Fuchsia In-Process Streaming Framework

This directory contains an in-process streaming framework used to implement Fuchsia media components. It defines models for implementing media sources, transforms and sinks (collectively called nodes) and connecting them into a graph.

The framework addresses the following concerns:

  • How multiple source, transforms and sinks (nodes) are assembled into a graph
  • How memory that holds content is allocated
  • How and when media moves from one node to another
  • The threading model used execute node implementations
  • How running graphs are modified

The framework does not address the following concerns:

  • Compatibility of adjacent nodes with respect to media encoding (media type)
  • Endpoint states and timing (start, stop etc)


The Graph class is the primary entry point for the framework API. The client instantiates a graph and uses its methods to add nodes to the graph and connect the nodes together. At this point, the graph is ready to move packets.

Here's an example:

Graph graph(default_async);
NodeRef demux = graph.Add(demux_node);
NodeRef decoder = graph.Add(decoder_node);
NodeRef renderer = graph.Add(renderer_node);

graph.ConnectNodes(demux, decoder);
graph.ConnectNodes(decoder, renderer);

The framework itself doesn‘t implement any of the nodes in the example, but it does define the models used to write such nodes. It doesn’t involve itself in stream types. The demux, decoder and renderer in the example are assumed to be compatible. It also doesn't get involved in timing or anything like play/pause transitions. In the example above, the renderer_node would presumably support some method of starting playback.


Nodes are the sources, sinks and transforms that produce, consume and transform packets in the graph. Logically speaking, a particular node has zero or more inputs and zero or more outputs.

An important design goal for the framework is to make nodes easy to write. Of course, a decoder (for example) is a complicated thing, but the framework minimizes the effort required to wrap a decoder as a node.

Rather than insisting that all nodes use a uniform model, the framework supports multiple node models, each model addressing a particular type of node. Currently there are five node models. Sources, sinks and transforms have distinct models. Multi-stream and single-stream sources and sinks are also given distinct models. Transforms can be synchronous or asynchronous. Sources and sinks use asynchronous models, given that synchronous source/sink operation is rare, and the asynchronous models are easily applied to synchronous operation.

The five models currently supported are:

  • Source: a source that produces a single stream of packets. Examples of nodes that might use this model are capture devices and bridges from other frameworks.
  • MultistreamSource: a source that produces multiple streams of packets. The ffmpeg demux node uses this model.
  • Sink: a sink that consumes a single stream of packets. Examples of nodes that might use this model are renderers and bridges to other frameworks.
  • MultistreamSink: a sink that consumes multiple streams of packets. Examples of nodes that might use this model are a rendering audio mixer or a multiplexer.
  • Transform: a transform that processes input packets and produces output packets on demand. Decoders can use this model. Other type conversion nodes and effects are also candidates.

Every model has its associated abstract base class and a corresponding Stage class that models the node‘s host. The stage calls the methods defined in the node’s base class, and the node may call its stage to, for example, signal external events.

Threading Model

The framework is single-threaded. Individual nodes in a graph may employ additional threads, if desired, but all calls in and out of the framework use a single thread.

Inputs, Output, Supply and Demand

The Graph object has various methods that connect outputs to inputs. Some methods refer to outputs and inputs explicitly and others refer to them implicitly for convenience.

For example, this code was presented earlier:

graph.ConnectNodes(demux, decoder);

Graph::ConnectNodes requires that the node referenced by the first parameter have only one output and the the node referenced by the second parameter have only one input. This code is really just shorthand for:

graph.Connect(demux.output(0), decoder.input(0));

Node models may refer to inputs and output explicitly, but more often, the existence of inputs and outputs is implied by the model. The Source model, for example, implies a single output, Sink a single input and Transform one input and one output.

There are a number of configuration concerns surrounding connected output/input pairs that we'll get into later. Primarily, though, connections are about moving packets downstream (supply) and communicating the need for packets (demand).

Supply and demand are communicated through a connected output/input pair using a lockless scheme that allows adjacent nodes/stages to run concurrently without interfering with each other. The framework also defines the notion of updating a node/stage in the sense of responding to recent changes in availability of packets or changes in demand for packets. These issues are largely the concern of the stages and don't impinge much on the implementation of nodes.



Programs and Program Ranges


Dynamic Graph and Configuration Changes
