tree: 748bdcfe332870669f788a88c0cfe7e6ea8e7134 [path history] [tgz]
  1. mdns/
  4. device_service_provider.h
  6. host_name.h
  8. ip_address.h
  10. ip_port.h
  12. listener.h
  15. message_transceiver.h
  16. netconnector.config
  18. netconnector_impl.h
  20. netconnector_params.h
  23. requestor_agent.h
  25. responding_service_host.h
  27. service_agent.h
  29. socket_address.h

NetConnector Service/Utility


NetConnector is a Fuchsia service intended to unblock development of cross-device scenarios. It has two responsibilities:

  • To serve, in LAN scope, as a rendezvous between services and the clients that want to use those services.
  • To provide zx::channel forwarding so that clients and services can communicate using channels.

In addition, NetConnector hosts an mDNS implementation, which it uses to enumerate Fuchsia devices on the LAN and which it offers as a separate service.

The word ‘service’ is used a lot in this document and in NetConnector. It has a specific meaning in the context of mDNS, but otherwise, it really just means ‘service’ in the Fuchsia sense. A Fuchsia service is running software that talks to a client over an zx::channel. It‘s normal practice to bind such a channel to a FIDL proxy. This isn’t done over NetConnector, because FIDL isn't an suited to RPC.

Here’s the NetConnector interface.

RegisterServiceProvider allows a running service to register its availability. The method specifies a service name and a ServiceProvider. Services can also be registered using a config file in the manner of bootstrap. Like bootstrap, NetConnector will launch services on demand.

GetDeviceServiceProvider gets a ServiceProvider that provides any of the services registered on the specified device.

GetKnownDeviceNames returns the names of Fuchsia devices discovered on the LAN.

Services are identified by name. NetConnector doesn’t provide any form of service enumeration, nor is there any notion of service type. Clients need to know the name of the device and service they want to connect to, though GetKnownDeviceNames could be used to find a known service on an otherwise unknown device. In our current work, ledger is used to establish the device and service names.

zx:channel provides a full-duplex message transport that can carry binary data and handles. The channel forwarding implemented by NetConnector allows data only; no handles are permitted in messages. I’ve experimented with support for channel handles, which is doable and potentially useful.

NetConnector uses mDNS for Fuchsia device discovery and address resolution. It listens for TCP connections on a single port. A separate TCP connection is established for each ConnectToService call made to a ServiceProvider returned by GetDeviceServiceProvider. A session lasts until either the client or service closes its end of the virtual channel or until the TCP connection fails.

The mDNS implementation is also exposed separately using this interface.


The application netconnector runs either as the NetConnector service (the ‘listener’) or as a utility for managing the service. The NetConnector service is started as part of the Fuchsia boot sequence, and is available in the default application context.

As listener, netconnector implements the NetConnector interface described in netconnector.fidl. Clients (‘requestors’) that want to initiate communication with a service on a remote machine call GetDeviceServiceProvider and then ConnectToService on the service provider. Apps that want to respond need to be registered with netconnector, typically via its config file.

netconnector has command line options, and it will read a config file. It uses the config when it runs as listener.

The command line options for netconnector are:

--show-devices              show a list of known devices
--mdns-verbose              show mDNS traffic in the log
--config=<path>             use <path> rather than the default config file
--listen                    run as listener

The --show-devices option is only relevant when netconnector is running as a utility. --config is only relevant to the listener.

The --listen option makes netconnector run as listener. Typically, this argument is only used in the context of bootstrap's services.config file. This is because applications started from the command line are always different instances from applications started by bootstrap. In other words, you can start a listener from the command line, but it will only conflict with the instance that requestors will get when they connect to the service.

The option --config=<path> controls which config file netconnector reads. The default config file is located at /system/data/netconnector/netconnector.config.

The config file provides a means of registering services and devices. A config file looks like this:

  "services": {
    "netconnector::Example": "netconnector_example"
  "devices": {
    "acer": "",
    "nuc": ""

Devices are configured in this way if, for some reason, mDNS discovery isn't usable in a given network configuration.

As mentioned previously, the listen option should generally only be used in bootstrap's services.config file. For example:

  "services": {
    "netconnector::NetConnector": [
        "netconnector", "--listen"

This registers netconnector under the default interface name for the NetConnector interface. NetConnector is started as part of the boot sequence.

Currently, there is no support in the utility for stopping the listener. The listener can be stopped by killing its process.