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# Comparing new C++ and high-level C++ language bindings
## Quick reference
Here's how to recognize if a particular type/function/identifier in C++ code is
part of the new C++ bindings or high-level C++ bindings.
Taking the [`examples.keyvaluestore.baseline`][kvstore] library as example:
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/fidl/new/key_value_store/baseline/fidl/key_value_store.test.fidl" exclude_regexp="^//.*" %}
Here are how the various FIDL elements will map to in the C++ bindings. Note
that in the table "C++" refers to the new C++ bindings, and applies equally to
both natural domain objects and wire domain objects. "Natural" refers to the
natural domain objects in the new C++ bindings. "Wire" refers to the wire domain
objects in the new C++ bindings.
<th>FIDL element</th>
<th>C++ natural types</th>
<td rowspan="2">Header include</td>
<td>#include &lt;fidl/examples.keyvaluestore.baseline/cpp/fidl.h&gt;</td>
<td>Format is `fidl/library name/cpp/fidl.h`</td>
<td>#include &lt;examples/keyvaluestore/baseline/cpp/fidl.h&gt;</td>
<td>Format is `slash separated library name/cpp/fidl.h`</td>
<td rowspan="2">The library</td>
<td rowspan="2">New C++ uses a single level namespace.<br>HLCPP uses nested namespaces.</td>
<td rowspan="3">Item struct</td>
<td rowspan="3">On top of the namespace differences, the wire types are nested under "::wire".</td>
<td rowspan="3">WriteError enum</td>
<td rowspan="3">On top of the namespace differences, the wire types are nested under "::wire".<br>In case of enums and bits, the wire types and natural types are equivalent. There is just an extra type alias.<br></td>
<td rowspan="3">string:128</td>
<td rowspan="3">vector&lt;byte&gt;:64000</td>
<td rowspan="2">protocol Store</td>
<td>A marker type that carries some information about the protocol</td>
<td>An abstract base class that contains methods in the protocol</td>
<td rowspan="2">client_end:Store</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="2">server_end:Store</td>
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<td rowspan="3">Client and server types<br>for the Store protocol<br></td>
<td colspan="2">Client: fidl::Client&lt;Store&gt;<br>Synchronous client: fidl::SyncClient&lt;Store&gt;<br>Server interface: fidl::Server&lt;Store&gt;<br>Event handler interface: fidl::EventHandler&lt;Store&gt;</td>
<td colspan="2">Client: fidl::WireClient&lt;Store&gt;<br>Synchronous client: fidl::WireSyncClient&lt;Store&gt;<br>Server interface: fidl::WireServer&lt;Store&gt;<br>Event handler interface: fidl::WireEventHandler&lt;Store&gt;</td>
<td colspan="2">Client: fidl::InterfacePtr&lt;Store&gt;<br>Synchronous client: fidl::SynchronousInterfacePtr&lt;Store&gt;<br>Server interface: Store<br>Event handler interface: N/A. InterfacePtr has setters that take one callback per event declaration.</td>
<!-- TODO( Replace the canvas reference with key value store
to align with the above, once the key value store example has landed. -->
Here's the most common way to set up a client:
<!-- C++ (Natural) -->
<h3>C++ (Natural)</h3>
<pre class="prettyprint lang-cc">{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/fidl/new/canvas/baseline/cpp_natural/client/" region_tag="connect-protocol" %}</pre>
<!-- C++ (Wire) -->
<h3>C++ (Wire)</h3>
<pre class="prettyprint lang-cc">{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/fidl/new/canvas/baseline/cpp_wire/client/" region_tag="connect-protocol" %}</pre>
<!-- HLCPP -->
<pre class="prettyprint lang-cc">{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/fidl/new/canvas/baseline/hlcpp/client/" region_tag="connect-protocol" %}</pre>
See the [canvas][canvas] example for the full code listing and explanation.
Here's the most common way to implement a server:
<!-- C++ (Natural) -->
<h3>C++ (Natural)</h3>
<pre class="prettyprint lang-cc">{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/fidl/new/canvas/baseline/cpp_natural/server/" region_tag="server-impl-short" %}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/fidl/new/canvas/baseline/cpp_natural/server/" region_tag="addline-impl-short" %}
// ...
<!-- C++ (Wire) -->
<h3>C++ (Wire)</h3>
<pre class="prettyprint lang-cc">{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/fidl/new/canvas/baseline/cpp_wire/server/" region_tag="server-impl-short" %}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/fidl/new/canvas/baseline/cpp_wire/server/" region_tag="addline-impl-short" %}
// ...
<!-- HLCPP -->
<pre class="prettyprint lang-cc">{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/fidl/new/canvas/baseline/hlcpp/server/" region_tag="server-impl-short" %}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/fidl/new/canvas/baseline/hlcpp/server/" region_tag="addline-impl-short" %}
// ...
See the [canvas][canvas] example for the full code listing and explanation.
## New C++ bindings {#cpp}
The new C++ bindings supports both low-level and high-level use cases, by
offering two families of generated domain objects, and corresponding client and
server APIs that speak those types.
Note: prefer natural types unless optimizing for critical performance and
memory allocation. Refer to the [C++ tutorials][cpp-prefer-natural].
### Natural types
* Optimized to meet the needs of high-level service programming.
* Represent data structures using idiomatic C++ types such as `std::vector`,
`std::optional`, and `std::string`.
* Use smart pointers to manage heap allocated objects.
* Use `zx::handle` to manage handle ownership.
* Can convert data between their wire (e.g. `fidl::StringView`) and natural
type representations (e.g. `std::string`).
### Wire types
* Optimized to meet the needs of low-level systems programming while providing
slightly more safety and features than the C bindings.
* Represent data structures whose memory layout coincides with the wire
format, i.e. satisfying C++ Standard Layout. This opens the door to
in-place encoding and decoding.
* Generated structures are views of an underlying buffer; they do not own
* Support in-place access of FIDL messages.
* Provide fine-grained control over memory allocation.
* Use owned handle types such as `zx::handle`. Note that since generated
structures are views of an underlying buffer, a parent structure will only
own child handles if it also owns their underlying buffer. For example, a
FIDL struct owns all the handles stored inline, but a FIDL vector of structs
containing handles will be represented as a vector view, which will not own
the out-of-line handles.
### Client and server APIs
* Code generator produces more code compared to the C bindings. This includes
constructors, destructors, copy/move functions, conversions between domain
object families, protocol client implementations, and pure virtual server
* Users implement a server by sub-classing a provided server interface and
overriding the pure virtual methods for each operation.
* Clients supporting sync and async calls, and sync and async event handling.
* Requires C++17 or above.
Refer to the [New C++ tutorial][cpp-tutorial] to get started.
## High-level C++ bindings
* Optimized to meet the needs of high-level service programming.
* Represent data structures using idiomatic C++ types such as `std::vector`,
`std::optional`, and `std::string`.
* Use smart pointers to manage heap allocated objects.
* Use `zx::handle` (libzx) to manage handle ownership.
* Can convert data from in-place FIDL buffers to idiomatic heap allocated
* Can convert data from idiomatic heap allocated objects
(e.g. `std::string`) to in-place buffers (e.g. as a `fidl::StringView`).
* Code generator produces more code compared to the C bindings. This includes
constructors, destructors, protocol proxies, protocol stubs, copy/move
functions, and conversions to/from in-place buffers.
* Client performs protocol dispatch by sub-classing a provided stub and
implementing the virtual methods for each operation.
* Both async and synchronous clients are supported. However, the async clients
are not thread-safe.
* Requires C++14 or above.
Refer to the [HLCPP tutorial][hlcpp-tutorial] to get started.
<!-- TODO( Guide for migrating HLCPP to new C++. -->
## Summary
Category | New C++ with wire types | New C++ with natural types | High-level C++
**audience** | drivers and performance-critical applications | high-level services | high-level services
**abstraction overhead** | RAII closing of handles [^1] | heap allocation, construction, destruction | heap allocation, construction, destruction
**type safe types** | enums, structs, unions, handles, protocols | enums, structs, unions, handles, protocols | enums, structs, unions, handles, protocols
**storage** | stack, user-provided buffer, or heap | heap | heap
**lifecycle** | manual or automatic free | automatic free (RAII) | automatic free (RAII)
**receive behavior** | decode in-place | decode into heap | decode then move to heap
**send behavior** | copy or vectorize | copy | copy
**calling protocol methods** | free functions or proxy | free functions or proxy | call through proxies, register callbacks
**implementing protocol methods** | manual dispatch or implement stub interface | implement stub interface | implement stub object, invoke callbacks
**async client** | yes | yes | yes
**async server** | yes (unbounded) [^2] | yes (unbounded) [^2] | yes (unbounded)
**parallel server dispatch** | yes [^3] | yes [^3] | no
**generated code footprint** | large | large | large
<!-- footnotes. These must be 1 line; continuations indented 4 spaces. -->
[^1]: Generated types own all handles stored inline. Out-of-line handles
e.g. those behind a pointer indirection are not closed when the containing
object of the pointer goes away. In those cases, the bindings provide a
`fidl::DecodedValue` object to manage all handles associated with a call.
[^2]: The bindings library defined in [lib/fidl](/sdk/lib/fidl/cpp/wire) can
dispatch an unbounded number of in-flight transactions via `fidl::BindServer`
defined in
[^3]: The bindings library [lib/fidl](/sdk/lib/fidl/cpp/wire) enables parallel
dispatch using the `EnableNextDispatch()` API defined in
<!-- xrefs -->
[cpp-tutorial]: /docs/development/languages/fidl/tutorials/cpp
[cpp-prefer-natural]: /docs/development/languages/fidl/tutorials/cpp/
[hlcpp-tutorial]: /docs/development/languages/fidl/tutorials/hlcpp
[kvstore]: /docs/development/languages/fidl/examples/key_value_store
[canvas]: /docs/development/languages/fidl/examples/canvas