blob: c5819f2fe2438c76304833a52b620237a40c4465 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/lazy_symbol.h"
#include "lib/fxl/memory/ref_counted.h"
namespace zxdb {
class ArrayType;
class BaseType;
class CodeBlock;
class Collection;
class DataMember;
class Enumeration;
class Function;
class FunctionType;
class InheritedFrom;
class MemberPtr;
class ModifiedType;
class Namespace;
class Type;
class Value;
class Variable;
// Represents the type of a variable. This is a deserialized version of the
// various DWARF DIE entries that define types. It is normally generated from
// a LazySymbol from a DIE reference.
class Symbol : public fxl::RefCountedThreadSafe<Symbol> {
// Not a DWARF tag, this is used to indicate "not present."
static constexpr int kTagNone = 0x00;
// Type modifier for arrays ("foo[]") of an underlying type. May have a
// SubrangeType child that indicates the size of the array.
static constexpr int kTagArrayType = 0x01;
// C++ class definition.
static constexpr int kTagClassType = 0x02;
// "Alternate entry point" to a function. Seems to be not generated.
static constexpr int kTagEntryPoint = 0x03;
// C/C++ "enum" declaration. May have children of kTagEnumerator.
static constexpr int kTagEnumerationType = 0x04;
// Normal function parameter, seen as a child of a "subprogram." It will
// normally have at least a name and a type.
static constexpr int kTagFormalParameter = 0x05;
// Generated for "using" statements that bring a type into a namespace.
// Converted into a TypeModifier class.
static constexpr int kTagImportedDeclaration = 0x08;
// Label (as used for "goto"). Probably don't need to handle.
static constexpr int kTagLabel = 0x0a;
// A lexical block will typically have children of kTagVariable for
// everything declared in it. It will also often have ranges associated with
// it.
static constexpr int kTagLexicalBlock = 0x0b;
// Class member data.
static constexpr int kTagMember = 0x0d;
// Type modifier that indicates a pointer to an underlying type.
static constexpr int kTagPointerType = 0x0f;
// Type modifier that indicates a reference to an underlying type.
static constexpr int kTagReferenceType = 0x10;
static constexpr int kTagCompileUnit = 0x11;
// Not used in C/C++ (they don't have a true primitive string type).
static constexpr int kTagStringType = 0x12;
// C/C++ struct declaration.
static constexpr int kTagStructureType = 0x13;
// Type for a C/C++ pointer to member function. See kTagPtrToMemberType.
static constexpr int kTagSubroutineType = 0x15;
// Typedef that provides a different name for an underlying type. Converted
// into a TypeModifier class.
static constexpr int kTagTypedef = 0x16;
static constexpr int kTagUnionType = 0x17;
// Indicates a C/C++ parameter of "...".
static constexpr int kTagUnspecifiedParameters = 0x18;
static constexpr int kTagVariant = 0x19;
// Common block and common inclusion are used by Fortran. Can ignore.
static constexpr int kTagCommonBlock = 0x1a;
static constexpr int kTagCommonInclusion = 0x1b;
// A member of a class or struct that indicates a type it inherits from.
static constexpr int kTagInheritance = 0x1c;
// Child of a subroutine indicating a section of code that's from another
// subroutine that's been inlined.
static constexpr int kTagInlinedSubroutine = 0x1d;
static constexpr int kTagModule = 0x1e;
// C++ Foo::* type. See kTagSubroutineType.
static constexpr int kTagPtrToMemberType = 0x1f;
// Used by Pascal. Can ignore.
static constexpr int kTagSetType = 0x20;
// In C++ this can be generated as the child of an array entry with a "type"
// of "__ARRAY_SIZE_TYPE__" and a "count" indicating the size of the array.
static constexpr int kTagSubrangeType = 0x21;
// Pascal and Modula-2 "with" statement. Can ignore.
static constexpr int kTagWithStmt = 0x22;
// C++ "public", "private", "protected". Seems to not be generated.
static constexpr int kTagAccessDeclaration = 0x23;
// Declaration of a built-in compiler base type like an "int".
static constexpr int kTagBaseType = 0x24;
static constexpr int kTagCatchBlock = 0x25;
// Type modifier that adds "const".
static constexpr int kTagConstType = 0x26;
// Named constant.
static constexpr int kTagConstant = 0x27;
// Member of an enumeration. Will be a child of an EnumerationType entry.
static constexpr int kTagEnumerator = 0x28;
static constexpr int kTagFileType = 0x29;
// C++ "friend" declaration. Seems to not be generated.
static constexpr int kTagFriend = 0x2a;
// Namelists are used in Fortran 90. Can ignore.
static constexpr int kTagNamelist = 0x2b;
static constexpr int kTagNamelistItem = 0x2c;
// Packed types are used only by Pascal and ADA. Can ignore.
static constexpr int kTagPackedType = 0x2d;
// A function. Represented by a zxdb::Function object.
static constexpr int kTagSubprogram = 0x2e;
static constexpr int kTagTemplateTypeParameter = 0x2f;
static constexpr int kTagTemplateValueParameter = 0x30;
static constexpr int kTagThrownType = 0x31;
static constexpr int kTagTryBlock = 0x32;
static constexpr int kTagVariantPart = 0x33;
// Local variable declaration. It will normally have a name, type,
// declaration location, and location.
static constexpr int kTagVariable = 0x34;
// Type modifier that indicates adding "volatile" to an underlying type.
static constexpr int kTagVolatileType = 0x35;
static constexpr int kTagDwarfProcedure = 0x36;
// Type modifier that indicates a C99 "restrict" qualifier on an underlying
// type.
static constexpr int kTagRestrictType = 0x37;
// Java interface. Can ignore.
static constexpr int kTagInterfaceType = 0x38;
// C++ namespace. The declarations inside this will be the contents of the
// namespace. This will be around declarations but not necessarily the
// function implementations.
static constexpr int kTagNamespace = 0x39;
// Seems to be generated for "using namespace" statements.
static constexpr int kTagImportedModule = 0x3a;
// Used in our toolchain for "decltype(nullptr)".
static constexpr int kTagUnspecifiedType = 0x3b;
static constexpr int kTagPartialUnit = 0x3c;
static constexpr int kTagImportedUnit = 0x3d;
// "If" statement. Seems to not be generated by our toolchain.
static constexpr int kTagCondition = 0x3f;
// Used by the "UPC" language. Can ignore.
static constexpr int kTagSharedType = 0x40;
// Seems to not be generated by our toolchain.
static constexpr int kTagTypeUnit = 0x41;
// Type modifier that indicates an rvalue reference to an underlying type.
static constexpr int kTagRvalueReferenceType = 0x42;
static constexpr int kTagTemplateAlias = 0x43;
// User-defined range.
static constexpr int kTagLoUser = 0x4080;
static constexpr int kTagHiUser = 0xffff;
// One of kTag* constants above, or something totally different (depending
// on what's in the symbol file).
int tag() const { return tag_; }
// The parent symbol. This could be many things. For inlined subroutines
// or lexical blocks, it could be an inlined subroutine, a lexical block,
// or a function. For a function it could be a class, namespace, or
// the top-level compilation unit.
// In the case of function implementations with separate definitions, the
// decoder will set the parent symbol to be the parent scope around
// the definition, which is how one will discover classes and namespaces
// that the function is in. This is what callers normally want, but it means
// that the parent symbol isn't necessarily the physical parent of the
// DIE that generated this symbol.
const LazySymbol& parent() const { return parent_; }
void set_parent(const LazySymbol& e) { parent_ = e; }
// Returns the name associated with this symbol. This name comes from the
// corresponding record in the DWARF format (hence "assigned"). It will NOT
// include namespace and struct qualifiers. Anything without a name assigned
// on the particular DWARF record name will return an empty string, even if
// that thing logically has a name that can be computed (as for
// ModifiedType).
// This default implementation returns a reference to an empty string.
// Derived classes will override as needed.
// Most callers will want to use GetFullName().
virtual const std::string& GetAssignedName() const;
// Returns the fully-qualified user-visible name for this symbol. This will
// include all namespace and struct qualifications.
// This implements caching. Derived classes override ComputeFullName() to
// control how the full name is presented.
const std::string& GetFullName() const;
// Manual RTTI.
virtual const ArrayType* AsArrayType() const;
virtual const BaseType* AsBaseType() const;
virtual const CodeBlock* AsCodeBlock() const;
virtual const DataMember* AsDataMember() const;
virtual const Enumeration* AsEnumeration() const;
virtual const Function* AsFunction() const;
virtual const FunctionType* AsFunctionType() const;
virtual const InheritedFrom* AsInheritedFrom() const;
virtual const MemberPtr* AsMemberPtr() const;
virtual const ModifiedType* AsModifiedType() const;
virtual const Namespace* AsNamespace() const;
virtual const Collection* AsCollection() const;
virtual const Type* AsType() const;
virtual const Value* AsValue() const;
virtual const Variable* AsVariable() const;
// Non-const manual RTTI wrappers.
ArrayType* AsArrayType() {
return const_cast<ArrayType*>(
const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsArrayType());
BaseType* AsBaseType() {
return const_cast<BaseType*>(const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsBaseType());
CodeBlock* AsCodeBlock() {
return const_cast<CodeBlock*>(
const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsCodeBlock());
DataMember* AsDataMember() {
return const_cast<DataMember*>(
const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsDataMember());
Enumeration* AsEnumeration() {
return const_cast<Enumeration*>(
const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsEnumeration());
Function* AsFunction() {
return const_cast<Function*>(const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsFunction());
FunctionType* AsFunctionType() {
return const_cast<FunctionType*>(
const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsFunctionType());
InheritedFrom* AsInheritedFrom() {
return const_cast<InheritedFrom*>(
const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsInheritedFrom());
MemberPtr* AsMemberPtr() {
return const_cast<MemberPtr*>(
const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsMemberPtr());
ModifiedType* AsModifiedType() {
return const_cast<ModifiedType*>(
const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsModifiedType());
Namespace* AsNamespace() {
return const_cast<Namespace*>(
const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsNamespace());
Collection* AsCollection() {
return const_cast<Collection*>(
const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsCollection());
Type* AsType() {
return const_cast<Type*>(const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsType());
Value* AsValue() {
return const_cast<Value*>(const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsValue());
Variable* AsVariable() {
return const_cast<Variable*>(const_cast<const Symbol*>(this)->AsVariable());
// Construct via fxl::MakeRefCounted.
explicit Symbol(int tag);
virtual ~Symbol();
// Computes the full name. Used by GetFullName() which adds a caching layer.
// Derived classes should override this to control how the name is presented.
// This implementation returns the scope prefix (namespaces, structs) +
// assigned name.
virtual std::string ComputeFullName() const;
int tag_ = kTagNone;
LazySymbol parent_;
// Lazily computed full symbol name.
// TODO(brettw) use std::optional when we can use C++17.
mutable bool computed_full_name_ = false;
mutable std::string full_name_;
} // namespace zxdb