blob: 97a542481cb03d4d579070aefa27c6435e7d6e18 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/att/att.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/att/bearer.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/common/uuid.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/gatt/gatt_defs.h"
#include "lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace btlib {
namespace gatt {
// Implements GATT client-role procedures. A client operates over a single ATT
// data bearer. Client objects are solely used to map GATT procedures to ATT
// protocol methods and do not maintain service state.
// Client is not thread safe. It must be created, used, and destroyed on the
// same thread. All asynchronous callbacks are run on the thread that the data
// bearer is bound to.
class Client {
// Constructs a new Client bearer.
static std::unique_ptr<Client> Create(fxl::RefPtr<att::Bearer> bearer);
virtual ~Client() = default;
// Returns a weak pointer to this Client. The weak pointer should be checked
// on the data bearer's thread only as Client can only be accessed on that
// thread.
virtual fxl::WeakPtr<Client> AsWeakPtr() = 0;
// Returns the current ATT MTU.
virtual uint16_t mtu() const = 0;
// Initiates an MTU exchange and adjusts the MTU of the bearer according to
// what the peer is capable of. The request will be initiated using the
// bearer's preferred MTU.
// After the exchange is complete, the bearer will be updated to use the
// resulting MTU. The resulting MTU will be notified via |callback|.
// |status| will be set to an error if the MTU exchange fails. The |mtu|
// parameter will be set to 0 and the underlying bearer's MTU will remain
// unmodified.
using MTUCallback = fit::function<void(att::Status status, uint16_t mtu)>;
virtual void ExchangeMTU(MTUCallback callback) = 0;
// Performs the "Discover All Primary Services" procedure defined in
// v5.0, Vol 3, Part G, 4.4.1. |service_callback| is run for each discovered
// service. |status_callback| is run with the result of the operation.
// NOTE: |service_callback| will be called asynchronously as services are
// discovered so a caller can start processing the results immediately while
// the procedure is in progress. Since discovery usually occurs over multiple
// ATT transactions, it is possible for |status_callback| to be called with an
// error even if some services have been discovered. It is up to the client
// to clear any cached state in this case.
using ServiceCallback = fit::function<void(const ServiceData&)>;
virtual void DiscoverPrimaryServices(ServiceCallback svc_callback,
att::StatusCallback status_callback) = 0;
// Performs the "Discover All Characteristics of a Service" procedure defined
// in v5.0, Vol 3, Part G, 4.6.1.
using CharacteristicCallback = fit::function<void(const CharacteristicData&)>;
virtual void DiscoverCharacteristics(att::Handle range_start,
att::Handle range_end,
CharacteristicCallback chrc_callback,
att::StatusCallback status_callback) = 0;
// Performs the "Discover All Characteristic Descriptors" procedure defined in
// Vol 3, Part G, 4.7.1.
using DescriptorCallback = fit::function<void(const DescriptorData&)>;
virtual void DiscoverDescriptors(att::Handle range_start,
att::Handle range_end,
DescriptorCallback desc_callback,
att::StatusCallback status_callback) = 0;
// Sends an ATT Read Request with the requested attribute |handle| and returns
// the resulting value in |callback|. This can be used to send a (short) read
// request to any attribute. (Vol 3, Part F,
// Reports the status of the procedure and the resulting value in |callback|.
// Returns an empty buffer if the status is an error.
using ReadCallback =
fit::function<void(att::Status, const common::ByteBuffer&)>;
virtual void ReadRequest(att::Handle handle, ReadCallback callback) = 0;
// Sends an ATT Read Blob request with the requested attribute |handle| and
// returns the result value in |callback|. This can be called multiple times
// to read the value of a characteristic that is larger than the ATT_MTU.
// (Vol 3, Part G, 4.8.3)
virtual void ReadBlobRequest(att::Handle handle, uint16_t offset,
ReadCallback callback) = 0;
// Sends an ATT Write Request with the requested attribute |handle| and
// |value|. This can be used to send a write request to any attribute.
// (Vol 3, Part F,
// Reports the status of the procedure in |callback|.
// HostError::kPacketMalformed is returned if |value| is too large to write in
// a single ATT request.
virtual void WriteRequest(att::Handle handle,
const common::ByteBuffer& value,
att::StatusCallback callback) = 0;
// Sends an ATT Write Command with the requested |handle| and |value|. This
// should only be used with characteristics that support the "Write Without
// Response" property.
virtual void WriteWithoutResponse(att::Handle handle,
const common::ByteBuffer& value) = 0;
// Assigns a callback that will be called when a notification or indication
// PDU is received.
using NotificationCallback =
fit::function<void(bool indication,
att::Handle handle,
const common::ByteBuffer& value)>;
virtual void SetNotificationHandler(NotificationCallback handler) = 0;
} // namespace gatt
} // namespace btlib