| {% set rfcid = "RFC-0095" %} |
| {% include "docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md" %} |
| # {{ rfc.name }} - {{ rfc.title }} |
| <!-- *** DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE --> |
| |
| |
| ## Summary |
| |
| **Note:** This RFC has been superseded by [RFC-0220][rfc-0220], which deprecated |
| the workstation product. This RFC is preserved for posterity, but we will no |
| longer pursue implementation. |
| |
| The Workstation product, defined as the workstation_session, ermine, terminal |
| and simple browser, is currently built and assembled in the Fuchsia source tree. |
| There is no clear distinction between Fuchsia as a platform and the workstation |
| product. This requires that the platform and the product must be built at the |
| same time to assemble the final product. We propose that this coupling be broken to |
| allow the Workstation components to be built separately from the platform and |
| that the final product be assembled outside of the Fuchsia source tree. This |
| proposal does not address removing the implementation of the Workstation product from the |
| Fuchsia source tree but rather focuses on the dependent problem of out-of-tree |
| product configuration and assembly. This work will lay the groundwork needed to |
| eventually move the Workstation product out-of-tree completely but that is out |
| of the scope of this document. |
| |
| It is important to call out that the terminal is considered to be a fundamental |
| component for the Workstation product, however, the terminal is used by other |
| products outside of the Workstation product. Therefore the development of the |
| terminal component will remain in fuchsia.git and it will be consumed by the |
| Workstation as part of the platform until a further decision is made regarding |
| the future of this component. |
| |
| ## Motivation |
| |
| There is currently no way to build and assemble a product on Fuchsia without |
| building the entire Fuchsia platform at the same time. We can build individual |
| components outside of fuchsia.git using the SDK but those artifacts need to flow |
| back to Fuchsia Global Integration to be assembled into a final product. We |
| would like to be able to offer stable versions of the platform for products to |
| be built on without needing to have access to Fuchsia Global Integration. |
| |
| There are still many unknowns when it comes to building products out-of-tree |
| which is why we want to start with the Workstation product. The Workstation |
| product is not a production-grade, supported user-facing product, it is a |
| reference for developers and an environment for early adoption of platform |
| features and testing, so there is a higher tolerance for slowdowns at this |
| stage. The Workstation product is also meant to be the environment in which |
| enthusiasts can explore Fuchsia; by removing the need to build the entire |
| platform we can make it easier for developers to play with Fuchsia. |
| |
| ## Design |
| |
| Moving Workstation out-of-tree builds on top of the [Standalone Image Assembly |
| Tool RFC-0072](/docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/0072_standalone_image_assembly_tool.md), |
| this proposal assumes that this tool exists. |
| |
| ### Repository |
| |
| The source code for the Workstation repository will be hosted on |
| [git-on-borg](https://fuchsia.googlesource.com). Hosting the code on git-on-borg will allow |
| us to use existing Fuchsia infrastructure and tooling which will allow us to |
| focus on the task of building and assembling the product. |
| |
| For the remainder of this document workstation.git will refer to the repository |
| hosting the code for the Workstation product. |
| |
| ### Infrastructure |
| |
| The focus of this project is to build and assemble the Workstation product |
| out-of-tree and thus we will not be moving the development of the components out |
| of fuchsia.git until we have worked out how to do this. Since the component |
| development will remain in-tree, we can rely on the existing test and build |
| infrastructure to verify that the Workstation product does not regress. The |
| process of rolling new versions of the platform, sdk, experiences.git and other |
| dependencies will be done manually with a script to allow the team to focus on |
| the problem at hand. When we begin to transition the development of the |
| component out-of-tree we will need to revisit how we do continuous integration. |
| |
| The daily builds of the platform will need to be automated but we can use the |
| existing Fuchsia infrastructure. A daily builder will need to be created which |
| builds the packages required to assemble the Workstation product and upload those |
| artifacts to some storage repository. The technical design for this workflow still |
| needs to be figured out. We will consult with infrastructure and security before |
| we start working on this. |
| |
| Building the Workstation product, as opposed to core, will ensure that we have |
| all the artifacts that we need for product assembly even if we do not build them |
| at this point. The artifacts that we do build out-of-tree will be used in place |
| of the artifacts that rolled with the platform. Doing this will also allow us to |
| use the existing Workstation builder which will minimize the amount of extra |
| infrastructure we will need to manage. |
| |
| ### Dependency Management |
| |
| The Workstation repository will use a combination of git submodules and Bazel |
| workspaces for dependency management. Git submodules will be used to pull in external |
| repositories whereas Bazel will be used to download prebuilts and toolchains |
| required by the build. |
| |
| Bazel's [toolchains](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/toolchains.html) will |
| be used in conjunction with workspace rules to download the appropriate prebuilts |
| that are required for their respective build rules. One limitation at this point is |
| that many of our prebuilts are stored in [CIPD](https://chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com/) |
| and require the cipd command line tool. Initial prototypes require that the cipd |
| tool be somewhere on the developer's path. We are actively looking into alternaives |
| and do not think this will be a long term requirement. |
| |
| ### Directory Structure |
| |
| The directory structure for the Workstation repository will closely resemble the |
| fuchsia.git directory structure to keep consistency for Fuchsia developers. The |
| root directory will contain various metadata files needed for the project as |
| well as the following top-level directories. |
| |
| - //src - Source code used to build the Workstation product. |
| - //tools - scripts and tooling to support the build. |
| - //src/experiences - the existing [experiences.git](https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/experiences) repository. |
| - //prebuilt - any prebuilts that are needed. |
| - //third_party - third party code that is used by the src directories. |
| |
| ### Build System |
| |
| The Workstation product will be built with the [Bazel](https://bazel.build) |
| build system. The decision to use Bazel diverges from fuchsia.git which uses |
| gn/ninja. This decision means that we will not be able to lean on the expertise |
| that the Fuchsia team has acquired or reuse the existing build rules. However, |
| the current gn SDK does not contain any logic for building or testing Flutter |
| applications which is the majority of the Workstation product. The team would |
| need to write these rules no matter what build system they choose. The sample |
| Bazel SDK that exists in-tree does have some rudimentary logic for building |
| Dart and Flutter applications that we can build off of. |
| |
| The Workstation team has chosen to use Bazel over gn/ninja for a few main reasons |
| that they feel makes this a more attractive build system to use. |
| |
| - open source adoption: Bazel is not the most popular build system but it does |
| have more adoption than gn/ninja and thus should feel more familiar to the |
| open source community. |
| |
| - ecosystem of rules: Bazel has a rich ecosystem of existing rules which help to |
| promote reuse. |
| |
| - dependency management: Bazel can manage external dependencies. |
| |
| - Fuchsia SDK Bazel SDK productionization: Using Bazel for the Workstation product |
| gives us the opportunity to push changes into a Fuchsia Bazel SDK which can be |
| used by other projects. |
| |
| - single build/analysis phase: A common complaint for developers coming to Fuchsia |
| is that they do not know why a package or tool is not included in their build. This |
| often comes down to a user not including the target in their gn args. Bazel removes |
| this failure mode by requiring the user to explicitly specify what they want to |
| build, run or test. |
| |
| - hermetic builds: Bazel has hermetic builds by default whereas gn does not. |
| |
| During this phase we will need to write build rules to build the experiences |
| repository against the workstation.git buildroot. We will utilize the |
| [new_local_repository](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/workspace.html#new_local_repository) feature of Bazel. Using this rule will allow us to |
| keep the Bazel specific build rules in workstation.git to build against |
| sources mapped in from the experiences repository. It is important to note that |
| this setup is prone to build breakages because the Bazel build rules are hosted |
| in a separate repository from the actual source code. These breakages will only |
| affect the team that is working on getting out-of-tree assembly and not any |
| in-tree developers. We are aware of the trade-off here but feel it is better to |
| disrupt the workflow of the out-of-tree developers instead of the in-tree |
| developers. The out-of-tree developers will be responsible for fixing the |
| breakages as they occur. |
| |
| |
| ``` |
| new_local_repository( |
| name = "ermine", |
| path = "vendor/experiences/session_shells/ermine/shell/", |
| build_file = "src/ermine/BUILD.ermine", |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| //src/ermine/BUILD.ermine |
| |
| ``` |
| flutter_component(name = "ermine_component", ...) |
| flutter_package(name = "ermine", deps = ":ermine_component") |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Language Support |
| |
| The Workstation components are currently written in Dart and Rust of which Dart |
| is the only language that is currently supported for out-of-tree development. |
| The workstation_session and terminal components are written in Rust and Ermine |
| and simple-browser are written in dart. We will start by focusing our attention |
| on building the Dart components while continuing to build the Rust components |
| in-tree and delivering them as part of the platform. |
| |
| There are currently two blockers for building the workstation_session |
| out-of-tree. The first is that the workstation_session is using several private |
| APIs which means that it could not be built out-of-tree even if we had the |
| language support. The second blocker is the lack of out-of-tree Rust support. |
| The workstation_session is currently being broken up into smaller platform level |
| components which is eliminating its dependency on private interfaces and |
| out-of-tree Rust support is being explored. We will make a decision about the |
| fate of the workstation_session as these two projects progress. If the |
| workstation_session is completely migrated off of private interfaces but Rust |
| support is not going to come soon after then we will rewrite the session in C++ |
| whereas if Rust support lands before or soon after then we will keep the session |
| written in Rust. |
| |
| ### Sanitizers |
| |
| The fuchsia.git tree supports various sanitizers for both local development and |
| in the infrastructure builders. Support for these system in the workstation.git |
| repository is not an immediate goal since we will not be moving source code out |
| of fuchsia.git until we have proven that the build and assembly system works with |
| the mapped in repository. However, we should block on moving code out of fuchsia.git |
| until we have sanitizer support since it introduces a regression from the current |
| setup. |
| |
| When we get local builds working properly we will add support for passing build |
| time flags to enable the various sanitizers locally. This will allow us to build |
| against the mapped in sources with sanitizers enabled. When we start moving code |
| out of fuchsia.git we will set up builders to match the current experience of |
| committing to fuchsia.git. |
| |
| ### Code Search |
| |
| Fuchsia code can currently be searched on [code search](https://cs.opensource.google/fuchsia). |
| The workstation.git repository will be added to this same project as a separate |
| project which will allow it to be searchable and viewable online. |
| |
| ### Code Coverage |
| |
| We do not plan to enable code coverage for workstation.git at the beginning of |
| the project and do not have any plans for the near term. The main reason for this |
| is that the majority of the Workstation code is written in Dart which does not |
| currently have sufficient enough code coverage support to warrant us investing |
| the time needed to enable it. |
| |
| We will be losing parity with the current experience for writing c++ code since |
| it does show incremental code coverage but the scope of work to enable this in |
| workstation.git is too large to take on at this point. However, it does present |
| a good opportunity to work with the Fuchsia build team to make these tools more |
| readily available for out-of-tree developers. |
| |
| ### Third Party Support |
| |
| All of the source code written in workstation.git will need to share the same |
| third party libraries. The tooling to support this has been solved many times |
| over in other large repositories so we will not have to start from scratch but |
| it does represent a quantity of work that we will have to do and support for the |
| entirety of the project. |
| |
| Licensing compliance will match what is used by the Fuchsia Project. Compliance |
| for third_party repositories will be monitored by the top-level OWNERS of the |
| repository as part of the code review process which brings these dependencies in. |
| |
| We currently do not have any solid plans for checking licenses and generating |
| NOTICE files during builds and during code checks. We will need to study how |
| this is done in the fuchsia.git repository and port that logic to this repository. |
| |
| ### Binary Size Monitoring |
| |
| Monitoring the size of our binaries is important for the long term health of our |
| project. There exist tooling in the Fuchsia build system which monitors the size |
| of binaries that are produced during each commit. Building these systems again |
| for the Workstation product is out of scope for the early phases of this project |
| but it is something we will need to add eventually. |
| |
| We need to investigate how tightly coupled these systems are with the current |
| fuchsia.git build system to see if we can simply integrate with them in their |
| current forms or if we will need to do work to decouple them. If we need to work |
| to decouple the tooling from the build system we should focus on making these |
| tools reusable to scale out to other product integrators in the future. |
| |
| ### Performance Testing |
| |
| There is currently a project taking place to add performance monitoring to the |
| Workstation product. This project is already proceeding with a focus on making |
| the monitoring available to out-of-tree users by only using tooling that is |
| available in the public SDK. We plan to move these tests into the workstation.git |
| repository as the code moves out of fuchsia.git. |
| |
| ### OWNERS |
| |
| The initial set of contributors to the workstation.git repository will be small |
| compared to the set of contributors to fuchsia.git. For this reason, enforcement of |
| OWNERS files will not be a priority during the initial phases of this project but |
| we will continue to add them to the appropriate directories to facilitate communication. |
| As we start to move code out of fuchsia.git we will introduce OWNERS files and |
| enforce the same rules for code reviews that we do in fuchsia.git. |
| |
| Contributions to the workstation.git repository will be governed by the same |
| policies that govern contributions to fuchsia.git since they will be hosted under |
| the same project. |
| |
| ### Bug Tracking |
| |
| The repository will use the existing [Fuchsia Issue Tracker](https://issues.fuchsia.dev/issues) |
| to track bugs. The reason for using Fuchsia Issue Tracker is because it is already |
| set up for tracking Fuchsia bugs and because the board support for the Workstation |
| product will still remain in fuchsia.git. There is a top-level Workstation component |
| which can be used for general triage and then there are several existing components |
| for tracking the various features of the Workstation product. |
| |
| ### Flow of Artifacts |
| |
| In order to assemble the Workstation product outside of fuchsia.git we will need |
| to provide prebuilts of the Fuchsia platform to be consumed by the Workstation |
| product. This implies that we will have two classes of artifacts, the artifacts |
| that comprise the Platform and then the artifacts that are layered on top to |
| assemble the final Workstation product image. The Platform images will be built |
| ahead of time in to be consumed by the workstation.git repository whereas the |
| Workstation components will be built at the time that the final product image |
| will be assembled. The set of artifacts that make up the Platform is not clearly |
| defined at this point as the Platform is constantly evolving but the Workstation |
| components will include the workstation_session, Ermine and simple-browser. It |
| should be noted that we do not propose to move any driver development out-of-tree |
| as part of this proposal even if it is a driver that only supports the |
| Workstation product. |
| |
| To allow workstation.git to consume the prebuilt artifacts we will need to set |
| up a builder of fuchsia.git to create the prebuilts and an autoroller which will |
| pull the artifacts into workstation.git. We may be able to extend one of the |
| builders which is currently running today but we have not fully investigated |
| if that is possible. |
| |
| The fuchsia.git builder will run once a day and will build the Fuchsia platform. |
| Exactly how this builder will be configured is yet to be determined because we |
| need to understand exactly what gets built. The builder will upload all of the |
| appropriate artifacts to a location that the autoroller can consume. The exact |
| location and mechanism for uploading these artifacts is still to be determined. |
| Included with the artifacts will be a manifest file which includes all of the dependency |
| versions used to create the platform. This includes, but is not limited to, the |
| SDK version, the version of experiences.git, the Flutter and Dart versions, the |
| Fuchsia toolchain version, etc. |
| |
| The autoroller will be run multiple times a day to check for new versions of the |
| platform. Running multiple times will ensure that we pick up the most recent |
| versions regardless of flaky rolls or builds that may come at different times |
| throughout the day. The autoroller will poll the latest version of the platform |
| and pull in those artifacts. The roller will also read the manifest file which |
| contains all of the dependent versions and update those as well. This will ensure |
| that we do not have version skew between the platform and the various dependencies. |
| |
| The required data are mostly files containing file system partitions, such as |
| fuchsia.zbi and fvm.sparse.blk. These files contain all the data necessary to boot, |
| as well as all packages in the ‘base’ and ‘cache’ lists. These files will be |
| collected into a .far “product package”, and the metadata found at the URL of |
| this package will contain all necessary metadata to build component packages with |
| a matching SDK. Packages built against this metadata can be appended to base and |
| cache by modifying the system partitions contained in the “product package”. |
| There is parallel work for creating a standalone out-of-tree image assembler, so |
| the list of specific artifacts that are bundled in the “product package” is |
| subject to change depending on the API for the new tool. |
| |
| The daily builder will upload the artifacts in a way that will allow us to |
| access the "product package" by a given version. A fixed repository will contain |
| references to all versions of the platform, to enable the roller to identify the |
| latest build or a specific build suitable for ABI compatibility. The specific |
| process which will enable this is currently being explored external to this |
| proposal. |
| |
| When assembling the final product, the build system should first download the |
| “product package”, which is identified by URL. It will then download a matching |
| SDK. (The SDK could also be bundled within the “product package”). It should |
| build packages against that SDK, creating a meta.far file for each package, as |
| well as collecting all necessary blobs into a single location. The assembly tool |
| will then append these blobs and packages to the “product package”, resulting in |
| a completed product build. The resulting artifacts should also have all necessary |
| information to generate OTA packages. |
| |
| ### ABI Considerations |
| |
| Compiling the Workstation product separately from the platform exposes us to |
| potential ABI incompatibility issues. We need to make sure that we are always |
| compiling the Workstation components with an SDK release version that is either |
| equal to or older than, but within the compatibility window per |
| [RFC-0002](/docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/0002_platform_versioning.md), |
| the release version of the platform that the Workstation product is being |
| assembled with. In order to ensure that we maintain this invariant, we will |
| include the SDK version in metadata that rolls along with the platform and the |
| workstation.git repository will be updated to use this version of the SDK. |
| |
| It should be noted that this ABI consideration needs to be extended to other |
| petals that contribute code to the Workstation product, like the Flutter and |
| Dart runners. To minimize the risk of ABI breakages coming from these petals we |
| will initially roll them as part of the platform which means that they will have |
| already been validated in fuchsia’s global integration. |
| |
| As we start to move petals out of the platform surface we will need to make sure |
| that they are compatible with our product. For petals that come back into Fuchsia |
| Global Integration we can propagate metadata about the versions as we build the |
| platform itself. However, there is a future in which some of our dependencies do not |
| come into Fuchsia Global Integration which means we will not have version information |
| included in the platform rolls. We will need to use platform versioning to make |
| sure we are including the correct versions and we will need to work out a way to |
| handle out dated versions. |
| |
| ## Implementation |
| |
| The process to build and assemble the Workstation product out of fuchsia.git |
| will take place over the course of several phases, each one building on the |
| previous. This phased approach is required since pieces of the system which |
| support out-of-tree development are currently in progress. |
| |
| ### Phase 1 |
| |
| The initial phase for getting the Workstation to build out-of-tree is to set up |
| the development environment. We will create the workstation.git repository to host the code. |
| This repository will contain a bootstrap script |
| which will allow users to get up and running. The repository will use Bazel workspaces |
| and git submodules to manage third_party code, prebuilts and the vendored in |
| experiences repository. |
| |
| ### Phase 2 |
| |
| The second phase will focus on getting the build system set up to build the |
| Flutter components. We will use the existing Bazel rules that live in fuchsia.git |
| as a starting point to write the build rules. The end state will be when we can |
| successfully build a Flutter component that can be launched on an already running |
| device. |
| |
| At the same time as setting up the rules for building the Flutter components we |
| will explore how to do assembly out-of-tree using the product assembly tool. |
| This process will be done manually by just copying all of the artifacts that are |
| built in fuchsia.git into the workstation.git repository’s out directory and trying |
| to create a bootable image. The end state will be when we can provision a device with |
| an image that is assembled out-of-tree but built in tree. |
| |
| ### Phase 3 |
| |
| The third phase of this transition is when we work towards bringing all of these |
| pieces together to assemble the entire product. This includes setting up all of |
| the infrastructure required to build the platform artifacts and upload them to |
| the TUF repository on a scheduled basis. This builder will run in Fuchsia |
| infrastructure. The workstation.git repository will roll the new version with an |
| autoroller. The autoroller will update a manifest file in the workstation.git |
| repository, run integration tests and commit this change. This differs from |
| fuchsia.git which commits version updates to an integration repository to |
| coordinate version changes. |
| |
| The workflow for building and assembling will be: |
| |
| 1. Roll the new version of the platform by updating a manifest entry which |
| identifies the platform version and all dependent versions. How the versions are |
| read and identified needs to be designed. |
| 1. Use Bazel and git to download the appropriate prebuilts and third party repositories |
| needed to build the in-tree components. |
| 1. Use the platform download tool to download all of the platform artifacts from |
| the TUF repository. |
| 1. Build the in-tree components. |
| 1. Assemble the built components and the prebuilt components into a final image. |
| |
| ## Performance |
| |
| This project should not have any impact on performance of the Workstation |
| product since it is only building and assembling. However, we should start to |
| see significant improvements in the build times for Workstation developers since |
| they will not need to build the platform. |
| |
| ## Security considerations |
| |
| We are reusing much of the same infrastructure that fuchsia.git uses but we need |
| to ensure that Workstation is being built and released in a secure manner. We will |
| work with the security and infrastructure teams to create a secure release |
| process and build pipeline. |
| |
| The Workstation product is only intended to be a reference product but we will want |
| to make sure we are still following proper security protocols. Once we get closer |
| to doing any sort of release we will need to work with security to ensure that |
| we are building our releases in a security compliant way. |
| |
| ## Privacy considerations |
| |
| There is no impact on privacy to consider at this time. We will be using open |
| tooling that does not collect user data. |
| |
| ## Testing |
| |
| The Workstation product has a suite of tests that are run on each commit. These |
| tests include unit tests, integration tests, e2e tests and performance tests. The |
| code for these tests will be ported to the workstation.git repository as the |
| code for the Workstation components are ported to worksation.git. |
| |
| The logic for these tests live in experiences.git so we will be able to run them |
| since we are mapping this repository into workstation.git until we actually move |
| the code. All of these tests are using code and tools that are available in the |
| public SDK so we will be able to run them out-of-tree but will need to update our |
| build system to ensure that they can be built and run outside of fuchsia.git. |
| |
| The tests will be run on every commit to the workstation.git repository to prevent |
| regressions. This will require collaboration with the infrastructure team to figure |
| out how to build and run these tests in CQ. The current infrastructure assumes that |
| fuchsia.git is present so we will need to develop a method that is build system |
| and repository layout agnostic. |
| |
| ## Documentation |
| |
| We will only need to add documentation to workstation.git which explains |
| how to get the repository set up for development. The Workstation development |
| will remain in-tree so we should continue to keep pointing our documentation to |
| that workflow. |
| |
| ## Drawbacks, alternatives, and unknowns |
| |
| One alternative is to just do all of this work inside of the Fuchsia tree but |
| using tooling that exists entirely in the sdk. We moved away from this approach |
| because it makes it too easy to hide our usages of private interfaces. Moving |
| the assembly completely out-of-tree forces us to rely just on the sdk. |
| |
| There are still some unknowns around exactly what we need to upload to the TUF |
| repository, the shape of the upload and the format of the metadata that we |
| upload with the artifacts. We feel that these specifics will be identified as we |
| start working through the process and we will amend this RFC as needed. |
| |
| [rfc-0220]: /docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/0220_the_future_of_in_tree_products.md |