blob: 75fc027408374d1702f898e000d8f165859e624e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library test.component.mockrunner;
struct ComponentInfo {
uint64 unique_id;
string url;
// interface to control the fake component created by MockRunner.
interface MockComponent {
1: Kill(uint64 errorcode);
2: ConnectToService(string service_name, handle<channel> channel);
// Set backend service directory which can be used by |PublishService| to
// publish mock services.
3: SetServiceDirectory(handle<channel> channel);
// Publishes |service_name| and connects to |backend service directory| when
// request comes in.
4: PublishService(string service_name) -> ();
interface MockRunner {
1: Crash();
2: ConnectToComponent(uint64 id, request<MockComponent> req);
101: -> OnComponentCreated(ComponentInfo info);
102: -> OnComponentKilled(uint64 id);
// This interface will help mock runners register themselves so that tests can
// inspect and control them.
// Mock runners should register to this service when started.
interface MockRunnerRegistry {
1: Register(MockRunner runner);