blob: 5b70c3477176e05c91648f8b10f71173fe26e8dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/scenic/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <lib/ui/base_view/cpp/v1_base_view.h>
#include <lib/ui/scenic/cpp/resources.h>
#include <queue>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "garnet/bin/mediaplayer/metrics/packet_timing_tracker.h"
#include "garnet/bin/mediaplayer/render/video_renderer.h"
namespace media_player {
// VideoRenderer that renders video via FIDL services.
class FidlVideoRenderer : public VideoRenderer {
static std::shared_ptr<FidlVideoRenderer> Create(
component::StartupContext* startup_context);
FidlVideoRenderer(component::StartupContext* startup_context);
~FidlVideoRenderer() override;
// VideoRenderer implementation.
const char* label() const override;
void Dump(std::ostream& os) const override;
void ConfigureConnectors() override;
void OnInputConnectionReady(size_t input_index) override;
void FlushInput(bool hold_frame, size_t input_index,
fit::closure callback) override;
void PutInputPacket(PacketPtr packet, size_t input_index) override;
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StreamTypeSet>>& GetSupportedStreamTypes()
override {
return supported_stream_types_;
void SetStreamType(const StreamType& stream_type) override;
void Prime(fit::closure callback) override;
fuchsia::math::Size video_size() const override;
fuchsia::math::Size pixel_aspect_ratio() const override;
// Registers a callback that's called when the values returned by |video_size|
// or |pixel_aspect_ratio| change.
void SetGeometryUpdateCallback(fit::closure callback);
// Creates a view.
void CreateView(zx::eventpair view_token);
// Renderer overrides.
void OnTimelineTransition() override;
static constexpr uint32_t kPacketDemand = 3;
// Used to determine when all the |ImagePipe|s have released a buffer.
class ReleaseTracker : public fbl::RefCounted<ReleaseTracker> {
// Constructs a |ReleaseTracker|. |packet| and |renderer| are both required.
ReleaseTracker(PacketPtr packet,
std::shared_ptr<FidlVideoRenderer> renderer);
PacketPtr packet_;
std::shared_ptr<FidlVideoRenderer> renderer_;
struct Image {
~Image() = default;
// Called when |release_fence_| is released.
void WaitHandler(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::WaitBase* wait,
zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_signal_t* signal);
fbl::RefPtr<PayloadVmo> vmo_;
uint32_t image_id_;
// If the |ImagePipe| channel closes unexpectedly, all the |Images|
// associated with the view are deleted, so this |release_tracker_| no
// longer prevents the renderer from releaseing the packet.
fbl::RefPtr<ReleaseTracker> release_tracker_;
zx::event release_fence_;
// |release_fence_| owns the handle that |wait_| references so it's
// important that |wait_| be destroyed first when the destructor runs.
// Members are destroyed bottom to top, so |wait_| must be below
// |release_fence_|.
async::WaitMethod<Image, &Image::WaitHandler> wait_;
class View : public scenic::V1BaseView {
View(scenic::ViewContext context,
std::shared_ptr<FidlVideoRenderer> renderer);
~View() override;
// Adds the black image to the image pipe.
void AddBlackImage(uint32_t image_id, fuchsia::images::ImageInfo image_info,
const zx::vmo& vmo);
// Removes the old images from the image pipe, if images were added
// previously, and adds new images. An image is added for each VMO in
// |vmos|, and they are numbered starting with |image_id_base|.
void UpdateImages(uint32_t image_id_base,
fuchsia::images::ImageInfo image_info,
uint32_t display_width, uint32_t display_height,
const std::vector<fbl::RefPtr<PayloadVmo>>& vmos);
// Presents the black image using the |ImagePipe|.
void PresentBlackImage(uint32_t image_id, uint64_t presentation_time);
// Presents an image using the |ImagePipe|.
void PresentImage(uint32_t buffer_index, uint64_t presentation_time,
fbl::RefPtr<ReleaseTracker> release_tracker,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
// |scenic::V1BaseView|
void OnSceneInvalidated(
fuchsia::images::PresentationInfo presentation_info) override;
std::shared_ptr<FidlVideoRenderer> renderer_;
scenic::EntityNode entity_node_;
scenic::ShapeNode clip_node_;
scenic::ShapeNode image_pipe_node_;
scenic::Material image_pipe_material_;
fuchsia::images::ImagePipePtr image_pipe_;
uint32_t image_width_;
uint32_t image_height_;
uint32_t display_width_;
uint32_t display_height_;
fbl::Array<Image> images_;
// Updates the images added to the image pipes associated with the views.
void UpdateImages();
// Presents a black image immediately.
void PresentBlackImage();
// Present |packet| at |scenic_presentation_time|.
void PresentPacket(PacketPtr packet, int64_t scenic_presentation_time);
// Called when all image pipes have released an image that was submitted for
// presentation.
void PacketReleased(PacketPtr packet);
// Completes a pending flush if all packets (except maybe the held frame) are
// released.
void MaybeCompleteFlush();
// Checks |packet| for a revised stream type and updates state accordingly.
void CheckForRevisedStreamType(const PacketPtr& packet);
// Determines whether we need more packets.
bool need_more_packets() const {
return !flushed_ && !end_of_stream_pending() &&
(presented_packets_not_released_ +
packets_awaiting_presentation_.size()) < kPacketDemand;
bool have_valid_image_info() {
return image_info_.width != 0 && image_info_.height != 0;
component::StartupContext* startup_context_;
fidl::InterfacePtr<fuchsia::ui::scenic::Scenic> scenic_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StreamTypeSet>> supported_stream_types_;
bool input_connection_ready_ = false;
zx::vmo black_image_vmo_;
fuchsia::images::ImageInfo image_info_{};
uint32_t display_width_{};
uint32_t display_height_{};
fuchsia::math::Size pixel_aspect_ratio_{.width = 1, .height = 1};
uint32_t presented_packets_not_released_ = 0;
bool flushed_ = true;
fit::closure flush_callback_;
bool flush_hold_frame_;
bool initial_packet_presented_ = false;
std::queue<PacketPtr> packets_awaiting_presentation_;
std::unordered_map<View*, std::unique_ptr<View>> views_;
fit::closure prime_callback_;
fit::closure geometry_update_callback_;
uint32_t image_id_base_ = 2; // 1 is reserved for the black image.
uint32_t next_image_id_base_ = 2;
PacketTimingTracker arrivals_;
} // namespace media_player