blob: 70085948cd5bfec5ddb49520664583397096d848 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include "garnet/bin/cpuperf/session_result_spec.h"
#include "garnet/lib/cpuperf/records.h"
class Verifier {
// Statistics on collected records.
struct RecordCounts {
size_t time_records;
size_t tick_records;
size_t count_records;
size_t value_records;
size_t pc_records;
size_t last_branch_records;
virtual ~Verifier() = default;
bool VerifyIteration(uint32_t iter);
void Verify();
Verifier(const cpuperf::SessionResultSpec* session_result_spec)
: session_result_spec_(session_result_spec) {
virtual bool VerifyRecord(const cpuperf::SampleRecord& record) = 0;
virtual bool VerifyTrace(const RecordCounts& counts) = 0;
// Kernel pcs are guaranteed to have this bit set.
// Userspace pcs are guaranteed to not have this bit set.
static constexpr uint64_t kKernelPcMask = 1ul << 63;
static bool IsKernelPc(uint64_t pc) { return !!(pc & kKernelPcMask); }
static bool IsUserPc(uint64_t pc) { return !(pc & kKernelPcMask); }
const cpuperf::SessionResultSpec* const session_result_spec_;
using MakeVerifier = std::unique_ptr<Verifier>(
const cpuperf::SessionResultSpec* spec);
struct TestSpec {
const char* config_name;
MakeVerifier* make_verifier;
// These are defined in each testcase's file, and referenced by the
// testcase verifier.
extern const TestSpec kFixedCounterSpec;
extern const TestSpec kLastBranchSpec;
extern const TestSpec kOsFlagSpec;
extern const TestSpec kProgrammableCounterSpec;
extern const TestSpec kTallySpec;
extern const TestSpec kUserFlagSpec;
extern const TestSpec kValueRecordsSpec;
// Common routine for verifying the result of a test run.
// |spec_file_path| is the path to the cpspec file.
void VerifySpec(const std::string& spec_file_path);