tree: f4796f683577c8052a5b0992a1f83c0093660674 [path history] [tgz]
  2. cobalt_client_tests.json
  5. cobalt_testapp_no_network
  6. config.h



Cobalt is a system for collecting metrics from Fuchsia devices, sending metric observations to servers running in the cloud, aggregating and analyzing the collected observations and generating useful reports and visualizations. Cobalt emphasizes the preservation of user privacy while collecting high-quality, useful analytics.


  • Customer and Project. Cobalt is a multi-tenant system. We partition the system using the notions of customer and project. For example Fuchsia is a customer and Ledger is a project.
  • Metric: A variable to be measured, e.g. the number of times that event E, F or G occur within a Fuchsia system.
  • Observation: A single measurement of a metric, e.g. “Event E occurred.” Observations are the units of data transmitted from the client running Fuchsia to the Cobalt servers.
  • Encoding: A built-in algorithm for encoding Observations. Cobalt includes a few encodings and the Cobalt architecture is extensible, allowing new encodings to be added in the future. The original batch of encodings developed for Cobalt all revolved around privacy preservation. For example randomized response is an encoding technique that collects category data with intentional noise added for the sake of privacy-preservation. For example if the true observation were that event E occurred, using randomized response there is some probability that the encoded observation would indicate instead that event F occurred. For use cases for which privacy-preservation is not feasible or relevant, we are now developing additional encodings which emphasize expressiveness, accuracy and ease of use.
  • Encoding Configuration: A specification of particular parameters of an encoding to use, e.g. randomized response with p=0.1 and q=0.9 would mean to use the randomized response encoding with a randomized noise level of 10%. Also some encodings require that they be configured with a pre-defined list of possible observation values. For example specifying the set of possible values {“Event E”, “Event F”, “Event G”} might be part of an encoding configuration for some encoding types.

As of this writing, the way to use Cobalt to collect metrics when added noise for privacy preservation is not desired is to pick one of the existing privacy preserving encodings and use an encoding configuration in which the noise level is set to zero, e.g. randomized response with p=0.0 and q=1.0. This approach leads to a more awkward interface than one might like. We will soon have new more convenient and powerful encodings which will make this situation better.

  • Report Configuration A specification of a collection of Observations and a manner of aggregating them into a report, e.g. A histogram of the number of times that events E, F and G occurred yesterday.

  • Config Registration. To use Cobalt from within Fuchsia, you must have a project, and one or more metrics, encoding configs and report configs registered with Cobalt's configuration system.

Cobalt's Config Registration System

In the current version of Cobalt, config registration consists of entries in files checked into source control: registered_encodings.txt and registered_reports.txt in //third_party/cobalt/config/production. Since the Cobalt servers also read these files, for now it is necessary to coordinate with in order to register additional projects, metrics, encodings and reports. We plan to build an online self-registration system in the future.

How to register additional configurations.

You have two options. One option is to send an e-mail to (or contact one of us personally if you prefer) and describe what new data you are trying to collect. We would be happy to discuss with you the different options for how to accomplish what you want and then add the additional configuration ourselves. This is probably the right choice for you for your initial couple of interactions with Cobalt.

If you prefer you may instead edit some files in source control yourself and send us a CL.

  • In //third_party/cobalt/config/production make the appropriate changes to
    • registered_encodings.txt
    • registered_metrics.txt
    • registered_reports.txt

If you are not sure what the appropriate changes are then use the first option mentioned above--ask to do it for you.

These files are consumed by the Cobalt servers and so after the CL is committed, the Cobalt team needs to push the changes to the servers.

WARNING: One potentially confusing issue is that the Fuchsia Jiri manifests pull a pinned commit of Cobalt rather than pulling Cobalt at head. This is configured via the “revision” property of the “cobalt” |project| entry in the file //manifest/cobalt_client. This means that after committing changes to the above files, if you then delete your local Cobalt branch and do a jiri update then your local copy of //third_party/cobalt will not contain the edits you just committed. This actually doesn‘t matter because the files you just changed are not consumed by Fuchsia’s Cobalt client. They are only consumed by the server.

  • In //garnet/bin/cobalt/config.h copy your changes from above. This file contains some C++ string literals that are copies of the contents of the files you changed above. This is what is consumed by Fuchsia's Cobalt client. This hacky mechanism will be replaced by something more sensible in due course.

Is it necessary to pre-register the values sent to Cobalt?

Cobalt employs different types of encodings and for some encodings some amount of pre-registration of values may be required. We plan to develop additional encodings where pre-registration will not be necessary. Here we mention a few cases that are relevant to teams currently using Cobalt:

  • Basic RAPPOR with strings: If you are using this encoding then all string values sent to Cobalt must be pre-registered both on the client and on the server. When you wish to start sending a new string value you need to first register the value in the config files described above.
  • Basic RAPPOR with indexes: It is necessary to pre-register a maximum number of indices you will ever need. After that you may use any indices without further registration. You may lazily register labels associated to the indices in Cobalt's server-side config in the file //third_party/cobalt/config/production/registered_reports.txt. This will allow Cobalt to use the labels when generating reports. Prior to registering a label for an index Cobalt will generate reports with labels such as <index 5>.
  • Forculus: No registration of values is required. You send arbitrary strings to Cobalt and they appear in the reports.

FIDL Interface

After registration, Fuchsia code uses Cobalt through it's FIDL interface. See //garnet/public/cobalt/fidl/cobalt.fidl. Also see //garnet/bin/cobalt/ for example usage of the FIDL API.

Report Client

We are working on building an online site for running and visualizing reports. For now we offer a command-line client.

Downloading a pre-built binary

Run the python script This will detect the platform on which you are running and download a pre-built binary from Google Cloud storage. The script will check the sha1 of the downloaded file.

Build the binary yourself

If we do not have a pre-built binary for your platform you may be able to build the binary yourself. The Go source code is located in the Cobalt repo. You will have to follow the instructions in the file their for building Cobalt. The resulting binary will be located at out/tools/report_client.

How to use the report client

You invoke the report_client as follows:

./report_client -report_master_uri= -project_id=<project_id>

This will enter an interactive command line interface. In order to run a report for report config 1 over the two day period consisting of two-days-ago and yesterday you enter the command:

run range -2 -1 1

You can also run in a non-interactive mode and generate a CSV file as follows:

./report_client -report_master_uri=  \
-project_id=<project_id> -interactive=false -first_day=-2 -last_day=-1 \
-report_config_id=1 -csv_file=report.csv

Cobalt Test App

The Cobalt test app serves as an example usage of the Cobalt FIDL service.

Building the test app:

For example:

$ source scripts/ && envprompt
$ fset x86-64 --modules default,cobalt_client
$ fbuild

Running the test app:

Start Fuchsia. For example:

$ frun -m 3000  -k -n

From within Fuchsia:

$ system/test/cobalt_testapp

or try

$ system/test/cobalt_testapp --verbose=3