blob: d88e3b9f54992223e966e21d26390d0747fe93a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/resolve_collection.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/expr_eval_context.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/expr_value.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/find_variable.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/identifier.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/expr/resolve_ptr_ref.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/arch.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/collection.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/data_member.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/function.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/inherited_from.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/modified_type.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/symbol_data_provider.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/type_utils.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/variable.h"
#include "lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// A wrapper around FindMember that issues errors rather than returning
// an optional. The base can be null for the convenience of the caller. On
// error, the output FoundMember will be untouched.
Err FindMemberWithErr(const Collection* base, const Identifier& identifier,
FoundMember* out) {
if (!base) {
return Err("Can't resolve '%s' on non-struct/class/union value.",
if (auto found = FindMember(base, identifier)) {
*out = *found;
return Err();
return Err("No member '%s' in %s '%s'.", identifier.GetFullName().c_str(),
base->GetKindString(), base->GetFullName().c_str());
Err GetErrorForInvalidMemberOf(const Collection* coll) {
return Err("Invalid data member for %s '%s'.", coll->GetKindString(),
// Tries to describe the type of the value as best as possible when a member
// access is invalid.
Err GetErrorForInvalidMemberOf(const ExprValue& value) {
if (!value.type())
return Err("No type information.");
if (const Collection* coll = value.type()->AsCollection())
return GetErrorForInvalidMemberOf(coll);
// Something other than a collection is the base.
return Err("Accessing a member of non-struct/class/union '%s'.",
// Validates the input member (it will null check) and extracts the type
// for the member.
Err GetMemberType(const Collection* coll, const DataMember* member,
fxl::RefPtr<Type>* member_type) {
if (!member)
return GetErrorForInvalidMemberOf(coll);
*member_type =
if (!*member_type) {
return Err("Bad type information for '%s.%s'.", coll->GetFullName().c_str(),
return Err();
void DoResolveMemberByPointer(fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context,
const ExprValue& base_ptr,
const Collection* pointed_to_type,
const FoundMember& member,
std::function<void(const Err&, ExprValue)> cb) {
Err err = base_ptr.EnsureSizeIs(kTargetPointerSize);
if (err.has_error()) {
cb(err, ExprValue());
fxl::RefPtr<Type> member_type;
err = GetMemberType(pointed_to_type, member.data_member(), &member_type);
if (err.has_error()) {
cb(err, ExprValue());
TargetPointer base_address = base_ptr.GetAs<TargetPointer>();
base_address + member.data_member_offset(),
std::move(member_type), std::move(cb));
// Extracts an embedded type inside of a base. This can be used for finding
// collection data members and inherited classes, both of which consist of a
// type and an offset.
Err ExtractSubType(const ExprValue& base, fxl::RefPtr<Type> sub_type,
uint32_t offset, ExprValue* out) {
uint32_t size = sub_type->byte_size();
if (offset + size >
return GetErrorForInvalidMemberOf(base);
std::vector<uint8_t> member_data( + offset, + (offset + size));
*out = ExprValue(std::move(sub_type), std::move(member_data),
return Err();
// This variant takes a precomputed offset of the data member in the base
// class. This is to support the case where the data member is in a derived
// class (the derived class will have its own offset).
Err DoResolveMember(const ExprValue& base, const FoundMember& member,
ExprValue* out) {
const Collection* coll = nullptr;
if (!base.type() || !(coll = base.type()->GetConcreteType()->AsCollection()))
return Err("Can't resolve data member on non-struct/class value.");
fxl::RefPtr<Type> member_type;
Err err = GetMemberType(coll, member.data_member(), &member_type);
if (err.has_error())
return err;
return ExtractSubType(base, std::move(member_type),
member.data_member_offset(), out);
} // namespace
Err ResolveMember(const ExprValue& base, const DataMember* member,
ExprValue* out) {
if (!member)
return GetErrorForInvalidMemberOf(base);
return DoResolveMember(base, FoundMember(member, member->member_location()),
Err ResolveMember(const ExprValue& base, const Identifier& identifier,
ExprValue* out) {
if (!base.type())
return Err("No type information.");
FoundMember found;
Err err = FindMemberWithErr(base.type()->GetConcreteType()->AsCollection(),
identifier, &found);
if (err.has_error())
return err;
return DoResolveMember(base, found, out);
void ResolveMemberByPointer(fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context,
const ExprValue& base_ptr,
const FoundMember& found_member,
std::function<void(const Err&, ExprValue)> cb) {
const Collection* coll = nullptr;
Err err = GetPointedToCollection(base_ptr.type(), &coll);
if (err.has_error()) {
cb(err, ExprValue());
DoResolveMemberByPointer(context, base_ptr, coll, found_member,
void ResolveMemberByPointer(
fxl::RefPtr<ExprEvalContext> context, const ExprValue& base_ptr,
const Identifier& identifier,
std::function<void(const Err&, fxl::RefPtr<DataMember>, ExprValue)> cb) {
const Collection* coll = nullptr;
Err err = GetPointedToCollection(base_ptr.type(), &coll);
if (err.has_error()) {
cb(err, nullptr, ExprValue());
FoundMember found_member;
err = FindMemberWithErr(coll, identifier, &found_member);
if (err.has_error()) {
cb(err, nullptr, ExprValue());
context, base_ptr, coll, found_member,
[cb = std::move(cb),
member_ref = fxl::RefPtr<DataMember>(const_cast<DataMember*>(
found_member.data_member()))](const Err& err, ExprValue value) {
cb(err, std::move(member_ref), std::move(value));
Err ResolveInherited(const ExprValue& value, const InheritedFrom* from,
ExprValue* out) {
const Type* from_type = from->from().Get()->AsType();
if (!from_type)
return GetErrorForInvalidMemberOf(value);
return ExtractSubType(value, fxl::RefPtr<Type>(const_cast<Type*>(from_type)),
from->offset(), out);
} // namespace zxdb