total packet count is split into two pieces to disambiguate how many
// packets are allocated for the client to hold onto for whatever reason, vs.
// how many packets are allocated for the server to hold onto for whatever
// reason.
// Extra packets to provide slack for performance reasons can be in either
// category, but typically packet_count_for_codec_recommended will already
// include any performance-relevant slack for the server's benefit.
// packet_count_for_codec
// How many packets the client is allocating for the codec server's use.
// This must be >= CodecBufferConstraints.packet_count_for_codec_min. If
// constraints change such that this would no longer be true, the server will
// send an OnOutputConfig() event.
// The codec server is allowed to demand that all of packet_count_for_codec
// become free before making further progress, even if
// packet_count_for_codec is > packet_count_for_codec_min.
// A reasonable value for this is
// CodecBufferConstraints.packet_count_for_codec_recommended.
// See for more on packet_count_for_codec.
uint32 packet_count_for_codec;
// packet_count_for_client
// This must be at least 1. The server will close the channel if this is 0.
// How many packets the client is allocating for the client's use. The
// client may hold onto this many packets for arbitrarily-long duration
// without handing these packets to the codec, and despite doing so, the
// codec will continue to make progress and function normally without getting
// stuck. The client holding onto additional packets transiently is ok, but
// the client needs to hand those additional packets back to the codec
// eventually if the client wants the codec to make further progress.
// In addition to this value needing to include at least as many packets as
// the client ever intends to concurrently camp on indefinitely, any extra
// slack to benefit client-side performance should also be included here.
// A typical value for this could be at least 2, but it depends strongly on
// client implementation and overall client buffering goals. It is up to the
// client to determine how many packets are needed in this category by any
// parts of the overall system that will be holding onto packets for any
// reason. Those parts of the system should have a documented and possibly
// queryable defined value to help determine this number. Setting this value
// lower than it actually needs to be can result in the codec not making
// progress as it sits waiting for packets, with the client unable to recycle
// any more packets to the codec. That situation can be difficult to
// diagnose, while excessively-large values here are wasteful, so care is
// warranted to set this value properly.
uint32 packet_count_for_client;
// per_packet_buffer_bytes
// In buffer-per-packet mode, we require that each buffer have usable bytes
// equal to per_packet_buffer_bytes. Use of differently-sized low-level
// buffers is possible, but the size of the portion used via the Codec
// interface per CodecBuffer must be the same for all the buffers.
// In single-buffer mode, we require the portion of the low-level buffer used
// via the Codec interface to be size (packet_count_for_codec +
// packet_count_for_client) * per_packet_buffer_bytes.
// TODO(dustingreen): determine if we need to relax these restrictions a bit
// for convenience when using gralloc video buffers.
uint32 per_packet_buffer_bytes;
// If true, there is only one buffer with index 0 which all packets
// implicitly refer to. If false, the packet_index and buffer_index are 1:1,
// and each packet refers to its corresponding buffer.
// While it's possible to set up single_buffer_mode false with each buffer
// referring to the same underlying VMO, single_buffer_mode true is more
// efficient for that case since only one mapping is created.
bool single_buffer_mode;
// CodecBuffer
// The CodecBuffer struct represents a pre-configured buffer.
// Both input and output uses CodecBuffer(s), but the two sets of buffers are
// separate.
// The client uses SetInputBufferSettings() + AddInputBuffer() * N to inform
// the codec about all the input buffers.
// The client uses SetOutputBufferSettings() + AddOutputBuffer() * N to inform
// the codec about all the output buffers.
// When single_buffer_mode is true, there is only buffer_index 0 shared by all
// CodecPacket(s) of the relevant input or output. When single_buffer_mode is
// false, the buffer_index equals the packet_index.
struct CodecBuffer {
// When using AddOutputBuffer()/AddInputBuffer(), this must match the
// buffer_lifetime_ordinal of the most recent
// SetOutputBufferSettings()/SetInputBufferSettings().
uint64 buffer_lifetime_ordinal;
// Buffers must be added via AddOutputBuffer() / AddInputBuffer() in order by
// buffer_index, and the buffer_index is always equal to 0 or equal to the
// packet_index (depending on single_buffer_mode true or false), but it's
// still nice to have CodecBuffer include the buffer_index if only for easier
// debugging.
uint32 buffer_index;
// For each new buffer_lifetime_ordinal, a client must use new low-level
// buffers. This rule exists for multiple very good reasons, and is relevant
// to mid-stream changes, changes on stream boundaries, and both input and
// output buffers. A new buffer_lifetime_ordinal needs new low-level
// buffers, not just new CodecBuffer(s). If you find yourself copying
// compressed input data into new low-level input buffers solely due to this
// rule, consider asking the source of the data for the ability to directly
// fill new VMOs. The rule exists for good reasons, even for input buffers.
// The previous paragraph does not prohibit carving up VMOs into sub-pieces
// and using different sub-pieces as different CodecBuffer(s), with some VMOs
// used for more than one CodecBuffer and possibly others used for only one
// CodecBuffer. While this is permitted and enables some optimizations, it's
// not expected to be particularly common.
// See for more on CodecBufferData, and more on why we never re-use
// the same low-level buffers for different buffer_lifetime_ordinal(s).
CodecBufferData data;
// CodecBufferData
// For the moment, a VMO per buffer is the only type of buffer.
// This is extremely likely to change significantly when adding gralloc stuff,
// but the idea with this union is to have a struct per logical way of storing
// the data. Any multi-domain storage within a gralloc buffer will likely be
// only indirectly represented here.
union CodecBufferData {
CodecBufferDataVmo vmo;
// TODO(dustingreen): add the gralloc way
// CodecBufferDataVmo
// Details for a buffer backed by a VMO.
struct CodecBufferDataVmo {
// The same VMO can be used by more than one CodecBuffer (only of the same
// buffer_lifetime_ordinal), but each vmo_handle must be a separate handle.
handle<vmo> vmo_handle;
// Offset within the VMO of the first usable byte. Must be < the VMO's size
// in bytes.
uint64 vmo_usable_start;
// VMO-relative offset that's one past the last usable byte. This can point
// one byte beyond the end of the VMO if desired. In other words, this can
// be equal to the VMO's size, to indicate that the last byte of the VMO is
// usable (and possibly many byte before that, depending on
// vmo_usable_start).
uint64 vmo_usable_size;
// CodecPacketHeader
// When referring to a free packet, we use CodecPacketHeader alone instead of
// CodecPacket, since while a packet is free it doesn't really have meaningful
// offset or length etc.
// A populated CodecPacket also has a CodecPacketHeader.
struct CodecPacketHeader {
// This is which buffer configuration lifetime this header is referring to.
// A packet_index is only really meaningful with respect to a particular
// buffer_lifetime_ordinal.
// See CodecPortBufferSettings.buffer_lifetime_ordinal.
// For QueueInputPacket(), a server receiving a buffer_lifetime_ordinal that
// isn't the current input buffer_lifetime_ordinal will close the channel.
// For OnFreeInputPacket() and RecycleOutputPacket(), the receiver (client or
// server) must ignore a message with stale buffer_lifetime_ordinal.
uint64 buffer_lifetime_ordinal;
// The overall set of packet_index values is densely packed from 0..count-1
// for input and output separately. They can be queued in any order.
// Both the client and server should validate the packet_index against the
// known bound and disconnect if it's out of bounds.
// When running in buffer-per-packet mode, the packet_index is also the
// buffer index. When running in single-buffer mode, the buffer index is
// always 0 referring to the single buffer.
// The packet_index values don't imply anything about order of use of
// packets. The client should not expect the ordering to remain the same over
// time - the codec is free to hold on to an input or output packet for a
// while during which other packet_index values may be used multiple times.
// For a given properly-functioning Codec instance, packet_index values will
// be unique among concurrently-outstanding packets. Servers should validate
// that a client isn't double-using a packet and clients should validate as
// necessary to avoid undefined or unexpected client behavior.
uint32 packet_index;
// CodecPacket
// A CodecPacket represents a chunk of input or output data to or from a codec.
// codec output:
// While the CodecPacket is outstanding with the client via OnOutputPacket(),
// the codec will avoid modifying the referenced output data. After the client
// calls RecycleOutputPacket(packet_index), the codec is notified that the
// client is again ok with the referenced data changing.
// codec input:
// The client initially has all packet_index(es) available to fill, and later
// gets packet_index(s) that are again ready to fill via OnFreeInputPacket().
// The client must not modify the referenced data in between QueueInputPacket()
// and OnFreeInputPacket().
struct CodecPacket {
CodecPacketHeader header;
// Which buffer this packet refers to. For single-buffer mode this will
// always be 0, but for multi-buffer mode, a given in-flight interval of a
// packet can refer to any buffer. The packet has an associated buffer only
// while the packet is in-flight, not while the packet is free.
// The default value makes accidental inappropriate use of index 0 less
// likely (will tend to complain in an obvious way if not filled out instead
// of a non-obvious data corruption when decoding buffer 0 repeatedly instead
// of the correct buffers).
uint32 buffer_index = 0x80000000;
// stream_lifetime_ordinal
// The value 1 is the lowest permitted value after codec creation. Values
// sent by the client must be odd. Values must only increase.
// A stream_lifetime_ordinal represents the lifetime of a stream. All
// messages that are specific to a stream have the stream_lifetime_ordinal
// value and the value is the same for all messages relating to a given
// stream.
// See for more on stream_lifetime_ordinal.
uint64 stream_lifetime_ordinal;
// start_offset and valid_length_bytes
// Which part of the relevant buffer is this packet using. These are valid
// for input data that's in-flight to the codec, and are valid for output data
// from the codec.
// For compressed formats and uncompressed audio, the data in
// [start_offset, start_offset + valid_length_bytes) is the contiguously valid
// data referred to by this packet.
// For uncompressed video frames, CodecFormatDetails is the primary means of
// determining which bytes are relevant. The offsets in CodecFormatDetails
// are relative to the start_offset here. The valid_length_bytes must be
// large enough to include the full last line of pixel data, including the
// full line stride of the last line (not just the width in pixels of the
// last line).
// Despite these being filled out, some uncompressed video buffers are of
// types that are not readable by the CPU. These fields being here don't
// imply there's any way for the CPU to read an uncompressed frame.
// TODO(dustingreen): Do we have any reason to require that these be filled
// out for opaque uncompressed video frames that the CPU can't read? In that
// case do we want to require them just so they can be potentially passed on
// to a HW renderer in case the HW renderer has any use for them? Or more
// likely, it may just be that these tend to refer to the whole size of an
// uncompressed buffer, with format_details taking care of specifying which
// bytes are actually relevant.
uint32 start_offset;
// valid_length_bytes
// This must be > 0.
// The semantics for valid data per packet vary depending on data type as
// follows.
// uncompressed video - A video frame can't be split across packets. Each
// packet is one video frame.
// uncompressed audio - Regardless of float or int, linear or uLaw, or number
// of channels, a packet must contain an non-negative number of complete
// audio frames, where a single audio frame consists of data for all the
// channels for the same single point in time. Any codec-specific internal
// details re. lower rate sampling for LFE channel or the like should be
// hidden by the Codec server implementation.
// compressed data input - A packet must contain at least one byte of data.
// See also codec_input_bytes_min. Splitting AUs at arbitrary byte
// boundaries is permitted, including at boundaries that are in AU headers.
// compressed data output - The codec is not required to fully fill each
// output packet's buffer.
uint32 valid_length_bytes;
// This value is not strictly speaking a timestamp. It is an arbitrary
// unsigned 64-bit number that, under some circumstances, will be passed by a
// codec unmodified from an input packet to the exactly-corresponding output
// packet.
// For timestamp_ish values to be propagated from input to output the
// following conditions must be true:
// * promise_separate_access_units_on_input must be true
// * has_timestamp_ish must be true for a given input packet, to have that
// timestamp_ish value (potentially) propagate through to an output
// * the Codec instance itself decides (async) that the input packet
// generates an output packet - if a given input never generates an output
// packet then the timestamp_ish value on the input will never show up on
// any output packet - depending on the characteristics of the input and
// output formats, and whether a decoder is willing to join mid-stream, etc
// this can be more or less likely to occur, but clients should be written
// to accommodate timestamp_ish values that are fed on input but never show
// up on output, at least to a reasonable degree (not crashing, not
// treating as an error).
// See for more on timestamp_ish.
bool has_timestamp_ish;
uint64 timestamp_ish;
// start_access_unit
// If promise_separate_access_units_on_input (TODO(dustingreen): or any
// similar mode for output) is true, this bool must be set appropriately
// depending on whether byte 0 _is_ or _is not_ the start of an access unit.
// The client is required to know, and required to set this boolean properly.
// The server is allowed to infer that when this boolean is false, byte 0 is
// the first byte of a continuation of a previously-started AU. (The byte at
// start_offset is "byte 0".)
// If promise_separate_access_units_on_input is false, this boolean is
// ignored.
bool start_access_unit;
// known_end_access_unit
// A client is never required to set this boolean to true.
// If promise_separate_access_units_on_input is true, for input data, this
// boolean must be false if the last byte of this packet is not the last byte
// of an AU, and this boolean _may_ be true if the last byte of this packet
// is the last byte of an AU. A client delivering one AU at a time that's
// interested in the lowest possible latency via the decoder should set this
// boolean to true when it can be set to true.
// If promise_separate_access_units_on_input is false, this boolean is
// ignored.
bool known_end_access_unit;
// Codec
// The Codec interface exists to anchor the configuration of input and output
// buffers, and depending on Codec server hosting strategy, the Codec interface
// can, in some configurations, be 1:1 with a codec isolate (process),
// especially when using SW codecs. The Codec can be used to process up to one
// stream at a time.
// Descriptions of actions taken by methods of this interface and the states of
// things are given as if the methods are synchronously executed by the codec
// server, but in reality, as is typical of FIDL interfaces, the message
// processing is async. The states described are to be read as the state from
// the client's point of view unless otherwise stated. Events coming back from
// the server are of course delivered async, and a client that processes more
// than one stream per Codec instance needs to care whether a given event is
// from the current stream vs. some older soon-to-be-gone stream.
// The Sync() method's main purpose is to enable the client to robustly prevent
// having both old and new buffers allocated in the system at the same time,
// since media buffers can be significantly large, depending. The Sync() method
// achieves this by only delivering it's response when all previous calls to
// the Codec interface have actually taken effect in the StreamControl ordering
// domain. Sync() can also be used to wait for the codec server to catch up if
// there's a possibility that a client might otherwise get too far ahead of the
// Codec server, by for example requesting creation of a large number of
// streams in a row. It can also be used during debugging to ensure that a
// codec server hasn't gotten stuck. Calling Sync() is entirely optional and
// never required for correctness - only potentially required to de-overlap
// resource usage.
// Semi-trusted Codec server - SW decoders run in an isolate (with very few
// capabilities) just in case the decoding SW has a vulnerability which could
// be used to take over the Codec server. Clients of the codec interface using
// decoders and processing streams of separate security contexts, to a greater
// extent than some other interfaces, need to protect themselves against
// invalid server behavior, such as double-free of a packet_index and any other
// invalid server behavior. Having fed in compressed data of one security
// context, don't place too much trust in a single Codec instance to not mix
// data among any buffers that Codec server has ever been told about. Instead,
// create separate Codec instances for use by security-separate client-side
// contexts. While the picture for HW-based decoders looks somewhat different
// and is out of scope of this paragraph, the client should always use separate
// Codec instances for security-separate client-side contexts.
interface Codec {
// EnableOnStreamFailed()
// Permit the server to use OnStreamFailed() instead of the server just
// closing the whole Codec channel on stream failure.
// If the server hasn't seen this message by the time a stream fails, the
// server will close the Codec channel instead of sending OnStreamFailed().
// OnStreamFailed()
// The stream has failed, but the Codec instance is still usable for a new
// stream.
// This message is only ever sent by the server if the client previously sent
// EnableOnStreamFailed(). If the client didn't send EnableOnStreamFailed()
// then the server closes the Codec channel instead.
// Codec server implementations are encouraged to handle stream errors (and
// ideally to also report them via error_ bools of OnOutputPacket() and
// OnOutputEndOfStream()) without failing the whole stream, but if a codec
// server is unable to do that, but still can cleanly contain the failure to
// the stream, the codec server can (assuming EnableOnStreamFailed() was
// called) use OnStreamFailed() to indicate the stream failure to the client
// without closing the Codec channel.
// An ideal Codec server handles problems with input data without sending
// this message, but sending this message is preferred vs. closing the server
// end of the Codec channel if the Codec server can 100% reliably contain the
// stream failure to the stream, without any adverse impact to any later
// stream.
// No further messages will arrive from the server regarding the failed
// stream. This includes any OnOutputEndOfStream() that the client would
// have otherwise expected.
// TODO(dustingreen): Add at least an error_message string and _maybe_ a
// zx_status_t, though that might tend to encourage mis-use of zx_status_t so
// maybe just error_message for quicker debugging on the client side. Also
// plumb from CodecAdapterH264 and similar.
-> OnStreamFailed(uint64 stream_lifetime_ordinal);
// OnInputConstraints()
// The server sends this shortly after Codec creation to indicate input
// buffer constraints. The "min" and "max" input constraints don't change
// for the life of the Codec.
// The "max" values for buffer size and count are large enough to support the
// most demanding format the server supports on input. The "recommended"
// values should be workable for use with the input CodecFormatDetails
// conveyed during Codec creation. The "recommended" values are not
// necessarily suitable if the client uses QueueInputFormatDetails() to
// change the input format. In that case it's up to the client to determine
// suitable values, either by creating a new Codec instance instead, or
// knowing suitable values outside the scope of this protocol.
// See comments on CodecBufferConstraints.
// This message is guaranteed to be sent unsolicited to the Codec client
// during or shortly after Codec creation. Clients should not depend on this
// being the very first message to arrive at the client. OnOutputConfig()
// may be sent first by some codecs that already know their initial output
// config without any input data, to encourage (but not strictly require) the
// client to configure output buffers before feeding the first input, to
// avoid a wasteful OnOutputConfig() being generated for that first stream if
// the client has started configuring output but isn't done configuring
// output before the client sends the first input data for the first stream.
// A client is free to ignore OnOutputConfig() with a stale
// stream_lifetime_ordinal, but handling OnOutputConfig() with
// stream_lifetime_ordinal 0 (if any are sent) can help reduce latency to
// first output. See OnOutputConfig() for more details.
// The "min" and "max" input constraints are guaranteed not to change for a
// given Codec instance. The "recommended" values may effectively change
// when the server processes QueueInputFormatDetails(). There is not any way
// in the protocol short of creating a new Codec instance for the client to
// get those new "recommended" values.
// TODO(dustingreen): Maybe provide a way for the client to get updated
// "recommended" values for input, maybe only on request rather than via this
// event, to keep things simpler for simpler clients. Maybe separate the
// recommendations from the constraints.
-> OnInputConstraints(CodecBufferConstraints input_constraints);
// SetInputBufferSettings() and AddInputBuffer()
// Configuring input buffers consists of calling SetInputBufferSettings()
// followed by a number of calls to AddInputBuffer() equal to the number of
// buffers set via SetInputBufferSettings(). In buffer-per-packet mode, this
// is the same as the number of packets. In single-buffer mode, this is 1.
// After OnInputConstraints(), the client uses these two methods to set up
// input buffers and packets.
// Configuring input buffers is required before QueueInputPacket().
// The client can also re-set-up input buffers any time there is no current
// stream. The client need not wait until all previously-set-up input
// buffers are with the client via OnFreeInputPacket(). The old
// buffer_lifetime_ordinal just ends. See for more info on "buffer
// lifetime".
// The recommended way to de-overlap resource usage (when/if the client wants
// to) is to send CloseCurrentStream() with release_input_buffers true then
// send Sync() and wait for its response before allocating any new buffers.
// How to cause other parts of the system to release their references on
// low-level buffers is outside the scope of this interface.
// This call ends any previous buffer_lifetime_ordinal, and starts a new one.
SetInputBufferSettings(CodecPortBufferSettings input_settings);
// The client is required to add all the input buffers before sending any
// message that starts a new stream else the codec will close the Codec
// channel.
// When the last buffer is added with this message, all the input packets
// effectively jump from non-existent to free with the client. The Codec
// will not generate an OnFreeInputPacket() for each new input packet. The
// client can immediately start sending QueueInputPacket() after sending the
// last AddInputBuffer().
AddInputBuffer(CodecBuffer buffer);
// OnOutputConfig()
// This event informs the client of new output config. The server will send
// at least one of these messages before the first output packet of a stream,
// but that message might not have buffer_constraints_action_required true.
// If buffer_constraints_action_required is true and the
// stream_lifetime_ordinal matches the current stream, the client must react
// by configuring or re-configuring output buffers.
// Some clients may prefer not to support mid-stream output config changes,
// but even those clients are required to process OnOutputConfig() messages
// up to the first output packet of each stream, as OnOutputConfig() is used
// for stream format detection as well as for potential mid-stream output
// config changes.
// For more on OnOutputConfig(), see
-> OnOutputConfig(CodecOutputConfig output_config);
// SetOutputBufferSettings() and AddOutputBuffer()
// These are not permitted until after the first OnOutputConfig().
// Roughly speaking, these messages are sent in response to OnOutputConfig()
// with buffer_constraints_action_required true.
// Configuring output buffers consists of calling SetOutputBufferSettings()
// followed by a number of calls to AddOutputBuffer() equal to the number of
// buffers set via SetOutputBufferSettings(). In buffer-per-packet mode, this
// is the same as the number of packets. In single-buffer mode, this is 1.
// Configuring output buffers is _required_ after OnOutputConfig() is
// received by the client with buffer_constraints_action_required true and
// stream_lifetime_ordinal equal to the client's current
// stream_lifetime_ordinal (even if there is an active stream), and is
// _permitted_ any time there is no current stream.
// For more on SetOutputBufferSettings() and AddOutputBuffer(), see
SetOutputBufferSettings(CodecPortBufferSettings output_settings);
AddOutputBuffer(CodecBuffer buffer);
// FlushEndOfStreamAndCloseStream()
// This message is optional.
// This message is only valid after QueueInputEndOfStream() for this stream.
// The stream_lifetime_ordinal input parameter must match the
// stream_lifetime_ordinal of the QueueInputEndOfStream(), else the server
// will close the channel.
// A client can use this message to flush through (not discard) the last
// input data of a stream so that the codec server generates corresponding
// output data for all the input data before the server moves on to the next
// stream, without forcing the client to wait for OnOutputEndOfStream()
// before queueing data of another stream.
// The difference between QueueInputEndOfStream() and
// FlushEndOfStreamAndCloseStream(): QueueInputEndOfStream() is a promise
// from the client that there will not be any more input data for the stream
// (and this info is needed by some codecs for the codec to ever emit the very
// last output data). The QueueInputEndOfStream() having been sent doesn't
// prevent the client from later completely discarding the rest of the
// current stream by closing the current stream (with or without a stream
// switch). In contrast, FlushEndOfStreamAndCloseStream() is a request from
// the client that all the previously-queued input data be processed
// including the logical "EndOfStream" showing up as OnOutputEndOfStream()
// (in success case) before moving on to any newer stream - this essentially
// changes the close-stream handling from discard to flush-through for this
// stream only.
// A client using this message can start providing input data for a new
// stream without that causing discard of old stream data. That's the purpose
// of this message - to allow a client to flush through (not discard) the old
// stream's last data (instead of the default when closing or switching
// streams which is discard).
// Because the old stream is not done processing yet and the old stream's
// data is not being discarded, the client must be prepared to continue to
// process OnOutputConfig() messages until the stream_lifetime_ordinal is
// done. The client will know the stream_lifetime_ordinal is done when
// OnOutputEndOfStream(), OnStreamFailed(), or the Codec channel closes.
// For more on FlushEndOfStreamAndCloseStream(), see
FlushEndOfStreamAndCloseStream(uint64 stream_lifetime_ordinal);
// CloseCurrentStream()
// This "closes" the current stream, leaving no current stream. In addition,
// this message can optionally release input buffers or output buffers.
// If there has never been any active stream, the stream_lifetime_ordinal must
// be zero or the server will close the channel. If there has been an active
// stream, the stream_lifetime_ordinal must be the most recent active stream
// whether that stream is still active or not. Else the server will close the
// channel.
// Multiple of this message without any new active stream in between is not
// to be considered an error, which allows a client to use this message to
// close the current stream to stop wasting processing power on a stream the
// user no longer cares about, then later decide that buffers should be
// released and send this message again with release_input_buffers and/or
// release_output_buffers true to get the buffers released, if the client is
// interested in trying to avoid overlap in resource usage between old
// buffers and new buffers (not all clients are).
// See also Sync().
// For more on CloseCurrentStream(), see
uint64 stream_lifetime_ordinal,
bool release_input_buffers,
bool release_output_buffers);
// Sync() -> ()
// On completion, all previous Codec calls have done what they're going to do
// server-side, _except_ for processing of data queued using
// QueueInputPacket().
// The main purpose of this call is to enable the client to wait until
// CloseCurrentStream() with release_input_buffers and/or
// release_output_buffers set to true to take effect, before the client
// allocates new buffers and re-sets-up input and/or output buffers. This
// de-overlapping of resource usage can be worthwhile for media buffers which
// can consume resource types whose overall pools aren't necessarily vast in
// comparison to resources consumed. Especially if a client is reconfiguring
// buffers multiple times.
// Note that Sync() prior to allocating new media buffers is not alone
// sufficient to achieve non-overlap of media buffer resource usage system
// wide, but it can be a useful part of achieving that.
// The Sync() transits the Output ordering domain and the StreamControl
// ordering domain, but not the InputData ordering domain. For more on
// ordering domains see
// This request can be used to avoid hitting kMaxInFlightStreams which is
// presently 10. A client that stays <= 8 in-flight streams will comfortably
// stay under the limit of 10. While the protocol permits repeated
// SetInputBufferSettings() and the like, a client that spams the channel
// can expect that the channel will just close if the server or the channel
// itself gets too far behind.
Sync() -> ();
// OnOutputPacket()
// This is how the codec emits an output packet to the codec client.
// Order is significant.
// The client should eventually call RecycleOutputPacket() (possibly after
// switching streams multiple times), unless the buffer_lifetime_ordinal has
// moved on. A stream change doesn't change which packets are busy with
// the client vs. free with the server. See "packet lifetime" in for
// more.
// The relevant buffer is buffer 0 if running in single-buffer mode, or the
// buffer index is the same as packet_index if running in buffer-per-packet
// mode.
// For low-level buffer types that support it, a Codec is free to emit an
// output packet before the low-level buffer actually has any usable data in
// the buffer, with the mechanism for signalling the presence of data
// separate from the OnOutputPacket() message. For such low-level buffer
// types, downstream consumers of data from the emitted packet must
// participate in the low-level buffer signalling mechanism to know when it's
// safe to consume the data. This is most likely to be relevant when using a
// video decoder and gralloc-style buffers.
// The error_ bool(s) allow (but do not require) a Codec server to report
// errors that happen during an AU or between AUs.
// The scope of error_detected_before starts at the end of the last delivered
// output packet on this stream, or the start of stream if there were no
// previous output packets on this stream. The scope ends at the start of
// the output_packet.
// The error_detected_before bool is separate so that discontinuities can be
// indicated separately from whether the current packet is damaged.
// The scope of error_detected_during is from the start to the end of this
// output_packet.
-> OnOutputPacket(
CodecPacket output_packet,
bool error_detected_before,
bool error_detected_during);
// RecycleOutputPacket()
// After the client is done with an output packet, the client needs to tell
// the codec that the output packet can be re-used for more output, via this
// method.
// It's not permitted to recycle an output packet that's already free with the
// codec server. It's permitted but discouraged for a client to recycle an
// output packet that has been deallocated by an explicit or implicit output
// buffer de-configuration(). See buffer_lifetime_ordinal for more on that.
// A server must ignore any such stale RecycleOutputPacket() calls.
// For more on RecycleOutputPacket(), see
RecycleOutputPacket(CodecPacketHeader available_output_packet);
// OnOutputEndOfStream()
// After QueueInputEndOfStream() is sent by the Codec client, within a
// reasonable duration the corresponding OnOutputEndOfStream() will be sent by
// the Codec server. Similar to QueueInputEndOfStream(),
// OnOutputEndOfStream() is sent a maximum of once per stream.
// No more stream data for this stream will be sent after this message. All
// input data for this stream was processed.
// While a Codec client is not required to QueueInputEndOfStream() (unless
// the client wants to use FlushEndOfStreamAndCloseStream()), if a Codec
// server receives QueueInputEndOfStream(), and the client hasn't closed the
// stream, the Codec server must generate a corresponding
// OnOutputEndOfStream() if nothing went wrong, or must send
// OnStreamFailed(), or must close the server end of the Codec channel. An
// ideal Codec server would handle and report stream errors via the error_
// flags and complete stream processing without sending OnStreamFailed(), but
// in any case, the above-listed options are the only ways that an
// OnOutputEndOfStream() won't happen after QueueInputEndOfStream().
// There will be no more OnOutputPacket() or OnOutputConfig() messages for
// this stream_lifetime_ordinal after this message - if a server doesn't
// follow this rule, a client should close the Codec channel.
// The error_detected_before bool has the same semantics as the
// error_detected_before bool in OnOutputPacket().
-> OnOutputEndOfStream(
uint64 stream_lifetime_ordinal,
bool error_detected_before);
// Stream specific messages:
// QueueInputFormatDetails()
// If the input format details are still the same as specified during Codec
// creation, this message is unnecessary and does not need to be sent.
// If the stream doesn't exist yet, this message creates the stream.
// All servers must permit QueueInputFormatDetails() at the start of a stream
// without failing, as long as the new format is supported by the Codec
// instance. Technically this allows for a server to only support the exact
// input format set during Codec creation, and that is by design. A client
// that tries to switch formats and gets a Codec channel failure should try
// again one more time with a fresh Codec instance created with CodecFactory
// using the new input format during creation, before giving up.
// These format details override the format details
// specified during codec creation for this stream only. The next stream will
// default back to the format details set during codec creation.
// For now, QueueInputFormatDetails() sent mid-stream will fail the Codec
// channel. Clients shouldn't do this for now.
// This message is permitted at the start of the first stream (just like at
// the start of any stream). The format specified need not match what was
// specified during codec creation, but if it doesn't match, the Codec channel
// might close as described above.
uint64 stream_lifetime_ordinal, CodecFormatDetails format_details);
// QueueInputPacket()
// This message queues input data to the codec for processing.
// If the stream doesn't exist yet, this message creates the new stream.
// The client is required to be willing to send QueueInputPacket() prior to
// the server's first OnOutputConfig(), and is permitted to start a new stream
// without output buffers configured yet.
// The client must continue to deliver input data via this message even if the
// codec has not yet generated the first OnOutputConfig(), and even if the
// Codec is generating OnFreeInputPacket() for previously-queued input
// packets. The input data must continue as long as there are free packets
// to be assured that the server will ever generate the first
// OnOutputConfig().
// For more on QueueInputPacket(), see
QueueInputPacket(CodecPacket packet);
// OnFreeInputPacket()
// The server sends this message when the codec is done consuming this packet
// and the packet can be re-filled by the client.
// This is not sent for all packets when a new buffer_lifetime_ordinal starts
// as in that case all the packets are initially free with the client.
// See comments on QueueInputBuffer() and "packet lifetime" in for
// for description of buffer lifetime and packet lifetime.
// After receiving the available input buffer via this event, the codec
// client can call later call QueueInputBuffer with appropriate offset and
// length set.
// TODO(dustingreen): At the moment, there is no guarantee re. the order of
// these messages with respect to the order of QueueInputPacket(), but at
// least for decoders, it might be worthwhile to require that servers preserve
// the order vs. QueueInputPacket(), to make it easier to feed input from a
// ring buffer or similar. For audio encoders it might still make sense. For
// video encoders probably not.
-> OnFreeInputPacket(CodecPacketHeader free_input_packet);
// Inform the server that all QueueInputPacket() messages for this stream
// have been sent.
// If the stream isn't closed first (by the client, or by OnStreamFailed(), or
// Codec channel closing), there will later be a corresponding
// OnOutputEndOfStream().
// The corresponding OnOutputEndOfStream() message will be generated only if
// the server finishes processing the stream before the server sees the
// client close the stream (such as by starting a new stream). A way to
// force the server to finish the stream before closing is to use
// FlushEndOfStreamAndCloseStream() after QueueInputEndOfStream() before any
// new stream. Another way to force the server to finish the stream before
// closing is to wait for the OnOutputEndOfStream() before taking any action
// that closes the stream.
// In addition to serving as an "EndOfStream" marker to make it obvious
// client-side when all input data has been processed, if a client never
// sends QueueInputEndOfStream(), no amount of waiting will necessarily
// result in all input data getting processed through to the output. Some
// codecs have some internally-delayed data which only gets pushed through by
// additional input data _or_ by this EndOfStream marker. In that sense,
// this message can be viewed as a flush-through at InputData domain level,
// but the flush-through only takes effect if the codec even gets that far
// before the stream is just closed at StreamControl domain level. This
// message is not alone sufficient to act as an overall flush-through at
// StreamControl level. For that, send this message first and then send
// FlushEndOfStreamAndCloseStream() (at which point it becomes possible to
// queue input data for a new stream without causing discard of this older
// stream's data), or wait for the OnOutputEndOfStream() before closing the
// current stream.
// If a client sends QueueInputPacket(), QueueInputFormatDetails(),
// QueueInputEndOfStream() for this stream after the first
// QueueInputEndOfStream() for this stream, a server should close the Codec
// channel.
QueueInputEndOfStream(uint64 stream_lifetime_ordinal);