blob: 12e0661e65bd9eba2347a1a6f2e773245c10d71b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package buddy provides bitopsities for allocating and managing space on a block device using
// a binary buddy management scheme.
package buddy
import (
var (
// ErrCorrupted indicates that the serialized representation of a Allocator is corrupted
// and cannot be used to construct a valid Allocator.
ErrCorrupted = errors.New("serialized data is corrupted")
// ErrInvalid indicates that an invalid argument was passed in to a function.
ErrInvalid = errors.New("invalid argument")
// ErrNoMem indicates that there is not enough contiguous memory available to satisfy the
// allocation request.
ErrNoMem = errors.New("not enough contiguous memory")
// freemap represents a set of addresses that are free at a given level in the buddy allocation
// scheme.
type freemap map[uint64]bool
// Allocator represents a binary buddy allocator for managing addresses in a given range.
type Allocator struct {
freemaps []freemap // Free addresses at every allocation level.
spacemap map[uint64]uint // Allocated addresses mapped to the level on which they were allocated.
orderMin uint // log2(minimum allocation size)
orderMax uint // log2(maximim allocation size)
totalFree uint64 // The total free space in the address range managed by the Allocator.
size uint64 // The size of the address range managed by the Allocator.
encodedSize int // The size in bytes of the serialized representation of the Allocator.
func getBuddy(address uint64, order uint) uint64 {
return address ^ (1 << order)
func isPowerOfTwo(n uint64) bool {
return n&(n-1) == 0
// getOneElem returns one key from m. It makes no guarantees about how the key is chosen or that
// multiple calls to getOneElem with the same map will return the same key. m must be non-empty.
func getOneElem(m freemap) uint64 {
for k := range m {
return k
return 0
func (a *Allocator) calculateEncodedSize() {
a.encodedSize = headerSize
for i := a.orderMin; i <= a.orderMax; i++ {
a.encodedSize += int(a.size >> i)
func (a *Allocator) numFreeMaps() uint {
return 1 + a.orderMax - a.orderMin
// NewAllocator creates and returns a new instance of a Allocator. |start| and |size|
// represent the range of addresses that will be managed by the Allocator while |minAlloc|
// and |maxAlloc| represent the sizes of the minimun and maximum chunks that the Allocator
// will allocate, respectively. |size|, |minAlloc|, and |maxAlloc| must be powers of
// 2 and it's recommended for best performance that |maxAlloc| is no more than 10 orders
// of magnitude larger than |minAlloc|. Additionally |size| must be a multiple of |minAlloc|.
// NewAllocator returns ErrInvalid if the arguments don't meet the stated requirements.
func NewAllocator(start, size, minAlloc, maxAlloc uint64) (*Allocator, error) {
if !isPowerOfTwo(start) || !isPowerOfTwo(minAlloc) || !isPowerOfTwo(maxAlloc) {
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Error("NewAllocator: start, minAlloc, or maxAlloc is not a power of two")
return nil, ErrInvalid
if size%minAlloc != 0 {
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Error("NewAllocator: size is not a multiple of minAlloc")
return nil, ErrInvalid
if maxAlloc >= size {
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Error("NewAllocator: maxAlloc >= size")
return nil, ErrInvalid
if maxAlloc < minAlloc {
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Error("NewAllocator: maxAlloc < minAlloc")
return nil, ErrInvalid
a := &Allocator{
orderMin: bitops.FFS(minAlloc),
orderMax: bitops.FFS(maxAlloc),
size: size,
totalFree: size,
spacemap: make(map[uint64]uint),
a.freemaps = make([]freemap, a.numFreeMaps())
for i := range a.freemaps {
a.freemaps[i] = make(freemap)
for pos := start; pos < size; pos += minAlloc {, a.orderMin)
return a, nil
func (a *Allocator) alloc(order uint) (uint64, error) {
o := int(order - a.orderMin)
if len(a.freemaps[o]) > 0 {
chunk := getOneElem(a.freemaps[o])
delete(a.freemaps[o], chunk)
return chunk, nil
if order == a.orderMax {
return 0, ErrNoMem
chunk, err := a.alloc(order + 1)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
a.freemaps[o][getBuddy(chunk, order)] = true
return chunk, nil
// Alloc allocates and returns an address to a contiguous memory location that is at least
// |n| bytes in size. Returns ErrInvalid if |n| is larger than the maximum chunk that the
// Allocator is configured to allocate and returns ErrNoMem if there is no contiguous memory
// available to satisfy the requested allocation size. ErrNoMem does not necessarily indicate
// that the total amount of free space is less than |n| but rather only that there is no contiguous
// free space >= |n|.
func (a *Allocator) Alloc(n uint64) (uint64, error) {
var order uint
if isPowerOfTwo(n) {
order = bitops.FFS(n)
} else {
order = 64 - bitops.CLZ(n)
if order > a.orderMax {
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Errorf("Alloc: requested allocation %v is larger than max allocation %v\n", n, (1 << a.orderMax))
return 0, ErrInvalid
if order < a.orderMin {
order = a.orderMin
if glog.V(2) {
glog.Infof("Alloc: allocating %v bytes for requested size %v\n", (1 << order), n)
addr, err := a.alloc(order)
if err != nil {
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Error("Alloc: ", err)
return 0, err
a.spacemap[addr] = order
a.totalFree -= (1 << order)
return addr, nil
func (a *Allocator) free(addr uint64, order uint) {
o := int(order - a.orderMin)
buddy := getBuddy(addr, order)
if order == a.orderMax || a.freemaps[o][buddy] == false {
a.freemaps[o][addr] = true
delete(a.freemaps[o], buddy)
if buddy < addr {
addr, buddy = buddy, addr
}, order+1)
// Free frees an address previously allocated by Alloc().
func (a *Allocator) Free(addr uint64) {
order, ok := a.spacemap[addr]
if !ok {
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Errorf("Free: attempting to free address %#x, which was not previously allocated\n", addr)
if glog.V(2) {
glog.Infof("Free: freeing %v bytes at address %#x\n", (1 << order), addr)
a.totalFree += (1 << order)
delete(a.spacemap, addr), order)
// 2-bit values representing the state of a particular address at a given level in the Allocator.
const (
// The address is neither allocated nor free at this level.
unknown byte = iota
// The address is free at this level.
// The address has been allocated at this level.
// Reserved for future use. Currently if this value is encountered, the de-serializing code will
// assume the data is corrupted.
// Various constants for the encoded format.
const (
// Size of the header.
headerSize = 24
// Offset and length of the size field in the header.
sizeOff = 0
sizeLen = 8
// Offset and length of the free field in the header.
freeOff = 8
freeLen = 8
// Offsets for the orderMin and orderMax bytes.
orderMinOff = 16
orderMaxOff = 17
// MarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface for the Allocator. All data is
// stored in little endian format. The marshaled data begins with a header, formatted as follows:
// 0 64
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | size |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | free |
// +--------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
// |orderMin|orderMax| reserved |
// +--------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
// The header is followed by one data entry for each order level in the buddy allocator.
// Each data entry is a two-bit array with one entry for every possible address at the given order level.
// These are the possible values for each entry and what they mean:
// 00 - This address is neither allocated nor free at this level.
// 01 - This address is currently free at this level.
// 10 - This address is currently in use at this level.
// 11 - Reserved for future use.
// The number of bytes used for each order level can be calculated using the formula
// a.size
// -----------------
// 4 * (2 ^ order)
func (a *Allocator) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
buf := make([]byte, a.encodedSize)
// Fill in the header. If this is changed in any way, the corresponding lines in
// UnmarshalBinary() also need to be updated.
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[sizeOff:sizeOff+sizeLen], a.size)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[freeOff:freeOff+freeLen], a.totalFree)
buf[orderMinOff] = byte(uint8(a.orderMin))
buf[orderMaxOff] = byte(uint8(a.orderMax))
// Go through all the freemaps and populate the addresses at the appropriate levels.
bitArrays := make([]bitops.TwoBitArray, len(a.freemaps))
offset := headerSize
for order := a.orderMin; order <= a.orderMax; order++ {
idx := int(order - a.orderMin)
size := int(a.size >> (order + 2)) // a.size / (4 * (2 ^ order))
array := bitops.TwoBitArray(buf[offset : offset+size])
for addr := range a.freemaps[idx] {
array.Set(uint(addr>>order), available)
bitArrays[idx] = array
offset += size
// Now go through the allocated map and mark those addresses as busy.
for addr, order := range a.spacemap {
idx := int(order - a.orderMin)
bitArrays[idx].Set(uint(addr>>order), busy)
return buf, nil
// UnmarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interface for the Allocator. See
// MarshalBinary for a description of the marshaled format. UnmarshalBinary returns ErrCorrupted
// if the data does not follow the expected format.
func (a *Allocator) UnmarshalBinary(buf []byte) error {
// Check the header.
if len(buf) < headerSize {
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Error("UnmarshalBinary: buffer is too small for header")
return ErrCorrupted
a.size = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf[sizeOff : sizeOff+sizeLen])
a.totalFree = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf[freeOff : freeOff+freeLen])
if a.totalFree > a.size {
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Errorf("UnmarshalBinary: a.totalFree(%v) > a.size(%v)\n", a.totalFree, a.size)
return ErrCorrupted
a.orderMin = uint(buf[orderMinOff])
a.orderMax = uint(buf[orderMaxOff])
if a.orderMax <= a.orderMin {
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Errorf("UnmarshalBinary: a.orderMax(%v) <= a.orderMin(%v)\n", a.orderMax, a.orderMin)
return ErrCorrupted
// Figure out how big the rest of the buffer should be.
if len(buf) < a.encodedSize {
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Errorf("UnmarshalBinary: len(buf) = %v; want %v\n", len(buf), a.encodedSize)
return ErrCorrupted
// Now we have enough information to start populating the maps.
a.freemaps = make([]freemap, a.numFreeMaps())
for i := range a.freemaps {
a.freemaps[i] = make(freemap)
a.spacemap = make(map[uint64]uint)
// Separately keep track of the free space and verify it at the end.
offset := headerSize
totalFree := uint64(0)
for order := a.orderMin; order <= a.orderMax; order++ {
idx := order - a.orderMin
count := int(a.size >> order)
size := count >> 2
array := bitops.TwoBitArray(buf[offset : offset+size])
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
switch array.Get(uint(i)) {
case unknown:
case available:
totalFree += (1 << order)
a.freemaps[idx][uint64(i)<<order] = true
case busy:
a.spacemap[uint64(i)<<order] = order
case reserved:
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Errorf("UnmarshalBinary: entry %v at order %v has reserved value\n", i, order)
return ErrCorrupted
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Error("UnmarshalBinary: hit default case in switch statement")
return ErrCorrupted
offset += size
if a.totalFree != totalFree {
if glog.V(1) {
glog.Errorf("UnmarshalBinary: a.totalFree = %v; want %v\n", a.totalFree, totalFree)
return ErrCorrupted
return nil