blob: 2e25cba15c240652e5ce4896a35bf6abe31d0efa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Macros used in `recovery_netstack`.
/// Define a function which is specialized on [`crate::ip::Ipv4`] and
/// [`crate::ip::Ipv6`].
/// `specialize_ip` is used to define a generic function which has specialized
/// implementations depending on which IP version is used - `Ipv4` or `Ipv6`.
/// The caller provides the generic function declaration, using `Self` in place
/// of a concrete `Ip` type, and provides the bodies of the two specializations
/// of the function.
/// In the scope of the macro invocation, the function is added to the `Ip`
/// trait. Thus, given a function name `foo`, it can be invoked as either
/// `Ipv4::foo()` or `Ipv6::foo()` (or, for a type parameter `I: Ip`,
/// `I::foo()`).
/// # Examples
/// ```rust,ignore
/// # // TODO(joshlf): Make this compile and remove the ignore
/// pub struct IpState {
/// ipv4_table: ForwardingTable<Ipv4>,
/// ipv6_table: ForwardingTable<Ipv6>,
/// }
/// fn get_routing_table<I: Ip>(state: &mut StackState) -> &mut ForwardingTable<I> {
/// // For the scope of this function body, get_routing_table is
/// // available for the trait Ip.
/// specialize_ip!(fn get_routing_table(state: &mut StackState) -> &mut ForwardingTable<Self> {
/// Ipv4 => { &mut state.ip.ipv4_table }
/// Ipv6 => { &mut state.ip.ipv6_table }
/// });
/// I::get_routing_table(state)
/// }
/// ```
/// # Limitations
/// Due to limitations in Rust's macro system, this macro has the following
/// limitations:
/// - Type bounds are not supported using the syntax `fn foo<T: Debug>(t: T)`.
/// Instead, use a `where` clause, as in `fn foo<T>(t: T) where T: Debug`.
/// - Type bounds in `where` clauses cannot contain type parameters. In other
/// words, `where T: Debug` is allowed, but `where T: AsRef<U>` is not.
/// - Type bounds in `where` clauses cannot contain paths. In other words,
/// `where T: Debug` is allowed, but `where T: ::std::fmt::Debug` is not.
#[macro_export] // So that it is documented in 'cargo rustdoc'
macro_rules! specialize_ip {
// With type arguments, a return type, and a where clause. All other matches
// with type arguments are implemented in terms of this match.
fn $fn_name:ident<$($ty_name:tt),*>($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) -> $ret:ty
$($where_ty:ty : $where_bound_first:ident $(+ $where_bound_rest:ident)*,)*
Ipv4 => $ipv4:block
Ipv6 => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name<$($ty_name),*>($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
crate::ip::Ipv4 => $ipv4
crate::ip::Ipv6 => $ipv6
// with type arguments, a return type, and no where clause
fn $fn_name:ident<$($ty_name:tt),*>($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) -> $ret:ty
Ipv4 => $ipv4:block
Ipv6 => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name<$($ty_name),*>($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret where {
Ipv4 => $ipv4
Ipv6 => $ipv6
// with type arguments, no return type, and a where clause
fn $fn_name:ident<$($ty_name:tt),*>($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*)
$($where_ty:ty : $where_bound_first:ident $(+ $where_bound_rest:ident)*,)*
Ipv4 => $ipv4:block
Ipv6 => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name<$($ty_name),*>($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> ()
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
Ipv4 => $ipv4
Ipv6 => $ipv6
// with type arguments, no return type, and no where clause
fn $fn_name:ident<$($ty_name:tt),*>($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) {
Ipv4 => $ipv4:block
Ipv6 => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name<$($ty_name),*>($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> () where {
Ipv4 => $ipv4
Ipv6 => $ipv6
// With no type arguments, a return type, and a where clause. All other
// matches without type arguments are implemented in terms of this match.
// This needs to call specialize_ip_inner directly without any type
// arguments (as opposed to being implemented in terms of a match which
// accepts type arguments and just passing <>) because <> isn't valid for
// <$($ty_name:tt),*> because there's a parsing ambiguity as to whether the
// trailing > matches the literal > or a tt.
fn $fn_name:ident($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) -> $ret:ty
$($where_ty:ty : $where_bound_first:ident $(+ $where_bound_rest:ident)*,)*
Ipv4 => $ipv4:block
Ipv6 => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
crate::ip::Ipv4 => $ipv4
crate::ip::Ipv6 => $ipv6
// with no type arguments, a return type, and no where clause
fn $fn_name:ident($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) -> $ret:ty {
Ipv4 => $ipv4:block
Ipv6 => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret where {
Ipv4 => $ipv4
Ipv6 => $ipv6
// with no type arguments, no return type, and a where clause
fn $fn_name:ident($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*)
$($where_ty:ty : $where_bound_first:ident $(+ $where_bound_rest:ident)*,)*
Ipv4 => $ipv4:block
Ipv6 => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> ()
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
Ipv4 => $ipv4
Ipv6 => $ipv6
// with no type arguments, no return type, and no where clause
fn $fn_name:ident($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) {
Ipv4 => $ipv4:block
Ipv6 => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> () where {
Ipv4 => $ipv4
Ipv6 => $ipv6
/// Define a function which is specialized on [`crate::ip::Ipv4Addr`] and
/// [`crate::ip::Ipv6Addr`].
/// `specialize_ip_addr` is used to define a generic function which has
/// specialized implementations depending on which IP address version is used -
/// `Ipv4Addr` or `Ipv6Addr`. The caller provides the generic function
/// declaration, using `Self` in place of a concrete `IpAddr` type, and provides
/// the bodies of the two specializations of the function.
/// In the scope of the macro invocation, the function is added to the `IpAddr`
/// trait. Thus, given a function name `foo`, it can be invoked as either
/// `Ipv4Addr::foo()` or `Ipv6Addr::foo()` (or, for a type parameter `A:
/// IpAddr`, `A::foo()`).
/// # Examples
/// ```rust,ignore
/// # // TODO(joshlf): Make this compile and remove the ignore
/// pub struct EthernetDeviceState {
/// ipv4_addr: Option<Ipv4Addr>,
/// ipv6_addr: Option<Ipv6Addr>,
/// }
/// fn get_ip_addr<A: IpAddr>(state: &EthernetDeviceState) -> Option<A> {
/// // For the scope of this function body, get_ip_addr is
/// // available for the trait IpAddr.
/// specialize_ip_addr!(fn get_ip_addr(state: &EthernetDeviceState) -> Option<Self> {
/// Ipv4 => { state.ipv4_addr }
/// Ipv6 => { state.ipv6_addr }
/// });
/// A::get_ip_addr(state)
/// }
/// ```
/// # Limitations
/// Due to limitations in Rust's macro system, this macro has the following
/// limitations:
/// - Type bounds are not supported using the syntax `fn foo<T: Debug>(t: T)`.
/// Instead, use a `where` clause, as in `fn foo<T>(t: T) where T: Debug`.
/// - Type bounds in `where` clauses cannot contain type parameters. In other
/// words, `where T: Debug` is allowed, but `where T: AsRef<U>` is not.
/// - Type bounds in `where` clauses cannot contain paths. In other words,
/// `where T: Debug` is allowed, but `where T: ::std::fmt::Debug` is not.
#[macro_export] // So that it is documented in 'cargo rustdoc'
macro_rules! specialize_ip_addr {
// With type arguments, a return type, and a where clause. All other matches
// with type arguments are implemented in terms of this match.
fn $fn_name:ident<$($ty_name:tt),*>($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) -> $ret:ty
$($where_ty:ty : $where_bound_first:ident $(+ $where_bound_rest:ident)*,)*
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4:block
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name<$($ty_name),*>($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
crate::ip::Ipv4Addr => $ipv4
crate::ip::Ipv6Addr => $ipv6
// with type arguments, a return type, and no where clause
fn $fn_name:ident<$($ty_name:tt),*>($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) -> $ret:ty
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4:block
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name<$($ty_name),*>($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret where {
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6
// with type arguments, no return type, and a where clause
fn $fn_name:ident<$($ty_name:tt),*>($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*)
$($where_ty:ty : $where_bound_first:ident $(+ $where_bound_rest:ident)*,)*
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4:block
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name<$($ty_name),*>($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> ()
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6
// with type arguments, no return type, and no where clause
fn $fn_name:ident<$($ty_name:tt),*>($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) {
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4:block
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name<$($ty_name),*>($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> () where {
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6
// With no type arguments, a return type, and a where clause. All other
// matches without type arguments are implemented in terms of this match.
// This needs to call specialize_ip_inner directly without any type
// arguments (as opposed to being implemented in terms of a match which
// accepts type arguments and just passing <>) because <> isn't valid for
// <$($ty_name:tt),*> because there's a parsing ambiguity as to whether the
// trailing > matches the literal > or a tt.
fn $fn_name:ident($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) -> $ret:ty
$($where_ty:ty : $where_bound_first:ident $(+ $where_bound_rest:ident)*,)*
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4:block
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
crate::ip::Ipv4Addr => $ipv4
crate::ip::Ipv6Addr => $ipv6
// with no type arguments, a return type, and no where clause
fn $fn_name:ident($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) -> $ret:ty {
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4:block
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret where {
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6
// with no type arguments, no return type, and a where clause
fn $fn_name:ident($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*)
$($where_ty:ty : $where_bound_first:ident $(+ $where_bound_rest:ident)*,)*
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4:block
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> ()
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6
// with no type arguments, no return type, and no where clause
fn $fn_name:ident($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) {
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4:block
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6:block
) => (
fn $fn_name($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> () where {
Ipv4Addr => $ipv4
Ipv6Addr => $ipv6
macro_rules! specialize_ip_inner {
// with type arguments
fn $fn_name:ident<$($ty_name:tt),*>($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) -> $ret:ty
$($where_ty:ty : $where_bound_first:ident $(+ $where_bound_rest:ident)*,)*
$type_a:path => $block_a:block
$type_b:path => $block_b:block
) => (
// use the function name as the trait name so that we get collision-free
// naming
trait $fn_name: $trait {
fn $fn_name<$($ty_name),*>($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*;
impl<A: $trait> $fn_name for A {
default fn $fn_name<$($ty_name),*>($(_: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
{ unreachable!() }
impl $fn_name for $type_a {
#[allow(unused)] // in case not all arguments are used in this specialization
fn $fn_name<$($ty_name),*>($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
impl $fn_name for $type_b {
#[allow(unused)] // in case not all arguments are used in this specialization
fn $fn_name<$($ty_name),*>($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
// With no type arguments, a return type, and a where clause. All other
// matches without type arguments are implemented in terms of this match.
// This needs to call specialize_ip_inner directly without any type
// arguments (as opposed to being implemented in terms of a match which
// accepts type arguments and just passing <>) because <> isn't valid for
// <$($ty_name:tt),*> because there's a parsing ambiguity as to whether the
// trailing > matches the literal > or a tt.
fn $fn_name:ident($($arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty),*) -> $ret:ty
$($where_ty:ty : $where_bound_first:ident $(+ $where_bound_rest:ident)*,)*
$type_a:path => $block_a:block
$type_b:path => $block_b:block
) => (
// use the function name as the trait name so that we get collision-free
// naming
trait $fn_name: $trait {
fn $fn_name($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*;
impl<A: $trait> $fn_name for A {
default fn $fn_name($(_: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
{ unreachable!() }
impl $fn_name for $type_a {
fn $fn_name($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
impl $fn_name for $type_b {
fn $fn_name($($arg_name: $arg_ty),*) -> $ret
$($where_ty: $where_bound_first $(+ $where_bound_rest)*,)*
macro_rules! log_unimplemented {
($nocrash:expr, $fmt:expr $(,$arg:expr)*) => {{
#[cfg(feature = "crash_on_unimplemented")]
unimplemented!($fmt, $($arg),*);
#[cfg(not(feature = "crash_on_unimplemented"))]
// log doesn't play well with the new macro system; it expects all
// of its macros to be in scope
use ::log::*;
trace!(concat!("Unimplemented: ", $fmt), $($arg),*);
($nocrash:expr, $fmt:expr $(,$arg:expr)*,) =>{
log_unimplemented!($nocrash, $fmt $(,$arg)*)
macro_rules! increment_counter {
($ctx:ident, $key:expr) => {
mod test {
// don't 'use' anything from the ip module so we can be sure that the
// absolute paths used in the definitions of these macros work properly
use std::fmt::Debug;
fn _ip_types_ret_where<T>(t: T, a: Self) -> (T, Self)
T: Debug,
Ipv4 => { (t, if true { a } else { crate::ip::Ipv4 }) }
Ipv6 => { (t, if true { a } else { crate::ip::Ipv6 }) }
fn _ip_types_ret<T>(t: T, a: Self) -> (T, Self) {
Ipv4 => { (t, if true { a } else { crate::ip::Ipv4 }) }
Ipv6 => { (t, if true { a } else { crate::ip::Ipv6 }) }
fn _ip_types_where<T>(_t: T, _a: Self) -> ()
T: Debug,
Ipv4 => { }
Ipv6 => { }
fn _ip_types<T>(_t: T, _a: Self) {
Ipv4 => { }
Ipv6 => { }
fn _ip_ret_where(a: Self) -> Self where {
Ipv4 => { if true { a } else { crate::ip::Ipv4 } }
Ipv6 => { if true { a } else { crate::ip::Ipv6 } }
fn _ip_ret(a: Self) -> Self {
Ipv4 => { if true { a } else { crate::ip::Ipv4 } }
Ipv6 => { if true { a } else { crate::ip::Ipv6 } }
fn _ip_where(_a: Self) where {
Ipv4 => { }
Ipv6 => { }
fn _ip(_a: Self) {
Ipv4 => { }
Ipv6 => { }
fn _ip_addr_types_ret_where<T>(t: T, a: Self) -> (T, Self)
T: Debug,
Ipv4Addr => { (t, if true { a } else { use crate::ip::Ip; crate::ip::Ipv4::LOOPBACK_ADDRESS }) }
Ipv6Addr => { (t, if true { a } else { use crate::ip::Ip; crate::ip::Ipv6::LOOPBACK_ADDRESS }) }
fn _ip_addr_types_ret<T>(t: T, a: Self) -> (T, Self) {
Ipv4Addr => { (t, if true { a } else { use crate::ip::Ip; crate::ip::Ipv4::LOOPBACK_ADDRESS }) }
Ipv6Addr => { (t, if true { a } else { use crate::ip::Ip; crate::ip::Ipv6::LOOPBACK_ADDRESS }) }
fn _ip_addr_types_where<T>(_t: T, _a: Self) -> ()
T: Debug,
Ipv4Addr => { }
Ipv6Addr => { }
fn _ip_addr_types<T>(_t: T, _a: Self) {
Ipv4Addr => { }
Ipv6Addr => { }
fn _ip_addr_ret_where(a: Self) -> Self where {
Ipv4Addr => { if true { a } else { use crate::ip::Ip; crate::ip::Ipv4::LOOPBACK_ADDRESS } }
Ipv6Addr => { if true { a } else { use crate::ip::Ip; crate::ip::Ipv6::LOOPBACK_ADDRESS } }
fn _ip_addr_ret(a: Self) -> Self {
Ipv4Addr => { if true { a } else { use crate::ip::Ip; crate::ip::Ipv4::LOOPBACK_ADDRESS } }
Ipv6Addr => { if true { a } else { use crate::ip::Ip; crate::ip::Ipv6::LOOPBACK_ADDRESS } }
fn _ip_addr_where(_a: Self) where {
Ipv4Addr => { }
Ipv6Addr => { }
fn _ip_addr(_a: Self) {
Ipv4Addr => { }
Ipv6Addr => { }