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// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
namespace media_player {
class SparseByteBuffer {
struct Hole {
Hole(const Hole& other);
size_t position() { return iter_->first; }
size_t size() { return iter_->second; }
explicit Hole(std::map<size_t, size_t>::iterator iter);
std::map<size_t, size_t>::iterator iter_;
friend bool operator==(const Hole& a, const Hole& b);
friend bool operator!=(const Hole& a, const Hole& b);
friend class SparseByteBuffer;
struct Region {
Region(const Region& other);
size_t position() { return iter_->first; }
size_t size() { return iter_->second.size(); }
uint8_t* data() { return iter_->; }
explicit Region(std::map<size_t, std::vector<uint8_t>>::iterator iter);
std::map<size_t, std::vector<uint8_t>>::iterator iter_;
friend bool operator==(const Region& a, const Region& b);
friend bool operator!=(const Region& a, const Region& b);
friend class SparseByteBuffer;
Hole null_hole() { return Hole(holes_.end()); }
Region null_region() { return Region(regions_.end()); }
// Initialized the buffer.
void Initialize(size_t size);
// Reads a range of data from the SparseBuffer, which may span multiple
// regions. Reading will begin at |start| in the SparseBuffer and stop when
// |size| bytes have been copied into |dest_buffer| or a hole in the
// SparseBuffer is encountered.
// For example, when reading the range [0, 100) in a Sparsebuffer with regions
// [0, 50) and [50, 100), ReadRange will read across them both and read the
// regions' content into the first and second half of the destination buffer
// respectively.
size_t ReadRange(size_t start, size_t size, uint8_t* dest_buffer);
// Finds a region containing the specified position. This method will check
// hint and its successor, if they're valid, before doing a search.
Region FindRegionContaining(size_t position, Region hint);
// Returns the number of bytes stored in the buffer across all regions.
size_t BytesStored();
// Returns the next missing byte in the buffer. If no bytes are missing ahead
// of |start|, |std::nullopt| is returned.
std::optional<size_t> NextMissingByte(size_t start);
// Finds or creates a hole at the specified position. This method will check
// hint, if it's valid, before doing a search.
Hole FindOrCreateHole(size_t position, Hole hint);
// Finds a hole containing the specified position.
Hole FindHoleContaining(size_t position);
// Finds or creates holes which fully describe the buffer's gaps in the given
// range.
std::vector<Hole> FindOrCreateHolesInRange(size_t start, size_t size);
// Counts the number of bytes missing in the buffer from |start| to
// |start+size|.
size_t BytesMissingInRange(size_t start, size_t size);
// Creates a region that starts at hole.position(). The new region must not
// overlap other existing regions and cannot extend beyond the size of this
// sparse buffer. Holes are updated to accommodate the region. Fill returns
// the first hole that follows the new region in the wraparound sense. If
// this sparse buffer is completely filled (there are no holes), this method
// return null_hole().
Hole Fill(Hole hole, std::vector<uint8_t>&& buffer);
// Frees and shrinks regions outside the protected range until |goal| bytes
// have been freed from the buffer or nothing remains to free. Returns the
// bytes actually freed.
// Frees and shrinks regions outside the protected range as they are found,
// first cleaning up regions before the protected range, and then regions
// after after the protected range. In both traversals regions farther from
// the protected range are cleaned up first.
size_t CleanUpExcept(size_t goal, size_t protected_start,
size_t protected_size);
// Shrinks the front of a region (e.g. shrinking [{1, 2, 3}] by 1 yields
// [hole, {2, 3}]). This may require a copy. Returns an updated Region handle.
// The handle is equal to null_region() if the region was shrunk by its whole
// size and therefore freed.
Region ShrinkRegionFront(Region region, size_t shrink_amount);
// Shrinks the back of a region (e.g. shrinking [{1, 2, 3}] by 1 yields
// [{1, 2}, hole]). Returns an updated Region handle. The handle is equal to
// null_region() if the region was shrunk by its whole size and therefore
// freed.
Region ShrinkRegionBack(Region region, size_t shrink_amount);
// Drops a region and coalesces (may modify) any adjacent holes.
Hole Free(Region region);
using HolesIter = std::map<size_t, size_t>::iterator;
using RegionsIter = std::map<size_t, std::vector<uint8_t>>::iterator;
size_t size_ = 0u;
std::map<size_t, size_t> holes_; // Hole sizes by position.
std::map<size_t, std::vector<uint8_t>> regions_; // Buffers by position.
bool operator==(const SparseByteBuffer::Hole& a,
const SparseByteBuffer::Hole& b);
bool operator!=(const SparseByteBuffer::Hole& a,
const SparseByteBuffer::Hole& b);
bool operator==(const SparseByteBuffer::Region& a,
const SparseByteBuffer::Region& b);
bool operator!=(const SparseByteBuffer::Region& a,
const SparseByteBuffer::Region& b);
} // namespace media_player