blob: a69f333e151327806d771b52f8677798dace32dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/common/device_address.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/gap/gap.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/gap/low_energy_state.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/hci/acl_data_channel.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/hci/hci_constants.h"
#include "garnet/drivers/bluetooth/lib/hci/lmp_feature_set.h"
namespace btlib {
namespace gap {
// Stores controller settings and state information.
class AdapterState final {
// The HCI version supported by the controller.
hci::HCIVersion hci_version() const { return hci_version_; }
// This returns Bluetooth Controller address. This address has the following
// meaning based on the controller capabilities:
// - On BR/EDR this is the Bluetooth Controller Address, or BD_ADDR.
// - On LE this is the Public Device Address. This value can be used as the
// device's identity address. This value can be zero if a Public Device
// Address is not used.
// - On BR/EDR/LE this is the LE Public Device Address AND the BD_ADDR.
const common::DeviceAddressBytes& controller_address() const {
return controller_address_;
TechnologyType type() const {
// Note: we don't support BR/EDR only controllers.
if (IsBREDRSupported()) {
return TechnologyType::kDualMode;
return TechnologyType::kLowEnergy;
// The features that are supported by this controller.
const hci::LMPFeatureSet& features() const { return features_; }
// Helpers for querying LMP capabilities.
inline bool IsBREDRSupported() const {
return !features().HasBit(0u, hci::LMPFeature::kBREDRNotSupported);
inline bool IsLowEnergySupported() const {
return features().HasBit(0u, hci::LMPFeature::kLESupported);
// Returns true if |command_bit| in the given |octet| is set in the supported
// command list.
inline bool IsCommandSupported(size_t octet,
hci::SupportedCommand command_bit) const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(octet < sizeof(supported_commands_));
return supported_commands_[octet] & static_cast<uint8_t>(command_bit);
// Returns Bluetooth Low Energy specific state information.
const LowEnergyState& low_energy_state() const { return le_state_; }
// Returns the BR/EDR ACL data buffer capacity.
const hci::DataBufferInfo& bredr_data_buffer_info() const {
return bredr_data_buffer_info_;
// Returns the BR/EDR local name
const std::string local_name() const { return local_name_; }
// Let Adapter directly write to the private members.
friend class Adapter;
// The member variables in this class consist of controller settings that are
// shared between LE and BR/EDR controllers. LE and BR/EDR specific state is
// stored in corresponding data structures.
// TODO(armansito): Actually do this and update the comment to refer to the
// variables.
// HCI version supported by the controller.
hci::HCIVersion hci_version_;
// The Features that are supported by this adapter.
hci::LMPFeatureSet features_;
// Bitmask list of HCI commands that the controller supports.
uint8_t supported_commands_[64];
// BD_ADDR (for classic) and Public Device Address (for LE).
common::DeviceAddressBytes controller_address_;
// The BR/EDR ACL data buffer size. We store this here as it is needed on
// dual-mode controllers even if the host stack is compiled for LE-only.
hci::DataBufferInfo bredr_data_buffer_info_;
// BLE-specific state.
LowEnergyState le_state_;
// Local name
std::string local_name_;
// TODO(armansito): Add BREDRState class.
} // namespace gap
} // namespace btlib