blob: dfb77508935e5b8f775f6e0d1b5350b9d36aadd5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <random>
#include "garnet/lib/overnet/packet_protocol/packet_protocol.h"
#include "garnet/lib/overnet/testing/test_timer.h"
#include "garnet/lib/overnet/testing/trace_cout.h"
#include "garnet/lib/overnet/vocabulary/closed_ptr.h"
namespace overnet {
class PacketProtocolFuzzer {
PacketProtocolFuzzer(const PacketProtocol::Codec* codec, bool log_stuff)
: logging_(log_stuff ? new Logging(&timer_) : nullptr), codec_(codec) {}
~PacketProtocolFuzzer() { done_ = true; }
// Begin a send operation on the packet protocol.
// Return true if the fuzzer should continue.
bool BeginSend(uint8_t sender_idx, Slice data);
// Finish one send operation.
// Return true if the fuzzer should continue.
bool CompleteSend(uint8_t sender_idx, uint8_t status);
// Step time forward.
// Return true if the fuzzer should continue.
bool StepTime(uint64_t microseconds) {
return timer_.Step(microseconds) &&
timer_.Now().after_epoch() != TimeDelta::PositiveInf();
static constexpr inline uint32_t kMaxSegmentSize = 1500;
class Sender final : public PacketProtocol::PacketSender {
void SendPacket(SeqNum seq, LazySlice data, Callback<void> done) override;
struct PendingSend {
SeqNum seq;
LazySlice data;
Optional<PendingSend> CompleteSend();
std::map<uint64_t, PendingSend> pending_sends_;
uint64_t next_send_id_ = 0;
// Retrieve Sender index 'idx'
Optional<Sender*> sender(uint8_t idx);
// Retrieve PacketProtocol index 'idx'
Optional<PacketProtocol*> packet_protocol(uint8_t idx);
bool done_ = false;
TestTimer timer_;
struct Logging {
Logging(Timer* timer) : tracer(timer) {}
TraceCout tracer;
ScopedRenderer set_tracer{&tracer};
std::unique_ptr<Logging> logging_;
Sender sender1_;
Sender sender2_;
// PacketProtocol needs a random number generator for some timing data.
// Create one here with a well known seed to keep things deterministic.
std::mt19937 rng_{12345};
const PacketProtocol::Codec* const codec_;
ClosedPtr<PacketProtocol> pp1_ = MakeClosedPtr<PacketProtocol>(
&timer_, [this] { return rng_(); }, &sender1_, codec_, kMaxSegmentSize);
ClosedPtr<PacketProtocol> pp2_ = MakeClosedPtr<PacketProtocol>(
&timer_, [this] { return rng_(); }, &sender2_, codec_, kMaxSegmentSize);
} // namespace overnet