blob: 16925b7d696d16c3b01abf91d7183f9f32b6497d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package direntry describes FAT directory entries.
package direntry
import (
// GetDirentryCallback returns the directory entry at an index.
// The index is relative to the start of the directory.
// This function should only need to be called once for short direntries.
// For long direntries, it may need to be called multiple times to read the long direntry
// components.
type GetDirentryCallback func(int) ([]byte, error)
// Dirent describes an in-memory representation of a direntry.
// This must be an in-memory representation, rather than one which accesses persistant storage, as
// it gets passed back to the user when "fs.Directory.Read()" is called.
type Dirent struct {
Cluster uint32 // Cluster equals zero if we're opening the root directory
filename string // A UTF-8 encoded representation of the filename
Size uint32 // The size field includes all dirents up to and including the "last free" dirent
WriteTime time.Time // The last time the file was modified
attributes uint8 // Never set to "long"
nameDOS []byte
longname bool
free bool
lastFree bool
// Ensure the Dirent implements the fs.Dirent interface
var _ fs.Dirent = (*Dirent)(nil)
func CreateTime(t time.Time) time.Time {
// FAT stores creation time at 10ms granularity
return t.Truncate(time.Millisecond * 10)
func ModifyTime(t time.Time) time.Time {
// FAT stores modification time at 2s granularity
return t.Truncate(time.Second * 2)
// New creates a new in-memory Dirent.
// Does not allocate any on-disk space; simply creates an in-memory structure.
func New(name string, cluster uint32, attr fs.FileType) *Dirent {
glog.V(1).Info("Making a new dirent with name: ", name)
d := &Dirent{}
// Set filename. The "short" or "long"-ness of the name should not matter (yet).
// As a consequence, the filename is not actually validated until it is serialized.
d.filename = name
// Set cluster.
d.Cluster = cluster
d.WriteTime = CreateTime(clock.Now()) // File creation is considered a write
// "size" can be set to zero. File and directories start with zero size.
// Set Attributes
switch attr {
case fs.FileTypeDirectory:
d.attributes |= attrDirectory
case fs.FileTypeRegularFile:
d.attributes |= attrNormal
return d
// LookupDirent looks for (and loads) a dirent with a given name, along with the direntryIndex
// at which it was found.
// If a Dirent with a matching name is not found, return "nil".
func LookupDirent(callback GetDirentryCallback, name string) (*Dirent, int, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("Looking up a dirent with name: ", name)
for direntryIndex := 0; ; {
d, numSlots, err := LoadDirent(callback, direntryIndex)
if err != nil {
glog.V(2).Infof("At index %d, encountered an error", direntryIndex)
return nil, 0, err
} else if d.IsLastFree() {
glog.V(2).Infof("At index %d, encountered the last free direntry", direntryIndex)
return nil, 0, nil
} else if d.IsFree() {
glog.V(2).Infof("At index %d, encountered a free direntry", direntryIndex)
glog.V(2).Infof("At index %d, encountered direntry named %s", direntryIndex, d.filename)
if d.filename == name {
return d, direntryIndex, nil
glog.V(2).Infof("Name not found. Jumping %d slots", numSlots)
direntryIndex += numSlots
// doesShortNameExist is a helper function wrapped around the callback. Helps determine if a short
// entry name exists in the directory.
func doesShortNameExist(callback GetDirentryCallback, shortName []byte) (bool, error) {
for i := 0; ; i++ {
buf, err := callback(i)
if err != nil {
return false, err
short := makeShort(buf)
if short.isLastFree() {
// We can't read any more direntries
} else if short.isFree() || (short.attributes&attrLongname == attrLongname) {
// This particular direntry is not a short name
if bytes.Equal(short.nameRaw(), shortName) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// LoadDirent converts a buffer of bytes (from disk) to an in-memory dirent.
// Returns the number of direntry slots required to represent the logical Dirent.
// If the direntry is a "short" filename (or free entry), the index points to it directly.
// If the direntry is a "long" filename, the index points to the first long entry, which precedes
// (optional) other long entries and (required) a short entry.
// Otherwise, the requested direntry is invalid.
func LoadDirent(callback GetDirentryCallback, direntryIndex int) (*Dirent, int, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("Loading a dirent")
buf, err := callback(direntryIndex)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
// It is not yet possible to identify if the loaded dirent is short or long.
// Assume short, then read the attributes.
short := makeShort(buf)
// If the dirent is free, then a short dirent with "is free" set to true will be returned.
if (short.attributes&attrLongname != attrLongname) || short.isFree() {
glog.V(2).Info("Loaded dirent is short")
// The direntry is actually with a short filename.
return &Dirent{
Cluster: short.cluster(),
Size: short.size(),
WriteTime: short.lastUpdateTime(),
attributes: short.attributes,
nameDOS: short.nameRaw(),
longname: false,
free: short.isFree(),
lastFree: short.isLastFree(),
}, 1, nil
glog.V(2).Info("Loaded dirent is long")
// The direntry is associated with a long filename.
buf, numDirentrySlots, err := getShortEntryFromWin(callback, direntryIndex)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
short = makeShort(buf)
if short.isFree() {
// Long direntry is associated with a free shortname -- therefore, the long direntry has
// been deleted.
return nil, 0, errLongDirentry
unixName, err := convertWinToUnix(callback, direntryIndex, checksum(short.nameRaw()), int(numDirentrySlots)-1)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return &Dirent{
Cluster: short.cluster(),
filename: unixName,
Size: short.size(),
WriteTime: short.lastUpdateTime(),
attributes: short.attributes,
nameDOS: short.nameRaw(),
longname: true,
free: short.isFree(),
lastFree: short.isLastFree(),
}, int(numDirentrySlots), nil
// GetType implements fs.Dirent
func (d *Dirent) GetType() fs.FileType {
switch d.attributes & (attrDirectory | attrArchive) {
case 0, attrArchive:
return fs.FileTypeRegularFile
case attrDirectory:
return fs.FileTypeDirectory
return fs.FileTypeUnknown
// GetIno implements fs.Dirent
func (d *Dirent) GetIno() uint64 {
// TODO(smklein): This constant is generated by the FIDL bindings, but
// is not yet accessible by host-side code.
// GetName implements fs.Dirent
func (d *Dirent) GetName() string {
return d.filename
// IsFree returns true if the Dirent represents a free spot.
func (d *Dirent) IsFree() bool {
return || d.lastFree
// IsLastFree returns true if the Dirent represents the last free spot.
func (d *Dirent) IsLastFree() bool {
return d.lastFree
// Serialize converts the in-memory "Dirent" to a "disk-ready" byte slice.
// The result should be a multiple of "DirentrySize" bytes long.
// The "callback" is used to read the containing directory, and confirm that no other files exist
// with the same "generation number". After the dirent has been serialized once, the generation
// number is stored, and the callback will no longer be used (it can be nil).
func (d *Dirent) Serialize(callback GetDirentryCallback) ([]byte, error) {
var result []byte
if len(d.nameDOS) == 0 {
// Since we are preparing to put this file in storage, we need to ensure it has a unique
// generation number that distinguishes it from other files with the same prefix.
var err error
if d.nameDOS, d.longname, err = convertUnixToDOS(callback, d.filename); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Convert Dirent to a short direntry (this is necessary for both short and long names)
shortDirent := &shortDirentry{
attributes: d.attributes,
// Prepend all long direntries, if necessary
if d.longname {
longDirents, err := convertUnixToWin(d.filename, d.nameDOS)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := range longDirents {
result = append(result, longDirents[i].bytes()...)
// Convert shortDirent struct to byte slice
result = append(result, shortDirent.bytes()...)
return result, nil
// LastFreeDirent creates a byte slice representing "Last free directory entry".
func LastFreeDirent() []byte {
shortDirent := &shortDirentry{}
buf := shortDirent.bytes()
return buf
// FreeDirent creates a byte slice representing "Free directory entry".
func FreeDirent() []byte {
shortDirent := &shortDirentry{}
return shortDirent.bytes()