blob: a99916868e2b128841d719cf6f746c8162a0c402 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/ui/sketchy/stroke/cubic_bezier.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace sketchy_service {
template <typename VecT>
VecT CubicBezier<VecT>::Evaluate(float t) const {
VecT tmp3[3];
VecT tmp2[2];
return Evaluate(t, tmp3, tmp2);
// TODO: inline makes performance difference?
template <typename VecT>
VecT CubicBezier<VecT>::Evaluate(float t, VecT* tmp3, VecT* tmp2) const {
float one_minus_t = 1.0 - t;
tmp3[0] = pts[0] * one_minus_t + pts[1] * t;
tmp3[1] = pts[1] * one_minus_t + pts[2] * t;
tmp3[2] = pts[2] * one_minus_t + pts[3] * t;
tmp2[0] = tmp3[0] * one_minus_t + tmp3[1] * t;
tmp2[1] = tmp3[1] * one_minus_t + tmp3[2] * t;
return tmp2[0] * one_minus_t + tmp2[1] * t;
// TODO: test
// auto split = bez.split;
// for (t = 0.0; t <= 1.0; ++t) {
// EXPECT_EQ(split.first.eval(t), bez.eval(t/2));
// EXPECT_EQ(split.second.eval(t), bez.eval(t/2 + 0.5));
// }
template <typename VecT>
std::pair<CubicBezier<VecT>, CubicBezier<VecT>> CubicBezier<VecT>::Split(
float t) const {
VecT tmp3[3];
VecT tmp2[2];
VecT split_pt = Evaluate(t, tmp3, tmp2);
std::pair<CubicBezier<VecT>, CubicBezier<VecT>> result;
result.first.pts[0] = pts[0];
result.first.pts[1] = tmp3[0];
result.first.pts[2] = tmp2[0];
result.first.pts[3] = split_pt;
result.second.pts[0] = split_pt;
result.second.pts[1] = tmp2[1];
result.second.pts[2] = tmp3[2];
result.second.pts[3] = pts[3];
return result;
// Compute the cumulative arc length of the curve, using the approach
// described in "Adaptive subdivision and the length of Bezier curves" by Jens
// Gravsen. The insight is that the length is bounded below by the length of
// the line segment (pt0, pt3), and bounded above by the sum of the line
// segments (pt0, pt1), (pt1, pt2), (pt2, pt3).
template <typename VecT>
float CubicBezier<VecT>::ArcLength(uint8_t debug_depth) const {
constexpr float kMaxErrorRate = 0.01f;
constexpr float kEpsilon = 0.000005f;
float upper_bound = distance(pts[0], pts[1]) + distance(pts[1], pts[2]) +
distance(pts[2], pts[3]);
float lower_bound = distance(pts[0], pts[3]);
if (debug_depth > 100) {
FXL_DLOG(WARNING) << "Recursion too deep!";
return 0.5 * (upper_bound + lower_bound);
if (!(upper_bound > 0.f)) {
// Catch zero and NaN before they become a problem.
return 0.f;
} else if ((upper_bound - lower_bound) / upper_bound <= kMaxErrorRate * 2.f) {
// Returning the mean of the two bounds guarantees that the result is within
// the error tolerance.
return 0.5 * (upper_bound + lower_bound);
} else if (upper_bound < kEpsilon) {
// In some cases, floating point precision will result in non-convergence;
// when this is detected, we explicitly terminate recursion.
// TODO: Is a constant threshold the right approach? Is this the right
// threshold ?
return 0.5 * (upper_bound + lower_bound);
} else {
// This curve is not flat enough. Split into two curves, and recursively
// evaluate the length of each one.
auto pair = Split(0.5);
float length_1 = pair.first.ArcLength(debug_depth + 1);
float length_2 = pair.second.ArcLength(debug_depth + 1);
return length_1 + length_2;
// Uses a simplified version of "Approximate Arc Length Parameterization" by
// Walter and Fournier. In particular, this version does not detect cases where
// it would be desirable to split the reparameterization curve into two
// segments.
template <typename VecT>
std::pair<CubicBezier1f, float> CubicBezier<VecT>::ArcLengthParameterization()
const {
const float full_length = ArcLength();
const float one_third_length = Split(1.f / 3.f).first.ArcLength();
const float two_thirds_length = Split(2.f / 3.f).first.ArcLength();
const float normalizer = 1.f / full_length;
const float s0 = one_third_length * normalizer;
const float s1 = two_thirds_length * normalizer;
CubicBezier1f bez;
bez.pts[0] = 0.f;
bez.pts[1] = (18.f * s0 - 9.f * s1 + 2.0) / 6.0;
bez.pts[2] = (-9.f * s0 + 18.f * s1 - 5.0) / 6.0;
bez.pts[3] = 1.f;
return std::make_pair(bez, full_length);
template <typename VecT>
CubicBezier<VecT> FitCubicBezier(const VecT* pts, int count,
const float* params, float param_shift,
float param_scale, VecT endpoint_tangent_0,
VecT endpoint_tangent_1) {
// Fitting a cubic bezier curve requires at lease 4 points.
FXL_DCHECK(count >= 4);
float c00, c01, c10, c11;
c00 = c01 = c10 = c11 = 0.f;
VecT x;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
float t = (params[i] + param_shift) * param_scale;
float omt = 1.f - t;
float b0 = omt * omt * omt;
float b1 = 3.f * t * omt * omt;
float b2 = 3.f * t * t * omt;
float b3 = t * t * t;
VecT a0 = endpoint_tangent_0 * b1;
VecT a1 = endpoint_tangent_1 * b2;
c00 += dot(a0, a0);
c01 += dot(a0, a1);
// c10 == dot(a1, a0) == c01, so don't compute here,
// but instead set it just after the loop.
c11 += dot(a1, a1);
VecT tmp = pts[i] - (pts[0] * (b0 + b1) + pts[count - 1] * (b2 + b3));
x[0] += dot(a0, tmp);
x[1] += dot(a1, tmp);
c10 = c01;
float det_c0_c1 = c00 * c11 - c10 * c01;
float det_c0_x = c00 * x[1] - c01 * x[0];
float det_x_c1 = x[0] * c11 - x[1] * c01;
if (det_c0_c1 == 0.f)
det_c0_c1 = c00 * c11 * 10e-12;
// Compute alpha values used to determine the distance along the left/right
// tangent vectors to place the middle two control points. If either alpha
// value is negative, recompute it using Wu/Barsky heuristic.
float alpha_l = det_x_c1 / det_c0_c1;
float alpha_r = det_c0_x / det_c0_c1;
if (alpha_l < 0.0 || alpha_r < 0.0) {
// Alpha was negative, so use Wu/Barsky heuristic to place points.
// TODO: if only one alpha value is negative, should only that one be
// adjusted?
alpha_l = alpha_r = distance(pts[0], pts[count - 1]);
// Set all 4 control points and return the curve.
CubicBezier<VecT> fit;
fit.pts[0] = pts[0];
fit.pts[1] = pts[0] + endpoint_tangent_0 * alpha_l;
fit.pts[2] = pts[count - 1] + endpoint_tangent_1 * alpha_r;
fit.pts[3] = pts[count - 1];
return fit;
CubicBezier2f FitCubicBezier2f(const vec2* pts, int count, const float* params,
float param_shift, float param_scale,
vec2 endpoint_tangent_0,
vec2 endpoint_tangent_1) {
FXL_DCHECK(count >= 3);
// TODO(SCN-269): Figure out a better way to fit a bezier curve given 3 pts.
// Possibility 1: Fit a quadratic curve.
// Possibility 2: Take the tangent as constraint and fit a cubic curve.
if (count == 3) {
vec2 _pts[4];
_pts[0] = pts[0];
_pts[1] = 0.667f * pts[0] + 0.333f * pts[1];
_pts[2] = 0.333f * pts[1] + 0.667f * pts[2];
_pts[3] = pts[2];
float _params[4];
_params[0] = params[0];
_params[1] = 0.5f * params[0] + 0.5f * params[1];
_params[2] = 0.5f * params[1] + 0.5f * params[2];
_params[3] = params[2];
return FitCubicBezier<vec2>(_pts, /* count= */ 4, _params, param_shift,
param_scale, endpoint_tangent_0,
return FitCubicBezier<vec2>(pts, count, params, param_shift, param_scale,
endpoint_tangent_0, endpoint_tangent_1);
std::pair<vec2, vec2> EvaluatePointAndNormal(const CubicBezier<vec2>& bez,
float t) {
vec2 tmp3[3];
vec2 tmp2[2];
vec2 pt = bez.Evaluate(t, tmp3, tmp2);
vec2 tangent = normalize(tmp2[1] - tmp2[0]);
// Rotate tangent clockwise by 90 degrees before returning.
return std::make_pair(pt, vec2{-tangent.y, tangent.x});
// Force instantiation.
template struct CubicBezier<float>;
template struct CubicBezier<vec2>;
} // namespace sketchy_service