
An app that provides font data to other apps.

Provided fonts.

Currently, we provide the Roboto and Noto fonts.

We additionally provide the Material Design Fonts, which must be kept in sync with Flutter's version of it. See here for their update instructions.

Adding new fonts.

To add new fonts:

  1. Create a new directory under third_party, e.g. third_party/fontname.
  2. Place all font files in the new directory along with LICENSE and README files.
  3. Run ./ third_party/fontname to package and upload the archive to Google Storage. The upload step will fail if you don't have upload permission for the fuchsia-build storage bucket, in which case you will need to file infra (INTK-) ticket to be added to the ACL.
  4. Run git add third_party/fontname.stamp to add the .stamp file created created by
  5. Add the new font files in
  6. Add the new fonts in manifest.json.