blob: 8f956b9dd0d7f692372bffe3d0025d9ee087c6f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Atheros Communications Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
struct ath10k;
struct wmi_ops {
void (*rx)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf);
void (*map_svc)(const uint32_t* in, BITARR_TYPE* out, size_t len);
int (*pull_scan)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf, struct wmi_scan_ev_arg* arg);
int (*pull_mgmt_rx)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_mgmt_rx_ev_arg* arg);
int (*pull_ch_info)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_ch_info_ev_arg* arg);
int (*pull_vdev_start)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_vdev_start_ev_arg* arg);
int (*pull_peer_kick)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_peer_kick_ev_arg* arg);
int (*pull_swba)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf, struct wmi_swba_ev_arg* arg);
int (*pull_phyerr_hdr)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_phyerr_hdr_arg* arg);
int (*pull_phyerr)(struct ath10k* ar, const void* phyerr_buf, int left_len,
struct wmi_phyerr_ev_arg* arg);
zx_status_t (*pull_svc_rdy)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_svc_rdy_ev_arg* arg);
zx_status_t (*pull_rdy)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_rdy_ev_arg* arg);
int (*pull_fw_stats)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct ath10k_fw_stats* stats);
int (*pull_roam_ev)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf, struct wmi_roam_ev_arg* arg);
int (*pull_wow_event)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_wow_ev_arg* arg);
zx_status_t (*pull_echo_ev)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* msg_buf,
struct wmi_echo_ev_arg* arg);
enum wmi_txbf_conf (*get_txbf_conf_scheme)(struct ath10k* ar);
zx_status_t (*gen_pdev_suspend)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t suspend_opt);
zx_status_t (*gen_pdev_resume)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr);
zx_status_t (*gen_pdev_set_rd)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint16_t rd, uint16_t rd2g, uint16_t rd5g, uint16_t ctl2g,
uint16_t ctl5g, enum wmi_dfs_region dfs_reg);
zx_status_t (*gen_pdev_set_param)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t id, uint32_t value);
zx_status_t (*gen_init)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr);
zx_status_t (*gen_start_scan)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
const struct wmi_start_scan_arg* arg);
zx_status_t (*gen_stop_scan)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
const struct wmi_stop_scan_arg* arg);
zx_status_t (*gen_vdev_create)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, enum wmi_vdev_type type,
enum wmi_vdev_subtype subtype, const uint8_t macaddr[ETH_ALEN]);
zx_status_t (*gen_vdev_delete)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id);
zx_status_t (*gen_vdev_start)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
const struct wmi_vdev_start_request_arg* arg, bool restart);
zx_status_t (*gen_vdev_stop)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id);
zx_status_t (*gen_vdev_up)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, uint32_t aid, const uint8_t* bssid);
zx_status_t (*gen_vdev_down)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id);
zx_status_t (*gen_vdev_set_param)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, uint32_t param_id, uint32_t param_value);
zx_status_t (*gen_vdev_install_key)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
const struct wmi_vdev_install_key_arg* arg);
zx_status_t (*gen_vdev_spectral_conf)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
const struct wmi_vdev_spectral_conf_arg* arg);
zx_status_t (*gen_vdev_spectral_enable)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, uint32_t trigger, uint32_t enable);
zx_status_t (*gen_vdev_wmm_conf)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const struct wmi_wmm_params_all_arg* arg);
zx_status_t (*gen_peer_create)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const uint8_t peer_addr[ETH_ALEN],
enum wmi_peer_type peer_type);
zx_status_t (*gen_peer_delete)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const uint8_t peer_addr[ETH_ALEN]);
zx_status_t (*gen_peer_flush)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const uint8_t peer_addr[ETH_ALEN],
uint32_t tid_bitmap);
zx_status_t (*gen_peer_set_param)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const uint8_t* peer_addr,
enum wmi_peer_param param_id, uint32_t param_value);
zx_status_t (*gen_peer_assoc)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
const struct wmi_peer_assoc_complete_arg* arg);
zx_status_t (*gen_set_psmode)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, enum wmi_sta_ps_mode psmode);
zx_status_t (*gen_set_sta_ps)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, enum wmi_sta_powersave_param param_id,
uint32_t value);
zx_status_t (*gen_set_ap_ps)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const uint8_t* mac,
enum wmi_ap_ps_peer_param param_id, uint32_t value);
zx_status_t (*gen_scan_chan_list)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
const struct wmi_scan_chan_list_arg* arg);
zx_status_t (*gen_beacon_dma)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const void* bcn, size_t bcn_len,
uint32_t bcn_paddr, bool dtim_zero, bool deliver_cab);
zx_status_t (*gen_pdev_set_wmm)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
const struct wmi_wmm_params_all_arg* arg);
zx_status_t (*gen_request_stats)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t stats_mask);
zx_status_t (*gen_force_fw_hang)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
enum wmi_force_fw_hang_type type, uint32_t delay_ms);
zx_status_t (*gen_mgmt_tx)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
struct ath10k_msg_buf* msdu);
zx_status_t (*gen_dbglog_cfg)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint64_t module_enable, uint32_t log_level);
zx_status_t (*gen_pktlog_enable)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t filter);
zx_status_t (*gen_pktlog_disable)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr);
zx_status_t (*gen_pdev_set_quiet_mode)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t period, uint32_t duration, uint32_t next_offset,
uint32_t enabled);
zx_status_t (*gen_pdev_get_temperature)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr);
zx_status_t (*gen_addba_clear_resp)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const uint8_t* mac);
zx_status_t (*gen_addba_send)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const uint8_t* mac, uint32_t tid,
uint32_t buf_size);
zx_status_t (*gen_addba_set_resp)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const uint8_t* mac, uint32_t tid,
uint32_t status);
zx_status_t (*gen_delba_send)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const uint8_t* mac, uint32_t tid,
uint32_t initiator, uint32_t reason);
zx_status_t (*gen_bcn_tmpl)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, uint32_t tim_ie_offset,
struct ath10k_msg_buf* bcn, uint32_t prb_caps, uint32_t prb_erp,
void* prb_ies, size_t prb_ies_len);
zx_status_t (*gen_prb_tmpl)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, struct ath10k_msg_buf* prb);
zx_status_t (*gen_p2p_go_bcn_ie)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const uint8_t* p2p_ie);
zx_status_t (*gen_vdev_sta_uapsd)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, const uint8_t peer_addr[ETH_ALEN],
const struct wmi_sta_uapsd_auto_trig_arg* args,
uint32_t num_ac);
zx_status_t (*gen_sta_keepalive)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
const struct wmi_sta_keepalive_arg* arg);
zx_status_t (*gen_wow_enable)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr);
zx_status_t (*gen_wow_add_wakeup_event)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, enum wmi_wow_wakeup_event event,
uint32_t enable);
zx_status_t (*gen_wow_host_wakeup_ind)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr);
zx_status_t (*gen_wow_add_pattern)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, uint32_t pattern_id,
const uint8_t* pattern, const uint8_t* mask, int pattern_len,
int pattern_offset);
zx_status_t (*gen_wow_del_pattern)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, uint32_t pattern_id);
zx_status_t (*gen_update_fw_tdls_state)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t vdev_id, enum wmi_tdls_state state);
zx_status_t (*gen_tdls_peer_update)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
const struct wmi_tdls_peer_update_cmd_arg* arg,
const struct wmi_tdls_peer_capab_arg* cap,
const struct wmi_channel_arg* chan);
zx_status_t (*gen_adaptive_qcs)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
bool enable);
zx_status_t (*gen_pdev_get_tpc_config)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
uint32_t param);
void (*fw_stats_fill)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_fw_stats* fw_stats, char* buf);
zx_status_t (*gen_pdev_enable_adaptive_cca)(struct ath10k* ar,
struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr, uint8_t enable,
uint32_t detect_level, uint32_t detect_margin);
zx_status_t (*ext_resource_config)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
enum wmi_host_platform_type type,
uint32_t fw_feature_bitmap);
zx_status_t (*get_vdev_subtype)(struct ath10k* ar, enum wmi_vdev_subtype subtype, int* result);
zx_status_t (*gen_pdev_bss_chan_info_req)(struct ath10k* ar,
struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr,
enum wmi_bss_survey_req_type type);
zx_status_t (*gen_echo)(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf** msg_buf_ptr, uint32_t value);
zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf, uint32_t cmd_id);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_rx(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf) {
if (COND_WARN_ONCE(!ar->wmi.ops->rx)) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
ar->wmi.ops->rx(ar, buf);
return ZX_OK;
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_map_svc(struct ath10k* ar, const uint32_t* in,
BITARR_TYPE* out, size_t len) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->map_svc) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
ar->wmi.ops->map_svc(in, out, len);
return ZX_OK;
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_scan(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_scan_ev_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_scan) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_scan(ar, buf, arg);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_mgmt_rx(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_mgmt_rx_ev_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_mgmt_rx) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_mgmt_rx(ar, buf, arg);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_ch_info(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_ch_info_ev_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_ch_info) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_ch_info(ar, buf, arg);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_vdev_start(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_vdev_start_ev_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_vdev_start) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_vdev_start(ar, buf, arg);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_peer_kick(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_peer_kick_ev_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_peer_kick) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_peer_kick(ar, buf, arg);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_swba(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_swba_ev_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_swba) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_swba(ar, buf, arg);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_phyerr_hdr(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_phyerr_hdr_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_phyerr_hdr) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_phyerr_hdr(ar, buf, arg);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_phyerr(struct ath10k* ar, const void* phyerr_buf,
int left_len, struct wmi_phyerr_ev_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_phyerr) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_phyerr(ar, phyerr_buf, left_len, arg);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_svc_rdy(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* msg_buf,
struct wmi_svc_rdy_ev_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_svc_rdy) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_svc_rdy(ar, msg_buf, arg);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_rdy(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* msg_buf,
struct wmi_rdy_ev_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_rdy) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_rdy(ar, msg_buf, arg);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_fw_stats(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct ath10k_fw_stats* stats) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_fw_stats) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_fw_stats(ar, buf, stats);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_roam_ev(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_roam_ev_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_roam_ev) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_roam_ev(ar, buf, arg);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_wow_event(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf,
struct wmi_wow_ev_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_wow_event) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_wow_event(ar, buf, arg);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pull_echo_ev(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* msg_buf,
struct wmi_echo_ev_arg* arg) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->pull_echo_ev) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->pull_echo_ev(ar, msg_buf, arg);
static inline enum wmi_txbf_conf ath10k_wmi_get_txbf_conf_scheme(struct ath10k* ar) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->get_txbf_conf_scheme) { return WMI_TXBF_CONF_UNSUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->get_txbf_conf_scheme(ar);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_mgmt_tx(struct ath10k* ar, struct ath10k_msg_buf* msdu) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
zx_status_t ret;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_mgmt_tx) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
ret = ar->wmi.ops->gen_mgmt_tx(ar, &buf, msdu);
if (ret != ZX_OK) { return ret; }
ret = ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->mgmt_tx_cmdid);
if (ret != ZX_OK) { return ret; }
return ZX_OK;
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pdev_set_regdomain(struct ath10k* ar, uint16_t rd,
uint16_t rd2g, uint16_t rd5g,
uint16_t ctl2g, uint16_t ctl5g,
enum wmi_dfs_region dfs_reg) {
zx_status_t status;
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_set_rd) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_set_rd(ar, &buf, rd, rd2g, rd5g, ctl2g, ctl5g, dfs_reg);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->pdev_set_regdomain_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pdev_suspend_target(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t suspend_opt) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_suspend) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_suspend(ar, &buf, suspend_opt);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->pdev_suspend_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pdev_resume_target(struct ath10k* ar) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
zx_status_t status;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_resume) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_resume(ar, &buf);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->pdev_resume_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pdev_set_param(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t id,
uint32_t value) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
zx_status_t status;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_set_param) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_set_param(ar, &buf, id, value);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->pdev_set_param_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_cmd_init(struct ath10k* ar) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
zx_status_t status;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_init) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_init(ar, &buf);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->init_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_start_scan(struct ath10k* ar,
const struct wmi_start_scan_arg* arg) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_start_scan) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_start_scan(ar, &buf, arg);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->start_scan_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_stop_scan(struct ath10k* ar,
const struct wmi_stop_scan_arg* arg) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_stop_scan) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_stop_scan(ar, &buf, arg);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->stop_scan_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_create(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
enum wmi_vdev_type type,
enum wmi_vdev_subtype subtype,
const uint8_t macaddr[ETH_ALEN]) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_create) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_create(ar, &buf, vdev_id, type, subtype, macaddr);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->vdev_create_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_delete(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_delete) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_delete(ar, &buf, vdev_id);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->vdev_delete_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_start(struct ath10k* ar,
const struct wmi_vdev_start_request_arg* arg) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_start) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_start(ar, &buf, arg, false);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->vdev_start_request_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_restart(struct ath10k* ar,
const struct wmi_vdev_start_request_arg* arg) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_start) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_start(ar, &buf, arg, true);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->vdev_restart_request_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_stop(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_stop) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_stop(ar, &buf, vdev_id);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->vdev_stop_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_up(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id, uint32_t aid,
const uint8_t* bssid) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_up) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_up(ar, &buf, vdev_id, aid, bssid);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->vdev_up_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_down(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_down) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_down(ar, &buf, vdev_id);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->vdev_down_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_set_param(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
uint32_t param_id, uint32_t param_value) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_set_param) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_set_param(ar, &buf, vdev_id, param_id, param_value);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->vdev_set_param_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_install_key(struct ath10k* ar,
const struct wmi_vdev_install_key_arg* arg) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_install_key) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_install_key(ar, &buf, arg);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->vdev_install_key_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_spectral_conf(
struct ath10k* ar, const struct wmi_vdev_spectral_conf_arg* arg) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
uint32_t cmd_id;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_spectral_conf) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_spectral_conf(ar, &buf, arg);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
cmd_id = ar->wmi.cmd->vdev_spectral_scan_configure_cmdid;
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, cmd_id);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_spectral_enable(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
uint32_t trigger, uint32_t enable) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
uint32_t cmd_id;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_spectral_enable) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_spectral_enable(ar, &buf, vdev_id, trigger, enable);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
cmd_id = ar->wmi.cmd->vdev_spectral_scan_enable_cmdid;
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, cmd_id);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_sta_uapsd(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const uint8_t peer_addr[ETH_ALEN],
const struct wmi_sta_uapsd_auto_trig_arg* args,
uint32_t num_ac) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
uint32_t cmd_id;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_sta_uapsd) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status =
ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_sta_uapsd(ar, &buf, vdev_id, peer_addr, args, num_ac);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
cmd_id = ar->wmi.cmd->sta_uapsd_auto_trig_cmdid;
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, cmd_id);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_vdev_wmm_conf(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const struct wmi_wmm_params_all_arg* arg) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
uint32_t cmd_id;
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_vdev_wmm_conf(ar, &buf, vdev_id, arg);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
cmd_id = ar->wmi.cmd->vdev_set_wmm_params_cmdid;
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, cmd_id);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_peer_create(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const uint8_t peer_addr[ETH_ALEN],
enum wmi_peer_type peer_type) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_peer_create) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_peer_create(ar, &buf, vdev_id, peer_addr, peer_type);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->peer_create_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_peer_delete(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const uint8_t peer_addr[ETH_ALEN]) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_peer_delete) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_peer_delete(ar, &buf, vdev_id, peer_addr);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->peer_delete_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_peer_flush(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const uint8_t peer_addr[ETH_ALEN],
uint32_t tid_bitmap) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_peer_flush) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_peer_flush(ar, &buf, vdev_id, peer_addr, tid_bitmap);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->peer_flush_tids_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_peer_set_param(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const uint8_t* peer_addr,
enum wmi_peer_param param_id,
uint32_t param_value) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_peer_set_param) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status =
ar->wmi.ops->gen_peer_set_param(ar, &buf, vdev_id, peer_addr, param_id, param_value);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->peer_set_param_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_set_psmode(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
enum wmi_sta_ps_mode psmode) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_set_psmode) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_set_psmode(ar, &buf, vdev_id, psmode);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->sta_powersave_mode_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_set_sta_ps_param(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
enum wmi_sta_powersave_param param_id,
uint32_t value) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_set_sta_ps) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_set_sta_ps(ar, &buf, vdev_id, param_id, value);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->sta_powersave_param_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_set_ap_ps_param(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const uint8_t* mac,
enum wmi_ap_ps_peer_param param_id,
uint32_t value) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_set_ap_ps) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_set_ap_ps(ar, &buf, vdev_id, mac, param_id, value);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->ap_ps_peer_param_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_scan_chan_list(struct ath10k* ar,
const struct wmi_scan_chan_list_arg* arg) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_scan_chan_list) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_scan_chan_list(ar, &buf, arg);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->scan_chan_list_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_peer_assoc(struct ath10k* ar,
const struct wmi_peer_assoc_complete_arg* arg) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_peer_assoc) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_peer_assoc(ar, &buf, arg);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->peer_assoc_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_beacon_send_ref_nowait(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const void* bcn, size_t bcn_len,
uint32_t bcn_paddr, bool dtim_zero,
bool deliver_cab) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_beacon_dma) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_beacon_dma(ar, &buf, vdev_id, bcn, bcn_len, bcn_paddr,
dtim_zero, deliver_cab);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
status = ath10k_wmi_cmd_send_nowait(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->pdev_send_bcn_cmdid);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pdev_set_wmm_params(struct ath10k* ar,
const struct wmi_wmm_params_all_arg* arg) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_set_wmm) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_set_wmm(ar, &buf, arg);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->pdev_set_wmm_params_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_request_stats(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t stats_mask) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_request_stats) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_request_stats(ar, &buf, stats_mask);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->request_stats_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_force_fw_hang(struct ath10k* ar,
enum wmi_force_fw_hang_type type,
uint32_t delay_ms) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_force_fw_hang) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_force_fw_hang(ar, &buf, type, delay_ms);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->force_fw_hang_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_dbglog_cfg(struct ath10k* ar, uint64_t module_enable,
uint32_t log_level) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_dbglog_cfg) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_dbglog_cfg(ar, &buf, module_enable, log_level);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->dbglog_cfg_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pdev_pktlog_enable(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t filter) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_pktlog_enable) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_pktlog_enable(ar, &buf, filter);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->pdev_pktlog_enable_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pdev_pktlog_disable(struct ath10k* ar) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_pktlog_disable) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_pktlog_disable(ar, &buf);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->pdev_pktlog_disable_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pdev_set_quiet_mode(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t period,
uint32_t duration, uint32_t next_offset,
uint32_t enabled) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_set_quiet_mode) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status =
ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_set_quiet_mode(ar, &buf, period, duration, next_offset, enabled);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->pdev_set_quiet_mode_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pdev_get_temperature(struct ath10k* ar) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_get_temperature) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_get_temperature(ar, &buf);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->pdev_get_temperature_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_addba_clear_resp(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const uint8_t* mac) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_addba_clear_resp) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_addba_clear_resp(ar, &buf, vdev_id, mac);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->addba_clear_resp_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_addba_send(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const uint8_t* mac, uint32_t tid,
uint32_t buf_size) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_addba_send) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_addba_send(ar, &buf, vdev_id, mac, tid, buf_size);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->addba_send_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_addba_set_resp(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const uint8_t* mac, uint32_t tid,
uint32_t status) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_addba_set_resp) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t result = ar->wmi.ops->gen_addba_set_resp(ar, &buf, vdev_id, mac, tid, status);
if (result != ZX_OK) { return result; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->addba_set_resp_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_delba_send(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const uint8_t* mac, uint32_t tid,
uint32_t initiator, uint32_t reason) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_delba_send) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status =
ar->wmi.ops->gen_delba_send(ar, &buf, vdev_id, mac, tid, initiator, reason);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->delba_send_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_bcn_tmpl(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
uint32_t tim_ie_offset, struct ath10k_msg_buf* bcn,
uint32_t prb_caps, uint32_t prb_erp, void* prb_ies,
size_t prb_ies_len) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_bcn_tmpl) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_bcn_tmpl(ar, &buf, vdev_id, tim_ie_offset, bcn, prb_caps,
prb_erp, prb_ies, prb_ies_len);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->bcn_tmpl_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_prb_tmpl(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
struct ath10k_msg_buf* prb) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_prb_tmpl) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_prb_tmpl(ar, &buf, vdev_id, prb);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->prb_tmpl_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_p2p_go_bcn_ie(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
const uint8_t* p2p_ie) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_p2p_go_bcn_ie) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_p2p_go_bcn_ie(ar, &buf, vdev_id, p2p_ie);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->p2p_go_set_beacon_ie);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_sta_keepalive(struct ath10k* ar,
const struct wmi_sta_keepalive_arg* arg) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
uint32_t cmd_id;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_sta_keepalive) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_sta_keepalive(ar, &buf, arg);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
cmd_id = ar->wmi.cmd->sta_keepalive_cmd;
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, cmd_id);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_wow_enable(struct ath10k* ar) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
uint32_t cmd_id;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_wow_enable) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_wow_enable(ar, &buf);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
cmd_id = ar->wmi.cmd->wow_enable_cmdid;
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, cmd_id);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_wow_add_wakeup_event(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
enum wmi_wow_wakeup_event event,
uint32_t enable) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
uint32_t cmd_id;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_wow_add_wakeup_event) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_wow_add_wakeup_event(ar, &buf, vdev_id, event, enable);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
cmd_id = ar->wmi.cmd->wow_enable_disable_wake_event_cmdid;
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, cmd_id);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_wow_host_wakeup_ind(struct ath10k* ar) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
uint32_t cmd_id;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_wow_host_wakeup_ind) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_wow_host_wakeup_ind(ar, &buf);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
cmd_id = ar->wmi.cmd->wow_hostwakeup_from_sleep_cmdid;
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, cmd_id);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_wow_add_pattern(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
uint32_t pattern_id, const uint8_t* pattern,
const uint8_t* mask, int pattern_len,
int pattern_offset) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
uint32_t cmd_id;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_wow_add_pattern) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_wow_add_pattern(ar, &buf, vdev_id, pattern_id, pattern,
mask, pattern_len, pattern_offset);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
cmd_id = ar->wmi.cmd->wow_add_wake_pattern_cmdid;
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, cmd_id);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_wow_del_pattern(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
uint32_t pattern_id) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
uint32_t cmd_id;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_wow_del_pattern) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_wow_del_pattern(ar, &buf, vdev_id, pattern_id);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
cmd_id = ar->wmi.cmd->wow_del_wake_pattern_cmdid;
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, cmd_id);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_update_fw_tdls_state(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t vdev_id,
enum wmi_tdls_state state) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_update_fw_tdls_state) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_update_fw_tdls_state(ar, &buf, vdev_id, state);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->tdls_set_state_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_tdls_peer_update(
struct ath10k* ar, const struct wmi_tdls_peer_update_cmd_arg* arg,
const struct wmi_tdls_peer_capab_arg* cap, const struct wmi_channel_arg* chan) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_tdls_peer_update) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_tdls_peer_update(ar, &buf, arg, cap, chan);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->tdls_peer_update_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_adaptive_qcs(struct ath10k* ar, bool enable) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_adaptive_qcs) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_adaptive_qcs(ar, &buf, enable);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->adaptive_qcs_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pdev_get_tpc_config(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t param) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_get_tpc_config) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_get_tpc_config(ar, &buf, param);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->pdev_get_tpc_config_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_fw_stats_fill(struct ath10k* ar,
struct ath10k_fw_stats* fw_stats, char* buf) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->fw_stats_fill) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
ar->wmi.ops->fw_stats_fill(ar, fw_stats, buf);
return ZX_OK;
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pdev_enable_adaptive_cca(struct ath10k* ar, uint8_t enable,
uint32_t detect_level,
uint32_t detect_margin) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_enable_adaptive_cca) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status =
ar->wmi.ops->gen_pdev_enable_adaptive_cca(ar, &buf, enable, detect_level, detect_margin);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->pdev_enable_adaptive_cca_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_ext_resource_config(struct ath10k* ar,
enum wmi_host_platform_type type,
uint32_t fw_feature_bitmap) {
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!ar->wmi.ops->ext_resource_config) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = ar->wmi.ops->ext_resource_config(ar, &buf, type, fw_feature_bitmap);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, ar->wmi.cmd->ext_resource_cfg_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_get_vdev_subtype(struct ath10k* ar,
enum wmi_vdev_subtype subtype,
int* result) {
if (!ar->wmi.ops->get_vdev_subtype) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
return ar->wmi.ops->get_vdev_subtype(ar, subtype, result);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_pdev_bss_chan_info_request(struct ath10k* ar,
enum wmi_bss_survey_req_type type) {
struct ath10k_wmi* wmi = &ar->wmi;
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
if (!wmi->ops->gen_pdev_bss_chan_info_req) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
zx_status_t status = wmi->ops->gen_pdev_bss_chan_info_req(ar, &buf, type);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, wmi->cmd->pdev_bss_chan_info_request_cmdid);
static inline zx_status_t ath10k_wmi_echo(struct ath10k* ar, uint32_t value) {
struct ath10k_wmi* wmi = &ar->wmi;
struct ath10k_msg_buf* buf;
zx_status_t status;
if (!wmi->ops->gen_echo) { return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
status = wmi->ops->gen_echo(ar, &buf, value);
if (status != ZX_OK) { return status; }
return ath10k_wmi_cmd_send(ar, buf, wmi->cmd->echo_cmdid);