blob: d26e3fc36b4f4d7c2c10f9093170f750da46ef0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/mediaplayer/metrics/value_tracker.h"
namespace media_player {
// Tracks packet timing information.
class PacketTimingTracker {
PacketTimingTracker(bool count_late_samples);
// Adds a sample to the tracker. If |packet_pts_ns| is |Packet::kUnknownPts|,
// the sample is counted as a 'no packet' case.
void AddSample(int64_t now, int64_t presentation_time, int64_t packet_pts_ns,
bool progressing);
// Resets the tracker to its initial state.
void Reset();
// Sample count (nominal, late, no packet and not progressing).
size_t count() const {
return earliness_.count() + no_packet_count_ + not_progressing_count_;
// Nominal (progressing, not late) sample count.
size_t nominal_count() const { return earliness_.count() - late_count(); }
// Count of samples for which the timeline wasn't progressing.
size_t not_progressing_count() const { return not_progressing_count_; }
// Count of packets passing when the presentation time was greater than the
// packet PTS.
size_t late_count() const { return count_late_samples_ ? late_count_ : 0; }
// Count of samples with |packet_pts_ns| equal to |Packet::kUnknownPts|.
size_t no_packet_count() const { return no_packet_count_; }
// Minimum of packet PTS minus presentation time.
int64_t min_earliness() const { return earliness_.min(); }
// Average of packet PTS minus presentation time.
int64_t average_earliness() const { return earliness_.average(); }
// Maximum of packet PTS minus presentation time.
int64_t max_earliness() const { return earliness_.max(); }
bool count_late_samples_;
ValueTracker<int64_t> earliness_;
size_t not_progressing_count_;
size_t late_count_;
size_t no_packet_count_;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PacketTimingTracker& value);
} // namespace media_player