blob: bd8eab361a09c8a4ac54744e350805a2a5885013 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "address_space.h"
#include "gtt.h"
std::unique_ptr<GpuMapping> AddressSpace::MapBufferGpu(std::shared_ptr<AddressSpace> address_space,
std::shared_ptr<MsdIntelBuffer> buffer,
uint64_t offset, uint64_t length)
length = address_space->GetMappedSize(length);
if (!magma::is_page_aligned(offset))
return DRETP(nullptr, "offset (0x%lx) not page aligned", offset);
if (offset + length > buffer->platform_buffer()->size())
return DRETP(nullptr, "offset (0x%lx) + length (0x%lx) > buffer size (0x%lx)", offset,
length, buffer->platform_buffer()->size());
if (length > address_space->Size())
return DRETP(nullptr, "length (0x%lx) > address space size (0x%lx)", length,
uint64_t align_pow2;
if (!magma::get_pow2(PAGE_SIZE, &align_pow2))
return DRETP(nullptr, "alignment is not power of 2");
// Casting to uint8_t below
DASSERT((align_pow2 & ~0xFF) == 0);
gpu_addr_t gpu_addr;
if (!address_space->Alloc(length, static_cast<uint8_t>(align_pow2), &gpu_addr))
return DRETP(nullptr, "failed to allocate gpu address");
DLOG("MapBufferGpu offset 0x%lx length 0x%lx allocated gpu_addr 0x%lx", offset, length,
uint64_t page_offset = offset / PAGE_SIZE;
uint32_t page_count = length / PAGE_SIZE;
std::unique_ptr<magma::PlatformBusMapper::BusMapping> bus_mapping;
if (address_space->type() == ADDRESS_SPACE_PPGTT) {
bus_mapping = address_space->owner_->GetBusMapper()->MapPageRangeBus(
buffer->platform_buffer(), page_offset, page_count);
if (!bus_mapping)
return DRETP(nullptr, "failed to bus map the page range");
if (!address_space->Insert(gpu_addr, bus_mapping.get()))
return DRETP(nullptr, "failed to insert into address_space");
} else {
if (!static_cast<Gtt*>(address_space.get())
->GlobalGttInsert(gpu_addr, buffer->platform_buffer(), page_offset, page_count))
return DRETP(nullptr, "failed to insert into address_space");
return std::unique_ptr<GpuMapping>(
new GpuMapping(address_space, buffer, offset, length, gpu_addr, std::move(bus_mapping)));
AddressSpace::GetSharedGpuMapping(std::shared_ptr<AddressSpace> address_space,
std::shared_ptr<MsdIntelBuffer> buffer, uint64_t offset,
uint64_t length)
auto range = address_space->mappings_by_buffer_.equal_range(buffer->platform_buffer());
for (auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; iter++) {
auto& mapping = iter->second->second;
if (mapping->offset() == offset && mapping->length() == GetMappedSize(length))
return mapping;
std::shared_ptr<GpuMapping> mapping =
AddressSpace::MapBufferGpu(address_space, buffer, offset, length);
if (!mapping)
return DRETP(nullptr, "Couldn't map buffer");
if (!address_space->AddMapping(mapping))
return DRETP(nullptr, "Couldn't add mapping");
return mapping;
bool AddressSpace::AddMapping(std::shared_ptr<GpuMapping> gpu_mapping)
auto iter = mappings_.upper_bound(gpu_mapping->gpu_addr());
if (iter != mappings_.end() &&
(gpu_mapping->gpu_addr() + gpu_mapping->length() > iter->second->gpu_addr()))
return DRETF(false, "Mapping overlaps existing mapping");
// Find the mapping with the highest VA that's <= this.
if (iter != mappings_.begin()) {
// Check if the previous mapping overlaps this.
if (iter->second->gpu_addr() + iter->second->length() > gpu_mapping->gpu_addr())
return DRETF(false, "Mapping overlaps existing mapping");
std::pair<map_container_t::iterator, bool> result =
mappings_.insert({gpu_mapping->gpu_addr(), gpu_mapping});
mappings_by_buffer_.insert({gpu_mapping->buffer()->platform_buffer(), result.first});
return true;
void AddressSpace::ReleaseBuffer(magma::PlatformBuffer* buffer,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GpuMapping>>* released_mappings_out)
auto range = mappings_by_buffer_.equal_range(buffer);
for (auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second;) {
iter = mappings_by_buffer_.erase(iter);