blob: ce3d76022b47e334b712dfe4ee0900059d862e9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/util/rk4_spring_simulation.h"
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "lib/fxl/macros.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
RK4SpringSimulation::RK4SpringSimulation(float initial_value, float tension,
float friction)
: tension_(tension),
is_done_(true) {}
void RK4SpringSimulation::SetTargetValue(float target_value) {
if (target_value_ != target_value) {
// If we're flipping the spring we need to flip its velocity.
bool was_going_positively = target_value_ > start_value_;
float value = GetValue();
bool will_be_going_positively = target_value > value;
if (was_going_positively != will_be_going_positively) {
velocity_ = -velocity_;
start_value_ = value;
target_value_ = target_value;
if (start_value_ != target_value_) {
spring_value_ = 0.f;
is_done_ = false;
acceleration_multiplier_ = 0.f;
float RK4SpringSimulation::GetValue() {
return fbl::clamp(
start_value_ + spring_value_ * (target_value_ - start_value_),
std::min(start_value_, target_value_),
std::max(start_value_, target_value_));
void RK4SpringSimulation::ElapseTime(float seconds) {
FXL_DCHECK(seconds >= 0);
if (is_done_)
float seconds_remaining = seconds;
while (seconds_remaining > 0.f) {
float step_size = std::min(seconds_remaining, kMaxStepSize);
acceleration_multiplier_ =
std::min(1.f, acceleration_multiplier_ + step_size * 6.f);
if (EvaluateRK(step_size)) {
spring_value_ = 1.f;
velocity_ = 0.f;
is_done_ = true;
acceleration_multiplier_ = 0.f;
seconds_remaining -= kMaxStepSize;
bool RK4SpringSimulation::EvaluateRK(float step_size) {
FXL_DCHECK(step_size <= kMaxStepSize);
float x = spring_value_ - 1.0;
float v = velocity_;
float a_dx = v;
float a_dv = x_acceleration(x, v);
float b_dx = v + a_dv * (step_size * 0.5);
float b_dv = x_acceleration(x + a_dx * (step_size * 0.5), b_dx);
float c_dx = v + b_dv * (step_size * 0.5);
float c_dv = x_acceleration(x + b_dx * (step_size * 0.5), c_dx);
float d_dx = v + c_dv * step_size;
float d_dv = x_acceleration(x + c_dx * step_size, d_dx);
float dxdt = 1.0 / 6.0 * (a_dx + 2.0 * (b_dx + c_dx) + d_dx);
float dvdt = 1.0 / 6.0 * (a_dv + 2.0 * (b_dv + c_dv) + d_dv);
float aft_x = x + dxdt * step_size;
float aft_v = v + dvdt * step_size;
spring_value_ = 1.0 + aft_x;
float final_velocity = aft_v;
float net_float = aft_x;
float net_1d_velocity = aft_v;
bool net_value_is_low = std::abs(net_float) < kTolerance;
bool net_velocity_is_low = std::abs(net_1d_velocity) < kTolerance;
velocity_ = final_velocity;
// Never turn spring back on.
return net_value_is_low && net_velocity_is_low;
} // namespace scenic_impl