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# Directory capabilities
[Directory capabilities][] allow components
to connect to a directory provided by another component.
For information on directories that are isolated per-component, see
[storage capabilities][storage-capabilities].
## Providing directory capabilities {#provide}
To provide a directory capability, a component must declare the capability and
[route](#route) it from `self`. The component hosts the directory capability in
its [outgoing directory][glossary.outgoing-directory].
To define the capability, add a `capabilities` declaration for it:
capabilities: [
directory: "data",
rights: ["r*"],
path: "/published-data",
This defines a capability hosted by this component whose outgoing directory path
is `/published-data`, and whose maximum usable
[rights](#directory-capability-rights) are "read-only".
## Routing directory capabilities {#route}
Components route directory capabilities by [exposing](#expose) them to their
parent and [offering](#offer) them to their children.
For more details on how the framework routes component capabilities,
see [capability routing][capability-routing].
### Exposing {#expose}
Exposing a directory capability gives the component's parent access to that
expose: [
directory: "data",
from: "self",
You may optionally specify:
* [`as`](#renaming)
* [`rights`](#directory-capability-rights)
* [`subdir`](#subdirectories)
### Offering {#offer}
Offering a storage capability gives a child component access to that
offer: [
directory: "data",
from: "parent",
to: [ "#child-a", "#child-b" ],
You may optionally specify:
* [`as`](#renaming)
* [`rights`](#directory-capability-rights)
* [`subdir`](#subdirectories)
## Consuming directory capabilities {#consume}
To consume a storage capability, the component must request the capability and
open the corresponding path in its [namespace][glossary.namespace].
To request the capability, add a `use` declaration for it:
use: [
directory: "data",
rights: ["r*"],
path: "/data",
This populates the component's namespace with a directory at the provided `path`
containing the shared directory contents.
You must specify [`rights`](#directory-capability-rights).
You may optionally specify [`subdir`](#subdirectories).
### Consuming optional directory capabilities
See [Connect Components: Consuming optional capabilities][consuming-optional-capabilities].
## Directory capability rights {#directory-capability-rights}
Directory rights enable components to control access to directories as they are
routed throughout the system. Directory rights are applied as follows:
* [`capabilities`][manifest-capabilities]: *Required*.
Provides the base set of rights available for the directory. Any rights
specified in a `use`, `offer`, or `expose` must be a subset of what is
declared here.
* [`use`][manifest-use]: *Required*.
Describes the access rights requested by the consuming component.
* [`offer`][manifest-offer]: *Optional*.
Modified rights available to the destination component. Rights are inherited
from the `offer` source if not present.
* [`expose`][manifest-expose]: *Optional*.
Modified rights available to the destination component. Rights are inherited
from the `expose` source if not present.
The `rights` field can contain any combination of the following
[``][fidl-io-rights] tokens:
rights: [
The framework provides a simplified form for declaring `rights` using *aliases*.
Each alias represents the combination of FIDL rights tokens to provide common
read, write, or execute access:
| Alias | FIDL rights |
| :---: | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| `r*` | `connect, enumerate, traverse, read_bytes,` |
: : `get_attributes` :
| `w*` | `connect, enumerate, traverse, write_bytes,` |
: : `update_attributes, modify_directory` :
| `x*` | `connect, enumerate, traverse, execute_bytes` |
| `rw*` | `connect, enumerate, traverse, read_bytes, write_bytes,` |
: : `get_attributes, update_attributes, modify_directory` :
| `rx*` | `connect, enumerate, traverse, read_bytes, execute_bytes,` |
: : `get_attributes` :
The `rights` field may only contain one alias. Additional FIDL rights may be
appended as long as they do not duplicate rights expressed by the alias.
### Example
Consider the following example where component `A` requests *read-write* access
to the `data` directory:
// A.cml
use: [
directory: "data",
rights: ["rw*"],
path: "/data",
However, the parent component `B` offers the directory `data` to component `A`
with only *read-only* rights. In this case the routing fails and `data` wouldn't
be present in A's namespace.
// B.cml
capabilities: [
directory: "data",
rights: ["r*"],
path: "/published-data",
offer: [
directory: "data",
from: "self",
to: [ "#A" ],
## Subdirectories {#subdirectories}
You may `expose`, `offer`, or `use` a subdirectory of a directory capability:
offer: [
directory: "data",
from: "parent",
to: [ "#child-a", "#child-b" ],
subdir: "children",
## Renaming directories {#renaming}
You may `expose` or `offer` a directory capability by a different name:
offer: [
directory: "data",
from: "#child-a",
to: [ "#child-b" ],
as: "a-data",
[]: /docs/glossary/
[glossary.outgoing-directory]: /docs/glossary/
[capability-routing]: /docs/concepts/components/v2/capabilities/
[fidl-io-rights]: /sdk/fidl/
[consuming-optional-capabilities]: /docs/development/components/
[storage-capabilities]: /docs/concepts/components/v2/capabilities/