blob: 0ce034c4b833b04cc18ff8619a9f1b49fc0fda81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include "garnet/bin/ui/sketchy/util/glm_types.h"
namespace sketchy_service {
template <typename VecT>
struct CubicBezier;
typedef CubicBezier<float> CubicBezier1f;
typedef CubicBezier<vec2> CubicBezier2f;
template <typename VecT>
struct CubicBezier {
VecT pts[4];
VecT Evaluate(float t) const;
VecT Evaluate(float t, VecT* tmp3, VecT* tmp2) const;
bool operator==(const CubicBezier<VecT>& other) const {
return pts[0] == other.pts[0] && pts[1] == other.pts[1] &&
pts[2] == other.pts[2] && pts[3] == other.pts[3];
// Split into two curves at the specified parameter.
std::pair<CubicBezier<VecT>, CubicBezier<VecT>> Split(float t) const;
// Compute the cumulative arc length of the curve.
// TODO: some inputs trigger an infinite recursion; |debug_depth| is used
// to detect these conditions.
float ArcLength(uint8_t debug_depth = 0) const;
// Compute an arc-length parameterization of this curve. In other words,
// the following code:
// CubicBezier2f bez = SomehowObtainBezierCurve(...);
// auto reparam = bez.ArcLengthParameterization();
// std::vector<vec2> points;
// for (float t = 0.f; t <= 1.f; ++t) {
// points.push_back(bez.Evaluate(reparam.Evaluate(t)));
// }
// ... results in a collection of points that are approximately equally-spaced
// along the curve.
std::pair<CubicBezier1f, float> ArcLengthParameterization() const;
typedef CubicBezier<float> CubicBezier1f;
typedef CubicBezier<vec2> CubicBezier2f;
template <typename VecT>
CubicBezier<VecT> FitCubicBezier(const VecT* pts, int count,
const float* params, float param_shift,
float param_scale, VecT endpoint_tangent_0,
VecT endpoint_tangent_1);
CubicBezier2f FitCubicBezier2f(const vec2* pts, int count, const float* params,
float param_shift, float param_scale,
vec2 endpoint_tangent_0,
vec2 endpoint_tangent_1);
std::pair<vec2, vec2> EvaluatePointAndNormal(const CubicBezier<vec2>& bez,
float t);
} // namespace sketchy_service