blob: e479f4d9601bb1c4a886cabf3b0259ab5f7fc195 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_core/mixer/test/mixer_tests_shared.h"
namespace media::audio::test {
// Convenience abbreviations within this source file to shorten names
using Resampler = ::media::audio::Mixer::Resampler;
// Subtest utility functions -- used by test functions; can ASSERT on their own.
// Find a suitable mixer for the provided format, channels and frame rates.
// In testing, we choose ratio-of-frame-rates and src_channels carefully, to
// trigger the selection of a specific mixer. Note: Mixers convert audio into
// our accumulation format (not the destination format), so we need not specify
// a dest_format. Actual frame rate values are unimportant, but inter-rate RATIO
// is VERY important: required SRC is the primary factor in Mix selection.
MixerPtr SelectMixer(fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat src_format,
uint32_t src_channels, uint32_t src_frame_rate,
uint32_t dest_channels, uint32_t dest_frame_rate,
Resampler resampler) {
fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType src_details;
src_details.sample_format = src_format;
src_details.channels = src_channels;
src_details.frames_per_second = src_frame_rate;
fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType dest_details;
dest_details.sample_format = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT;
dest_details.channels = dest_channels;
dest_details.frames_per_second = dest_frame_rate;
MixerPtr mixer = Mixer::Select(src_details, dest_details, resampler);
return mixer;
// Just as Mixers convert audio into our accumulation format, OutputProducer
// objects exist to convert frames of audio from accumulation format into
// destination format. They perform no SRC, gain scaling or rechannelization, so
// frames_per_second is unimportant and num_channels is only needed so that they
// can calculate the size of a (multi-channel) audio frame.
OutputProducerPtr SelectOutputProducer(
fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat dest_format, uint32_t num_channels) {
fuchsia::media::AudioStreamTypePtr dest_details =
dest_details->sample_format = dest_format;
dest_details->channels = num_channels;
dest_details->frames_per_second = 48000;
OutputProducerPtr output_producer = OutputProducer::Select(dest_details);
return output_producer;
// This shared function normalizes data arrays into our float32 pipeline.
// Because inputs must be in the range of [-2^27 , 2^27 ], for all practical
// purposes it wants "int28" inputs, hence this function's unexpected name. The
// test-data-width of 28 bits was chosen to accomodate float32 precision.
constexpr float kInt28ToFloat = 1.0 / (1 << 27); // Why 27? Remember sign bit.
void NormalizeInt28ToPipelineBitwidth(float* source, uint32_t source_len) {
for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < source_len; ++idx) {
source[idx] *= kInt28ToFloat;
// Use the supplied mixer to scale from src into accum buffers. Assumes a
// specific buffer size, with no SRC, starting at the beginning of each buffer.
// By default, does not gain-scale or accumulate (both can be overridden).
void DoMix(MixerPtr mixer, const void* src_buf, float* accum_buf,
bool accumulate, int32_t num_frames, float gain_db) {
uint32_t dest_offset = 0;
int32_t frac_src_offset = 0;
Bookkeeping info;
bool mix_result = mixer->Mix(accum_buf, num_frames, &dest_offset, src_buf,
num_frames << kPtsFractionalBits,
&frac_src_offset, accumulate, &info);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(num_frames), dest_offset);
EXPECT_EQ(dest_offset << kPtsFractionalBits,
} // namespace media::audio::test