blob: 9004cde18c49a4d55038cf997e01558b52cc3c54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package cluster
import (
// Without accessing any clusters, open and close the cluster manager.
func TestMountUnmount(t *testing.T) {
fs := testutil.MkfsFAT(t, "1G", 2, 0, 4, 512)
defer fs.RmfsFAT()
dev := fs.GetDevice()
defer dev.Close()
br, err := bootrecord.New(dev)
if err != nil {
mgr, err := Mount(dev, br, false)
if err != nil {
err = mgr.Unmount()
if err != nil {
// Utility to quickly allocate a cluster chain and return the collected clusters.
func checkAllocateChain(t *testing.T, mgr *Manager, size uint32) []uint32 {
var err error
clusters := make([]uint32, size)
clusters[0], err = mgr.ClusterExtend(0)
if err != nil {
for i := 1; i < len(clusters); i++ {
clusters[i], err = mgr.ClusterExtend(clusters[i-1])
if err != nil {
return clusters
// Utility to quickly verify the contents of a cluster chain.
func checkClusterChain(t *testing.T, mgr *Manager, start uint32, goldChain []uint32) {
// Verify the clusters we allocated
collectedClusters, err := mgr.ClusterCollect(start)
if err != nil {
} else if len(collectedClusters) != len(goldChain) {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected ClusterCollect length %d", len(collectedClusters))
for i := range goldChain {
if goldChain[i] != collectedClusters[i] {
t.Fatalf("Expected collected clusters[%d] to be %d, but it was %d",
i, goldChain[i], collectedClusters[i])
// Test basic operations on clusters.
func TestClusterOperationsBasic(t *testing.T) {
fs := testutil.MkfsFAT(t, "1G", 2, 0, 4, 512)
defer fs.RmfsFAT()
dev := fs.GetDevice()
defer dev.Close()
br, err := bootrecord.New(dev)
if err != nil {
mgr, err := Mount(dev, br, false)
if err != nil {
// Allocate some clusters
clusters := checkAllocateChain(t, mgr, 5)
// Verify the clusters we allocated
checkClusterChain(t, mgr, clusters[0], clusters)
// Truncate the cluster chain
newLen := 3
err = mgr.ClusterTruncate(clusters[newLen-1])
if err != nil {
collectedClusters, err := mgr.ClusterCollect(clusters[0])
if err != nil {
} else if len(collectedClusters) != newLen {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected ClusterCollect length %d", len(collectedClusters))
for i := 0; i < len(collectedClusters)-1; i++ {
if clusters[i] != collectedClusters[i] {
t.Fatalf("Expected collected clusters[%d] to be %d, but it was %d",
i, clusters[i], collectedClusters[i])
finalCluster := collectedClusters[len(collectedClusters)-1]
val, err := mgr.fat.Get(finalCluster)
if err != nil {
} else if val != mgr.ClusterEOF() {
t.Fatalf("Truncated chain at %d to be EOF, but it was %d", finalCluster, val)
// Delete the rest of the cluster chain
err = mgr.ClusterDelete(clusters[0])
if err != nil {
// Check that all values of the cluster have been deleted
for i := range clusters {
val, err := mgr.fat.Get(clusters[i])
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Cannot read FAT cluster %d", clusters[i])
} else if !mgr.fat.IsFree(val) {
t.Fatalf("Expected cluster %d to be free, but it was %d", clusters[i], val)
err = mgr.Unmount()
if err != nil {
// Mount, allocate some clusters, unmount, and remount as readonly.
// This test shows the limited capabilities of read-only access.
func TestClusterManagerReadonly(t *testing.T) {
fs := testutil.MkfsFAT(t, "1G", 2, 0, 4, 512)
defer fs.RmfsFAT()
dev := fs.GetDevice()
defer dev.Close()
br, err := bootrecord.New(dev)
if err != nil {
mgr, err := Mount(dev, br, false)
if err != nil {
// Allocate some clusters and unmount.
clusters := checkAllocateChain(t, mgr, 5)
checkClusterChain(t, mgr, clusters[0], clusters)
err = mgr.Unmount()
if err != nil {
// Remount as readonly
mgr, err = Mount(dev, br, true)
if err != nil {
// Demonstrate that we can collect the clusters
checkClusterChain(t, mgr, clusters[0], clusters)
// Demonstrate that we CANNOT modify clusters
if _, err := mgr.ClusterExtend(clusters[4]); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected that adding clusters while in readonly mode would cause an error")
} else if err := mgr.ClusterDelete(clusters[0]); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected that deleting clusters while in readonly mode would cause an error")
} else if err := mgr.ClusterTruncate(clusters[0]); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected that truncating clusters while in readonly mode would cause an error")
// For good measure, collect the clusters again (it would be bad if we managed to change the
// FAT on one of the previous error cases).
checkClusterChain(t, mgr, clusters[0], clusters)
err = mgr.Unmount()
if err != nil {
// Test some invalid cluster operations.
func TestClusterOperationsInvalid(t *testing.T) {
fs := testutil.MkfsFAT(t, "1G", 2, 0, 4, 512)
defer fs.RmfsFAT()
dev := fs.GetDevice()
defer dev.Close()
br, err := bootrecord.New(dev)
if err != nil {
mgr, err := Mount(dev, br, false)
if err != nil {
// Allocate some clusters
clusters := make([]uint32, 5)
clusters[0], err = mgr.ClusterExtend(0)
if err != nil {
for i := 1; i < len(clusters); i++ {
clusters[i], err = mgr.ClusterExtend(clusters[i-1])
if err != nil {
// Extend from the middle of a cluster chain
_, err = mgr.ClusterExtend(clusters[1])
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected that extending from the middle of a cluster chain would cause an error")
// Delete / Truncate using EOF / free cluster
if err := mgr.ClusterDelete(mgr.fat.FreeValue()); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Expected ClusterDelete(free) to be a no-op")
} else if err := mgr.ClusterDelete(mgr.fat.EOFValue()); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Expected ClusterDelete(EOF) to be a no-op")
} else if err := mgr.ClusterTruncate(mgr.fat.FreeValue()); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Expected ClusterTruncate(free) to be a no-op")
} else if err := mgr.ClusterTruncate(mgr.fat.EOFValue()); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Expected ClusterTruncate(EOF) to be a no-op")
err = mgr.Unmount()
if err != nil {
// Test access to cluster chains which contains loops (one of those things that should never happen).
func TestClusterChainLoop(t *testing.T) {
fs := testutil.MkfsFAT(t, "1G", 2, 0, 4, 512)
defer fs.RmfsFAT()
dev := fs.GetDevice()
defer dev.Close()
br, err := bootrecord.New(dev)
if err != nil {
mgr, err := Mount(dev, br, false)
if err != nil {
// Allocate some clusters
clusters := make([]uint32, 5)
clusters[0], err = mgr.ClusterExtend(0)
if err != nil {
for i := 1; i < len(clusters); i++ {
clusters[i], err = mgr.ClusterExtend(clusters[i-1])
if err != nil {
// Erroneously force the last cluster to point to the first one. This makes the chain invalid.
if err := mgr.fat.Set(clusters[0], clusters[4]); err != nil {
// Demonstrate that collecting the clusters results in an error (rather than an infinite loop).
if _, err := mgr.ClusterCollect(clusters[0]); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected that collecting a looped cluster would cause an error")
// Demonstrate that deleting the chain results in an error (does not end in EOF).
if err := mgr.ClusterDelete(clusters[0]); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected that deleting chain would cause an error")
err = mgr.Unmount()
if err != nil {
// Test access to cluster manager after unmounting it. Demonstrate that no requests can actually
// access or modify the FAT.
func TestClusterUnmountedAccess(t *testing.T) {
fs := testutil.MkfsFAT(t, "1G", 2, 0, 4, 512)
defer fs.RmfsFAT()
dev := fs.GetDevice()
defer dev.Close()
br, err := bootrecord.New(dev)
if err != nil {
mgr, err := Mount(dev, br, false)
if err != nil {
// Allocate some clusters and unmount.
clusters := checkAllocateChain(t, mgr, 5)
checkClusterChain(t, mgr, clusters[0], clusters)
err = mgr.Unmount()
if err != nil {
// Demonstrate that we CANNOT access clusters after unmounting.
if _, err := mgr.ClusterCollect(clusters[0]); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected that accessing clusters while unmounted would cause an error")
} else if _, err := mgr.ClusterExtend(clusters[4]); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected that adding clusters while unmounted would cause an error")
} else if err := mgr.ClusterDelete(clusters[0]); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected that deleting clusters while unmounted would cause an error")
} else if err := mgr.ClusterTruncate(clusters[0]); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected that truncating clusters while unmounted would cause an error")
// Remount as readonly; verify the clusters have not changed since we unmounted.
mgr, err = Mount(dev, br, true)
if err != nil {
checkClusterChain(t, mgr, clusters[0], clusters)
err = mgr.Unmount()
if err != nil {
// Test concurrent access to cluster manager by allocating and deleting cluster chains concurrently.
func TestClusterConcurrentAccess(t *testing.T) {
fs := testutil.MkfsFAT(t, "1G", 2, 0, 4, 512)
defer fs.RmfsFAT()
dev := fs.GetDevice()
defer dev.Close()
br, err := bootrecord.New(dev)
if err != nil {
mgr, err := Mount(dev, br, false)
if err != nil {
// Access to the "chainStarts" slice is locked, but access to the cluster manager itself should
// NOT BE LOCKED (in this test code).
var chainStartsLock sync.Mutex
var chainStarts []uint32
numClustersPerThread := 100
// Thread type 1: Allocate a large number of chains.
allocator := func(c chan bool) {
for i := 0; i < numClustersPerThread; i++ {
clusters := checkAllocateChain(t, mgr, 5)
chainStarts = append(chainStarts, clusters[0])
c <- true
// Thread type 2: Delete a large number of chains (equal in count to those allocated).
seed := time.Now().UnixNano()
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
deleter := func(c chan bool) {
for i := 0; i < numClustersPerThread; i++ {
for {
if len(chainStarts) == 0 {
// Choose a random chain to remove.
r := r.Intn(len(chainStarts))
start := chainStarts[r]
// Delete the "start" from chainStarts
chainStarts[r] = chainStarts[len(chainStarts)-1]
chainStarts = chainStarts[:len(chainStarts)-1]
if err := mgr.ClusterDelete(start); err != nil {
c <- true
// Thread type 3: Try collecting as many clusters as possible. Errors are likely, so ignore
// them.
collector := func(c chan bool) {
for {
select {
case _ = <-c: // Exit once channel has been closed.
if len(chainStarts) == 0 {
// Choose a random chain to collect.
r := r.Intn(len(chainStarts))
start := chainStarts[r]
// We have unlocked the chainStarts lock! "start" may be invalid!
clusters, err := mgr.ClusterCollect(start)
if err == nil && len(clusters) != 5 {
t.Fatal("Collector thread read invalid cluster chain")
finishChan := make(chan bool)
closeChan := make(chan bool)
numAllocatorDeleterPairs := 10
for i := 0; i < numAllocatorDeleterPairs; i++ {
go allocator(finishChan)
go deleter(finishChan)
go collector(closeChan)
// Wait for the allocator / deleters to complete.
for i := 0; i < numAllocatorDeleterPairs*2; i++ {
// Inform the collectors they can stop.
err = mgr.Unmount()
if err != nil {