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# Developing an ffx plugin
Note: This document describes the legacy plugin macro system and is here only
as a reference while we still have some plugins using it around. See
[the top level ffx development docs](/docs/development/tools/ffx/development/
for documentation on writing subtools.
This page describes the basic steps for creating a plugin for `ffx`.
The plugin system employs a combination of GN build rules and Rust attributes
to decouple plugin code from `ffx` internals.
## GN Build Rule {#gn-rule}
Use the [`ffx_plugin()`](/src/developer/ffx/build/ffx_plugin.gni) build rule
template in your project's `` file to create a build target for your
Your `` file should look similar to the following example:
ffx_plugin("ffx_example") {
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
with_unit_tests = true
deps = []
args_sources = [
sources = [
Note: `ffx_plugin()` wraps the `rustc_library()` build template, so the same set
of attributes are available.
Inside the `src/` directory, the project should contain two source files:
- `src/`: Defines the CLI parameters for your plugin.
- `src/`: Contains the main plugin source code implementation.
## Arguments {#args}
Create the file `src/` containing the plugins supported arguments:
use {argh::FromArgs, ffx_core::ffx_command};
#[derive(FromArgs, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[argh(subcommand, name = "example", description = "an example")]
pub struct ExampleCommand {}
This uses the [argh]( crate and more
documentation can be found [here]( This
struct has been decorated by the `ffx_command` attribute that signifies that
your plugin should run when someone types the following command:
fx ffx example
If you want to add more parameters for your plugins, you add them to
this struct.
An example parameter would look like this:
use {argh::FromArgs, ffx_core::ffx_command};
#[derive(FromArgs, Debug, PartialEq)]
#[argh(subcommand, name = "example", description = "an example")]
pub struct ExampleCommand {
/// example optional positional string parameter
pub example: Option<String>,
See more documentation:
- [Argh](
## Plugin {#plugin}
Create the file `src/` containing the plugin implementation:
use {
pub async fn example(_cmd: ExampleCommand) -> Result<()> {
println!("Hello from the example plugin :)");
Plugin methods need to accept the argh command created in the `src/`
file as a parameter even if they do not use them.
Note: The `ffx_example_args::ExampleCommand` in the above example is generated
automatically by the `ffx_plugin()` template. For more details, see
[plugin internals](
## Integration {#integration}
Add your plugin library as a dependency to `ffx` to include it in the build.
Edit the `plugin_deps` array in the [`ffx` build target][ffx-build] to add your
`ffx_plugin()` target to the top level:
plugin_deps = [
Note: Alternatively, you can add your plugin to the dependency list of another
plugin to create a subcommand.
To build and test your plugin, build `ffx`:
fx build ffx
You should now see the output when you run your example command:
```none {:.devsite-disable-click-to-copy}
$ fx ffx example
Hello from the example plugin :)
## Unit tests {#unit-tests}
If you want to unit test your plugin, just follow the standard method for
testing [rust code][rust-testing] on a host. The `ffx_plugin()` GN template
generates a `<target_name>_lib_test` library target for unit tests when the
`with_unit_tests` parameter is set to `true`.
If your `` contains tests, they can be invoked using `fx test`:
fx test ffx_example_lib_test
If fx test doesn't find your test, check that the product configuration includes your test. You can include all the ffx tests with this command:
fx set ... --with=//src/developer/ffx:tests
## FIDL protocols {#fidl-proxy}
FFX plugins can communicate with a target device using FIDL protocols through
[Overnet][overnet]. To access FIDL protocols from your plugin, follow the
instructions in this section.
1. Add the FIDL Rust bindings as a dependency to the plugin's `` file.
The following example adds bindings for the `fuchsia.device` FIDL library:
ffx_plugin("ffx_example") {
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
with_unit_tests = true
deps = [
args_sources = [
sources = [
1. Import the necessary bindings int your plugin implementation. The following
example imports `NameProviderProxy` from `fuchsia.device`:
Note: The struct `NameProviderProxy` is generated as part of the rust bindings to the FIDL `fuchsia.device`,
use {
1. Include the FIDL proxy can be used in the plugin implementation. Plugins can
accept proxies in the parameters list:
pub async fn example(
name_proxy: NameProviderProxy,
_cmd: ExampleCommand,
) -> Result<()> { }
1. Map the proxy type to a [component selector][component-select] representing
the component providing the FIDL protocol in the `ffx_plugin()` annotation:
NameProviderProxy = "bootstrap/device_name_provider:out:fuchsia.device.NameProvider"
The example plugin implementation in `src/` should now look like the
use {
NameProviderProxy = "bootstrap/device_name_provider:out:fuchsia.device.NameProvider"
pub async fn example(
name_proxy: NameProviderProxy,
_cmd: ExampleCommand,
) -> Result<()> {
if let Ok(name) = name_proxy.get_device_name().await? {
println!("Hello, {}", name);
Repeat these steps to include additional FIDL proxies to your `ffx` plugin.
The following FIDL proxies are built into `ffx`, and do not require additional
dependencies or mappings:
- [DaemonProxy](/src/developer/ffx/fidl/daemon.fidl)
- [Remote Control Service (RCS)](/sdk/fidl/fuchsia.developer.remotecontrol/remote-control.fidl)
You can simply add the above proxies to your plugin's parameter list to access
them in your implementation.
### Proxy moniker map {#moniker-map}
`ffx` and the Remote Control Service (RCS) provide a mechanism for maintaining
compatibility with existing monikers used by `ffx` plugins if the moniker
representing a given FIDL proxy changes. For example:
- The FIDL proxy is provided by a new component
- The FIDL protocol name changes
- The proxy moniker varies across product builds
RCS supports this using *moniker maps* that override the monikers defined in
an `ffx` plugin's source and map it to a different value. To override a given
moniker, add an entry to
in the following format:
```json {:.devsite-disable-click-to-copy}
"original/moniker:out:fuchsia.MyService": "some/new/moniker:expose:fuchsia.MyOtherService"
This example enables RCS to override references to
`original/moniker:out:fuchsia.MyService` in `ffx` plugins and route them to
`some/new/moniker:expose:fuchsia.MyOtherService` in any build which contains
the mapping.
[component-select]: /docs/development/tools/ffx/commands/
[ffx-build]: /src/developer/ffx/
[overnet]: /src/connectivity/overnet/
[rust-testing]: /docs/development/languages/rust/
[moniker-map]: /src/developer/remote-control/data/moniker-map.json