tree: f433fc4a843a6f8adbf40bfe79c90eb390ab04dc [path history] [tgz]
  1. buffer/
  2. docs/
  3. meta/
  4. resources/
  5. stroke/
  6. util/
  8. app.h
  11. canvas.h
  13. frame.h

Sketchy Canvas

This package contains implementation for FIDLs in //garnet/public/lib/ui/sketchy/fidl. It allows client to draw strokes on a canvas, and generates meshes for scenic to render. On one hand, it is a service that handles drawing commands from client. On the other hand, it is client to scenic that provides meshes to render.

  • buffer contains helper classes for different types of buffers.
  • resources contains resources that are defined in fidl.
  • stroke contains helper classes for mananging strokes.
  • is the implementation of the canvas fidl.
  • is the entry point of the service.


Frame is the abstraction of the state to be presented in a certain timeframe. A new frame will be created for a Canvas::Present() request at a new timestamp. It contains the command buffer to generate or update mesh buffers, and provides them to scenic so that they can be presented.

Data Flow


To support dynamic sizing, capacity is introduced to describe the total size of the buffer, and size is used to describe the actual size that is used. Various buffers are introduced to support different use cases:

  • EscherBuffer wraps around an escher::Buffer and is able to grow dynamically when the content grows. It's used to hold data in StrokePath as input to StrokeTessellator.
  • SharedBuffer is shared between sketchy and scenic: it wraps around an escher::Buffer and the corresponding fuchsia::ui::gfx::Buffer. It does NOT change size once created.
  • MeshBuffer wraps around two ShardBuffer's: one for vertex and the other for index. Dynamic sizing is handled here, rather than SharedBuffer, to avoid duplicate semantics.

Mesh Buffer

Each MeshBuffer belongs to a StrokeGroup. It vendors portions of itself to Stroke by MeshBuffer::Preserve(). In addition, MeshBuffer provides the vertex buffer, index buffer, and the bounding box to scenic, so that scenic could render the strokes as meshes.


Multi-buffering is required to handle the case where scenic has not fully rendered the mesh in the last frame but the new Canvas::Present() comes. It's implemented via a SharedBuffer pool for efficient buffer usage. Think it in this way: sketchy produces SharedBuffer's and scenic consumes them. In each frame, sketchy returns the previous SharedBuffer's to pool, and grab new ones. The pool monitors the returned SharedBuffer's from scenic, and once scenic consumes them, they will be recycled for future use.

Notice that we only recycle SB1 when SB2 is consumed for the first time. It's safe to recycle SB1 because SB2 starts to get used. However, SB2 is not yet safe to be recycled because scenic keeps consuming SB2 for rendering the following frames (for example, some other SB triggers a ui::Session::Present() but SB2 has its content unchanged). In that case, we have no signal when SB2 is finally consumed until a new SB3 comes and replaces it.