blob: eedeed14130c1633c8199436921f5f451183d014 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/mediaplayer/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_decoder_base.h"
#include "lib/media/timeline/timeline_rate.h"
namespace media_player {
// Decoder implementation employing and ffmpeg video decoder.
class FfmpegVideoDecoder : public FfmpegDecoderBase {
static std::shared_ptr<Decoder> Create(AvCodecContextPtr av_codec_context);
FfmpegVideoDecoder(AvCodecContextPtr av_codec_context);
~FfmpegVideoDecoder() override;
// Node implementation.
void ConfigureConnectors() override;
// FfmpegDecoderBase overrides.
void OnNewInputPacket(const PacketPtr& packet) override;
int BuildAVFrame(const AVCodecContext& av_codec_context,
AVFrame* av_frame) override;
PacketPtr CreateOutputPacket(
const AVFrame& av_frame,
fbl::RefPtr<PayloadBuffer> payload_buffer) override;
const char* label() const override;
// Frame buffers must be aligned on 32-byte boundaries to enable SIMD
// operations.
static const int kFrameBufferAlign = 32;
// Indicates whether the decoder has a non-zero coded size.
bool has_size() const { return aligned_width_ != 0 && aligned_height_ != 0; }
// Updates |buffer_size_|, |aligned_width_| and |aligned_height_| based on
// |av_codec_context|. Returns true if those values change, false if not.
// Specifying a changed size is fine. Specifying a changed pix_fmt is not.
bool UpdateSize(const AVCodecContext& av_codec_context);
size_t buffer_size_ = 0;
uint32_t aligned_width_ = 0;
uint32_t aligned_height_ = 0;
size_t configured_output_buffer_size_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<StreamType> revised_stream_type_;
} // namespace media_player