blob: 9631f77f7ae87fc3b873c65222afbffb7b1d293a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/engine/frame_scheduler.h"
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <lib/async/time.h>
#include <trace/event.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/displays/display.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/gfx/engine/frame_timings.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
namespace gfx {
FrameScheduler::FrameScheduler(Display* display)
: dispatcher_(async_get_default_dispatcher()),
weak_factory_(this) {
FrameScheduler::~FrameScheduler() {}
void FrameScheduler::RequestFrame(zx_time_t presentation_time) {
const bool should_schedule_frame =
requested_presentation_times_.empty() || > presentation_time;
if (should_schedule_frame) {
void FrameScheduler::SetRenderContinuously(bool render_continuously) {
render_continuously_ = render_continuously;
if (render_continuously_) {
zx_time_t FrameScheduler::PredictRequiredFrameRenderTime() const {
// TODO(MZ-400): more sophisticated prediction. This might require more info,
// e.g. about how many compositors will be rendering scenes, at what
// resolutions, etc.
constexpr zx_time_t kHardcodedPrediction = 8'000'000; // 8ms
return kHardcodedPrediction;
std::pair<zx_time_t, zx_time_t>
FrameScheduler::ComputeNextPresentationAndWakeupTimes() const {
return ComputeTargetPresentationAndWakeupTimes(;
std::pair<zx_time_t, zx_time_t>
const zx_time_t requested_presentation_time) const {
const zx_time_t last_vsync_time = display_->GetLastVsyncTime();
const zx_time_t vsync_interval = display_->GetVsyncInterval();
const zx_time_t now = async_now(dispatcher_);
const zx_time_t required_render_time = PredictRequiredFrameRenderTime();
// Compute the number of full vsync intervals between the last vsync and the
// requested presentation time. Notes:
// - The requested time might be earlier than the last vsync time,
// for example when client content is a bit late.
// - We subtract a nanosecond before computing the number of intervals, to
// avoid an off-by-one error in the common case where a client computes a
// a desired presentation time based on a previously-received actual
// presentation time.
uint64_t num_intervals =
1 + (requested_presentation_time <= last_vsync_time
? 0
: (requested_presentation_time - last_vsync_time - 1) /
// Compute the target vsync/presentation time, and the time we would need to
// start rendering to meet the target.
zx_time_t target_presentation_time =
last_vsync_time + (num_intervals * vsync_interval);
zx_time_t wakeup_time = target_presentation_time - required_render_time;
// Handle startup-time corner case: since monotonic clock starts at 0, there
// will be underflow when required_render_time > target_presentation_time,
// resulting in a *very* late wakeup time.
while (required_render_time > target_presentation_time) {
target_presentation_time += vsync_interval;
wakeup_time = target_presentation_time - required_render_time;
// If it's too late to start rendering, drop a frame.
while (wakeup_time < now) {
// TODO(MZ-400): This is insufficient. It prevents Scenic from
// overcommitting but it doesn't prevent apparent jank. For example,
// consider apps like hello_scenic that don't render the next frame
// until they receive the async response to the present call, which contains
// the actual presentation time. Currently, it won't receive that response
// until the defered frame is rendered, and so the animated content will be
// at the wrong position.
// One solution is to evaluate animation inside Scenic. However, there will
// probably always be apps that use the "hello_scenic pattern". To
// support this, the app needs to be notified of the dropped frame so that
// it can make any necessary updates before the next frame is rendered.
// This seems simple enough, but it is tricky to specify/implement:
// It is critical to maintain the invariant that receiving the Present()
// response means that your commands enqueued before that Present() were
// actually applied in the session. Currently, we only do this when
// rendering a frame, but we would have to do it earlier. Also, is this
// even the right invariant? See discussion in session.fidl
// But when do we do it? Immediately? That might be well before the
// desired presentation time; is that a problem? Do we sleep twice, once to
// wake up and apply commands without rendering, and again to render?
// If we do that, what presentation time should we return to clients, given
// that our only access to Vsync times is via an event signaled by Magma?
// (probably we could just extrapolate from the previous vsync, assuming
// that there is one, but this is nevertheless complexity to consider).
// Other complications will arise as when we try to address this.
// Try it and see!
// Drop a frame.
target_presentation_time += vsync_interval;
wakeup_time += vsync_interval;
return std::make_pair(now, now);
return std::make_pair(target_presentation_time, wakeup_time);
void FrameScheduler::ScheduleFrame() {
auto times = ComputeNextPresentationAndWakeupTimes();
zx_time_t presentation_time = times.first;
zx_time_t wakeup_time = times.second;
[weak = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), presentation_time, wakeup_time] {
if (weak)
weak->MaybeRenderFrame(presentation_time, wakeup_time);
zx::time(0) + zx::nsec(wakeup_time));
void FrameScheduler::MaybeRenderFrame(zx_time_t presentation_time,
zx_time_t wakeup_time) {
if (requested_presentation_times_.empty()) {
// No frame was requested, so none needs to be rendered. More precisely, a
// frame must have been requested (otherwise ScheduleFrame() would not
// have invoked this method), and coalesced with other requests that were
// handled by a previous invocation of MaybeRenderFrame().
if (TooMuchBackPressure()) {
// No need to request another frame; ScheduleFrame() will be called
// when the back-pressure is relieved.
FXL_VLOG(2) << "FrameScheduler::MaybeRenderFrame(): dropping frame, too "
"much back-pressure.";
// TODO(MZ-400): Check whether there is enough time to render. If not, drop
// a frame and reschedule. It would be nice to simply bump the presentation
// time, but then there is a danger of rendering too fast, and actually
// presenting 1 vsync before the bumped presentation time. The safest way to
// avoid this is to start rendering after the vsync that we want to skip.
// TODO(MZ-400): If there isn't enough time to render, why did this happen?
// One possiblity is that we woke up later than expected, and another is an
// increase in the estimated time required to render the frame (well, not
// currently: the estimate is a hard-coded constant. Figure out what
// happened, and log it appropriately.
// We are about to render a frame for the next scheduled presentation time, so
// keep only the presentation requests for later times.
while (!requested_presentation_times_.empty() &&
presentation_time >= {
// Go render the frame.
if (delegate_) {
FXL_DCHECK(outstanding_frames_.size() < kMaxOutstandingFrames);
auto frame_timings = fxl::MakeRefCounted<FrameTimings>(
this, ++frame_number_, presentation_time);
if (delegate_->RenderFrame(frame_timings, presentation_time,
render_continuously_)) {
// If necessary, schedule another frame.
if (!requested_presentation_times_.empty()) {
void FrameScheduler::OnFramePresented(FrameTimings* timings) {
// TODO(MZ-400): how should we handle this case? It is theoretically
// possible, but if if it happens then it means that the EventTimestamper is
// receiving signals out-of-order and is therefore generating bogus data.
FXL_DCHECK(outstanding_frames_[0].get() == timings) << "out-of-order.";
if (timings->frame_was_dropped()) {
TRACE_INSTANT("gfx", "FrameDropped", TRACE_SCOPE_PROCESS, "frame_number",
} else {
// TODO(MZ-400): This needs to be generalized for multi-display support.
// Log trace data.
// TODO(MZ-400): just pass the whole Frame to a listener.
int64_t target_vs_actual_usecs =
static_cast<int64_t>(timings->actual_presentation_time() -
timings->target_presentation_time()) /
zx_time_t now = async_now(dispatcher_);
FXL_DCHECK(now >= timings->actual_presentation_time());
uint64_t elapsed_since_presentation_usecs =
static_cast<int64_t>(now - timings->actual_presentation_time()) / 1000;
TRACE_INSTANT("gfx", "FramePresented", TRACE_SCOPE_PROCESS, "frame_number",
timings->frame_number(), "presentation time (usecs)",
timings->actual_presentation_time() / 1000,
"target time missed by (usecs)", target_vs_actual_usecs,
"elapsed time since presentation (usecs)",
// Pop the front Frame off the queue.
for (size_t i = 1; i < outstanding_frames_.size(); ++i) {
outstanding_frames_[i - 1] = std::move(outstanding_frames_[i]);
outstanding_frames_.resize(outstanding_frames_.size() - 1);
// If a frame was not scheduled due to back-pressure, try again.
if (back_pressure_applied_) {
// This will be reset if the next scheduled frame fails to render due to
// back-pressure.
back_pressure_applied_ = false;
if (!requested_presentation_times_.empty()) {
if (render_continuously_) {
bool FrameScheduler::TooMuchBackPressure() {
if (outstanding_frames_.size() >= kMaxOutstandingFrames) {
back_pressure_applied_ = true;
return true;
return false;
} // namespace gfx
} // namespace scenic_impl