Revert "[scenic] Add view state tests"

This reverts commit 7658c87eadf8a982afd9eefd2a9d71781787023b.

Reason for revert: fails on topaz builders

Original change's description:
> [scenic] Add view state tests
> Add end to end view state tests.  View state tests run a full scenic
> application via the |EmbedderView| utility, and verify that they
> successfully produce a |ViewStateChangedEvent|.
> Follow up work involves testing additional apps (for now we just test
> the bouncing_ball app), and verifying more stuff (e.g., pixel test that
> the screen is not black when we know the screen should be "something").
> Let's keep the scope small for now though.
> A big thanks to Mike and Mikael for pair collaborating on this, and
> also Ross for writing the scenic pixel tests, which this test is heavily
> based on.
> Test: CQ
> fx run-test scenic_tests -t gfx_viewstate_apptests
> Change-Id: Ia12ac0b6e90b9db2c20ee411c35738540ab8dd61,,,

Change-Id: If51ad885260ca4609e81cf1a9e30d80494ee8832
No-Presubmit: true
No-Tree-Checks: true
No-Try: true
11 files changed