blob: 5c8b441285a905b218a9c797610cfc992131f594 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# FIDL editors
Several editors have support for FIDL:
* [IntelliJ/Android Studio](#intellij)
* [Sublime Text](#sublime)
* [Vim](#vim)
* [NeoVim](#nvim)
* [Helix](#helix)
* [Visual Studio Code](#visual-studio-code)
## IntelliJ / Android Studio {#intellij}
There is an IntelliJ plugin available for FIDL. It adds syntax and parsing
support.To install it, select **Settings**, then **Plugins**, and then click
**Browse Repositories** and search for **FIDL**.
## Sublime Text {#sublime}
[Sublime syntax highlighting support](/tools/fidl/editors/sublime).
To install, select **Sublime Text**, then **Preferences**, then
**Browse Packages** and copy or symlink the files `FIDL.sublime-syntax`, and
`Comments (FIDL).tmPreferences` into the **User** package.
## Vim {#vim}
[Vim syntax highlighting support and instructions](/tools/fidl/editors/vim).
## NeoVim {#nvim}
[Tree Sitter FIDL](
Require NeoVim version >= 0.9 to use
[nvim-treesitter]( plugin.
For Googlers: You may want to build the latest NeoVim, see http://go/neovim.
1. `:TSInstall fidl` to install the parser.
2. Add filetype mapping, you may add this to <nvim-config>/lua/options.lua:
`vim.filetype.add({ extension = { fidl = "fidl" } })`.
## Helix {#helix}
Helix uses [Tree Sitter FIDL](
add following to `~/.config/helix/languages.toml`, or wait use a build with
[commit 358ac6bc1f512ca7303856dc904d4b4cdc1fe718](
name = "fidl"
scope = "source.fidl"
injection-regex = "fidl"
file-types = ["fidl"]
comment-token = "//"
indent = { tab-width = 4, unit = " " }
name = "fidl"
source = { git = "", rev = "bdbb635a7f5035e424f6173f2f11b9cd79703f8d" }
then fetch and build the parser and copy queries files to runtime dir:
hx --grammar fetch fidl
hx --grammar build fidl
mkdir -p ~/.config/helix/runtime/queries/
cp -r <path to helix source>/runtime/queries/fidl ~/.config/helix/runtime/queries
## Visual Studio Code {#visual-studio-code}
There is a an extension,
[Visual Studio Code extension available](
## Contributing
Contributions to other plugins are welcome. Their respective code is in:
* [IntelliJ](
* [Sublime](/tools/fidl/editors/sublime)
* [vim](/tools/fidl/editors/vim/)