Debian Guest

The debian_guest package provides a more substantial Linux environment than that provided by the linux_guest package.


These steps will walk through building a the package with the root filesystem bundled as a package resource. The root filesystem will appear writable but all writes are volatile and will disappear when the guest shuts down.

$ ./garnet/bin/guest/pkg/debian_guest/ x64
$ fx set x64 --packages "garnet/packages/default,garnet/packages/experimental/disabled/debian_guest"
$ fx full-build
$ fx pave

To boot on a VIM2, replace x64 with arm64.

Running debian_guest

Once booted:

guest launch debian_guest

Telnet shell

The Debian system exposes a simple telnet interface over vsock port 23. You can use the guest CLI to connect to this socket to open a shell. First we need to identify the environment ID and the guest context ID (CID) to use:

$ guest list
env:0             debian_guest
 guest:3          debian_guest

The above indicates the debian guest is CID 3 in environment 0. Open a shell with:

$ guest socat 0 3 23