blob: e3d8ca87b7ffd8735aa24d0b5e6d7f87e6cae262 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pdu.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/common/log.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/hci/acl_data_packet.h"
namespace btlib {
namespace l2cap {
PDU::Reader::Reader(const PDU* pdu)
: offset_(sizeof(BasicHeader)),
pdu_(pdu) {
cur_fragment_ = pdu_->fragments_.cbegin();
bool PDU::Reader::ReadNext(size_t size, const ReadFunc& func) {
if (!size)
return false;
if (cur_fragment_ == pdu_->fragments_.cend() ||
offset_ + size > pdu_->length() + sizeof(BasicHeader)) {
return false;
// Return a view to avoid copying if the fragment boundary is not being
// crossed.
size_t frag_size = cur_fragment_->view().payload_size();
if (frag_offset_ + size <= frag_size) {
auto data_view =
cur_fragment_->view().payload_data().view(frag_offset_, size);
offset_ += size;
frag_offset_ += size;
if (frag_offset_ == frag_size) {
frag_offset_ = 0u;
return true;
// TODO(armansito): This will work fine for small sizes but we'll need to
// dynamically allocate for packets that are large. Fix this once L2CAP slab
// allocators have been wired up.
if (size > 1024) {
bt_log(WARN, "l2cap", "need to dynamically allocate buffer (size: %zu)",
return false;
uint8_t buffer[size];
common::MutableBufferView out(buffer, size);
size_t remaining = size;
while (cur_fragment_ != pdu_->fragments_.cend() && remaining) {
// Calculate how much to copy from the current fragment.
auto payload = cur_fragment_->view().payload_data();
size_t copy_size = std::min(payload.size() - frag_offset_, remaining);
out.Write( + frag_offset_, copy_size, size - remaining);
offset_ += copy_size;
frag_offset_ += copy_size;
remaining -= copy_size;
// Reset fragment offset if we processed an entire fragment.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(frag_offset_ <= payload.size());
if (frag_offset_ == payload.size()) {
frag_offset_ = 0u;
return true;
PDU::PDU() : fragment_count_(0u) {}
// NOTE: The order in which these are initialized matters, as
// other.ReleaseFragments() resets |other.fragment_count_|.
PDU::PDU(PDU&& other)
: fragment_count_(other.fragment_count_),
fragments_(other.ReleaseFragments()) {}
PDU& PDU::operator=(PDU&& other) {
// NOTE: The order in which these are initialized matters, as
// other.ReleaseFragments() resets |other.fragment_count_|.
fragment_count_ = other.fragment_count_;
fragments_ = other.ReleaseFragments();
return *this;
size_t PDU::Copy(common::MutableByteBuffer* out_buffer, size_t pos,
size_t size) const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(pos < length());
size_t remaining = std::min(size, length() - pos);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(out_buffer->size() >= remaining);
bool found = false;
size_t offset = 0u;
for (auto iter = fragments_.begin(); iter != fragments_.end() && remaining;
++iter) {
auto payload = iter->view().payload_data();
// Skip the Basic L2CAP header for the first fragment.
if (iter == fragments_.begin()) {
payload = payload.view(sizeof(BasicHeader));
// We first find the beginning fragment based on |pos|.
if (!found) {
size_t fragment_size = payload.size();
if (pos >= fragment_size) {
pos -= fragment_size;
// The beginning fragment has been found.
found = true;
// Calculate how much to read from the current fragment
size_t write_size = std::min(payload.size() - pos, remaining);
// Read the fragment into out_buffer->mutable_data() + offset.
out_buffer->Write( + pos, write_size, offset);
// Clear |pos| after using it on the first fragment as all successive
// fragments are read from the beginning.
if (pos)
pos = 0u;
offset += write_size;
remaining -= write_size;
return offset;
const common::BufferView PDU::ViewFirstFragment(size_t size) const {
return fragments_.begin()->view().payload_data().view(sizeof(BasicHeader),
PDU::FragmentList PDU::ReleaseFragments() {
auto out_list = std::move(fragments_);
fragment_count_ = 0u;
return out_list;
const BasicHeader& PDU::basic_header() const {
const auto& fragment = *fragments_.begin();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(fragment.packet_boundary_flag() !=
return fragment.view().payload<BasicHeader>();
void PDU::AppendFragment(hci::ACLDataPacketPtr fragment) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(!is_valid() || fragments_.begin()->connection_handle() ==
} // namespace l2cap
} // namespace btlib