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# Timezone tests
This directory contains the tests that verify that the local date-time reported
by a program running inside the Dart VM matches the system settings. Another
almost identical test is run for the Flutter runner.
This therefore verifies that the Dart VM (and by extension also Flutter) see
exactly the same local time.
## Approach
Test does the following in one synchronous sequence:
* Sets the system time zone to "America/Los_Angeles" through the
`fuchsia.settings.Intl` service. This time zone's offset to UTC will vary
depending on the time of year. The default system time zone is normally UTC,
so this change should result in the change of the system clock throughout.
* Starts the [dart timestamp server](../timestamp-server-dart/ This
server reports what the Dart VM sees as the current time zone. The Dart VM
should be using `fuchsia.intl.PropertyProvider` to get the current time zone.
At the moment Dart VM is unable to listen to time zone changes, so it will
keep whatever time zone exists at its startup.
* Asks the Dart timestamp server about current day and hour, and compares to
its own reading of the same information. This is not the complete time, but
should be enough to detect typical timezone bugs.
* Restores the original system time zone.
## Flakiness note
### Setting time
Since the test deals with real system time, it may be flaky. We are comparing
two unsynchronized clocks and checking if they are in sync up to the 1 hour
resolution. This may lead to flakiness if our tests just happen to run close
to the turn of the hour, since the random drifts around the hour start may
cause the tests to be up to 1 hour apart.
For this reason, the test is actually ran up to 3 times in the case a
discrepancy exists between the readings, and will only fail if we see wrong time
thrice in a row.
### Timezone upset
This tests modifies the system time zone necessarily. It makes a best effort
to restore the time zone, but may well not succeed to do so. (It's a rust
`drop`, which apparently is not guaranteed to run.) So, while in practice
so far we've seen the timezone be returned to its original value, it is not
always going to happen.
## Building
fx set ...(your other set commands) \
--with=/src/tests/intl:tests \
fx build
## Running the tests
fx test --e2e //src/tests/intl/timezone
## Flutter notes
A few somewhat unexpected points are relevant when trying to run what is
essentially a pure Dart program with a Flutter runner.
First, the component manifest of the timestamp server needs a few extra
services in its sandbox, as seen below.
"program": {
"data": "data/timestamp-server-flutter"
"sandbox": {
"features": [
"services": [
Second, when starting a component which uses the Flutter runner, the starting program
must create a view from the resulting VM.
let app = ... ; // The result of using Launcher service.
let view_provider = app.connect_to_service::<ViewProviderMarker>();
match view_provider {
Err(_) => fx_log_debug!("could not connect to view provider. This is expected in dart."),
Ok(ref view_provider) => {
fx_log_debug!("connected to view provider");
let token_pair = scenic::ViewTokenPair::new()?;
let mut viewref_pair = scenic::ViewRefPair::new()?;
&mut viewref_pair.control_ref,
&mut viewref_pair.view_ref,
.with_context(|| "could not create a scenic view")?;