blob: d0a56ad51230a829d1aa05b4d97b05f21795db1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/swapchain/swapchain.h"
#include "lib/escher/resources/resource_manager.h"
#include "lib/escher/resources/resource_recycler.h"
#include "lib/escher/vk/vulkan_device_queues.h"
#include "lib/escher/vk/vulkan_swapchain.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
namespace gfx {
class Display;
class EventTimestamper;
// VulkanDisplaySwapchain implements the Swapchain interface by using a Vulkan
// swapchain to present images to a physical display. This is provided as an
// alternative implementation to DisplaySwapchain and is just for debugging
// purposes.
class VulkanDisplaySwapchain : public Swapchain {
VulkanDisplaySwapchain(Display* display, EventTimestamper* timestamper,
escher::Escher* escher);
~VulkanDisplaySwapchain() override;
void InitializeVulkanSwapchain(Display* display,
escher::VulkanDeviceQueues* device_queues,
escher::ResourceRecycler* recycler);
// |Swapchain|
bool DrawAndPresentFrame(const FrameTimingsPtr& frame_timings,
const HardwareLayerAssignment& hla,
DrawCallback draw_callback) override;
Display* const display_;
EventTimestamper* const event_timestamper_;
escher::VulkanSwapchain swapchain_;
uint32_t swapchain_image_count_ = 0;
vk::Device device_;
vk::Queue queue_;
size_t next_semaphore_index_ = 0;
std::vector<escher::SemaphorePtr> image_available_semaphores_;
std::vector<escher::SemaphorePtr> render_finished_semaphores_;
} // namespace gfx
} // namespace scenic_impl