| {% set rfcid = "RFC-0072" %} |
| {% include "docs/contribute/governance/rfcs/_common/_rfc_header.md" %} |
| # {{ rfc.name }}: {{ rfc.title }} |
| |
| <!-- |
| *** This should begin with an H2 element (for example, ## Summary). |
| --> |
| |
| ## Summary |
| |
| This document proposes a standalone tool, suitable for inclusion in a Fuchsia |
| SDK, for assembling Fuchsia "[system images](#system-image-artifacts)" from |
| packages and other compiled artifacts. |
| |
| ## Motivation |
| |
| Product assembly, the process of creating a set of artifacts for delivering |
| Fuchsia to a device out of the components and packages that are in the Fuchsia |
| platform [fuchsia.git] and the product's own, and other repo(s), should be |
| possible without using a complete `fuchsia.git` checkout and build. |
| |
| This tool performs the final step of the product assembly process, the creation |
| of the system artifacts, from previously built inputs. |
| |
| This tool is also used as part of the `fuchsia.git` build itself, replacing |
| many of the scripts and GN templates that are in |
| `//build/resources/BUILD.gn`. |
| |
| ## Glossary |
| |
| ### Assembly |
| The creation of the final system output files that can be used to deliver |
| Fuchsia to a device. |
| |
| ### `base` Package |
| The package in BlobFS, identified to `pkgfs` by its content identity, which |
| contains the base system, (e.g. `/system`). This is called the `system_image` |
| package in the current build. See [this][pkgfs-cmd] for more information. |
| |
| ### BlobFS |
| [BlobFS][blobfs-docs] is Fuchsia's [content-addressed](#content-addressing) |
| filesystem. |
| |
| ### Board Support Data |
| These are the inputs that describe the low-level hardware details needed to |
| perform the assembly process (e.g partition tables, flash-block |
| sizes, device bootloader images for flashing onto the device or including in the |
| update package, etc.). |
| |
| ### Content-Addressing |
| Content-addressing is a way of identifying a thing based on a |
| cryptographically-secure hash of its contents. On Fuchsia, this is used by |
| [BlobFS](#blobfs), [pkgfs][pkgfs], and other parts of the system to identify |
| files in a secure manner. |
| |
| ### FVM Image |
| The FVM image is the block-device image for the |
| [Fuchsia Volume Manager](/docs/glossary/README.md#Fuchsia-volume-manager). |
| |
| ### System Image Artifacts |
| The set of final output artifacts that are created by the build which contain |
| Fuchsia. This is the larger set of artifacts which are used to deliver Fuchsia |
| to devices via different means (OTA, flashing, paving, etc.) |
| |
| ### `update` Package |
| The package that contains files and rules for updating the system. See |
| [this][update-pkg] for more information. |
| |
| ### `vbmeta` Image |
| The verified-boot metadata is used by the bootloader(s) running on the device to |
| validate that the zbi is trusted for execution by the bootloader. |
| |
| ### ZBI |
| The [ZBI](/docs/glossary/README.md#zircon-boot-image) is the Zircon Boot Image. This is the kernel and the ramdisk |
| [bootfs](/docs/glossary/README.md#bootfs). This contains everyting needed to |
| [bootstrap Fuchsia][bootstrap]. |
| |
| ## Design |
| |
| This tool is primarily a replication of steps and processes that are currently |
| performed by `//build/resources/BUILD.gn` and its associated |
| scripts. |
| |
| The tool is an [`ffx`][ffx] plug-in that allows it to be used both as part of the |
| fuchsia build, as well as outside of it. |
| |
| ### Inputs |
| |
| Operationally, the tool takes as input: |
| |
| A set of options specifying which image files it should create: |
| |
| - The `base` package |
| - The ZBI |
| - The vbmeta image |
| - The `update` package |
| - The flash images: |
| - BlobFS block device image |
| - [FVM](/docs/concepts/filesystems/filesystems.md#fvm) block device image |
| - Final [image manifest](#results-manifests) |
| |
| |
| The following diagrams show which inputs (and outputs) are used to create the |
| various final outputs: |
| |
| ``` |
| ┌─────────┐┌────────┐┌────────┐┌───────────┐┌─────────────────┐ |
| │ Board ││ Kernel ││ Kernel ││ List of ││ List of │ |
| │ Support ││ Image ││ Args ││ BootFS ││ packages │ |
| └┬──┬─────┘└┬───────┘└┬───────┘│ Files │└┬───────────────┬┘ |
| │ │ │ │ └┬──────────┘ │ │ |
| │ │ │ │ ┌V───────┐ ┌V─────────────┐ │ |
| │ │ │ │ │ BootFS │ │ base package │ │ |
| │ │ │ │ └┬───────┘ └┬──┬──────────┘ │ |
| │ │ ┌V─────────V─────────V────────────V┐ │ │ |
| │ │ │ZBI │ │ │ |
| │ │ └┬───────┬─────────────────────────┘ │ │ |
| │ │ ┌V─────┐ │ │ │ |
| │ │ │VBMeta│ │ │ │ |
| │ │ └┬─────┘ │ │ │ |
| │ ┌V───────V───────V───────────────────────────V────────────V┐ |
| │ │ update package │ |
| │ └┬──┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
| │ │ ┌V───────┐ |
| │ │ │ BlobFS │ |
| │ │ └┬───────┘ |
| ┌V──V──V┐ |
| │ FVM │ |
| └───────┘ |
| ``` |
| Note: The update package itself is not placed in the FVM, but is a container |
| which contains many of the inputs used to create BlobFS and FVM, which makes it |
| a good intermediate from which to create the block-device image files |
| |
| To create the `base` package, the tool needs: |
| |
| - The list of package files to incorporate into the system (packages in the |
| "base" and "cache" package sets) |
| |
| |
| To create the ZBI, the tool needs: |
| |
| - A list of files (with access to them) to incorporate into bootfs |
| - The `base` package's "[content identity][merkle-roots]" |
| - A [Zircon][zircon] kernel image to place in the ZBI |
| - The command line arguments to pass to the Zircon kernel |
| |
| |
| To create the vbmeta image, the tool needs: |
| |
| - The ZBI |
| |
| |
| To create the update package, the tool needs: |
| |
| - The list of packages incorporated into `base` |
| - The `base` package |
| - The ZBI |
| - The vbmeta image |
| - The ZBI for the recovery slot (optional) |
| - The vmbeta image for the recovery slot (if recovery zbi is given) |
| - The bootloader firmware images |
| |
| |
| To create the flashable block device images, the tool needs: |
| |
| - Board Support Data: |
| - partition table |
| - etc. |
| - and either: |
| - an `update` package |
| - or directly provide: |
| - bootloaders |
| - vbmeta |
| - ZBI |
| - packages for BlobFS |
| |
| ### Outputs |
| |
| The assembly tool generates the following outputs, depending on which it is |
| instructed to create: |
| |
| #### Packages |
| |
| - `base` |
| - `update` |
| |
| #### Image Files |
| |
| - blobfs block device image |
| - ZBI |
| - vbmeta |
| - fvm flash image |
| |
| #### Results Manifests |
| |
| The following manifests are produced, when the tool is instructed to create the |
| output files that are described within the manifests. |
| |
| - Manifest of all packages (including `base` and `update`) |
| - Manifest of all image files produced, containing: |
| - The content-identity hash of the image |
| - The architecture the images are for |
| - For all files incorporated into the image: |
| - Their own content-identity |
| - The origination (file-path) of that file |
| |
| ### Inputs and Schemas |
| |
| For build-tool compatibility, inputs will initially be what GN produces. For |
| example, the results of the metadata walks that are used to describe all |
| packages that are being built. |
| |
| See: |
| |
| - [/build/package.gni][build_package_gni] at line 604. |
| - [/build/resources/BUILD.gn][build_images_BUILD_gn] at line 221. |
| |
| ## Implementation |
| |
| The final tool will be constructed from: |
| |
| - An [ffx plugin] allowing it to be used via `ffx`. |
| - A Rust library containing the majority of the implementation and unit-tests. |
| - GN template for correctly using the tool in the fuchsia.git build. |
| - The existing tools, packaged for its use: |
| - [`pm`](https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia/+/7461d8882167e7a9d1b494e3b1734d2c063830fc/src/sys/pkg/bin/pm/) |
| - [`zbi`](/zircon/tools/zbi) |
| - [`avbtool`](/third_party/android/platform/external/avb/avbtool.py) |
| - [`blobfs`](/src/storage/blobfs/tools) |
| - [`fvm`](/src/storage/bin/fvm) |
| |
| To facilitate the transition for the fuchsia.git in-tree build, there will also |
| be: |
| |
| - A CLI tool that exposes specific functionality as-needed for having a smooth |
| transition from the existing GN templates and scripts to the new tool. |
| - Updated GN templates to wrap that functionality. |
| |
| The above transitional tools will not be part of the permanent interface for the |
| tool, but used to provide a transition path that minimizes risk to the |
| fuchsia.git build. |
| |
| ### Soft Launch Plan |
| |
| To mitigate risks, the tool will be integrated into fuchsia.git carefully: |
| |
| - As an integration test that logs if its output does not match that of the |
| existing scripts and tools |
| - Then that test becomes a failing test |
| - After rolling and a few days of baking against numerous CQ builds, the new |
| tools replace the existing |
| |
| ## Backwards Compatibility |
| |
| The addition of this tool to the SDK doesn't change any existing backwards |
| compatibility concerns, as it is a different way of using existing tools that |
| currently exist in the SDK. The restriction where the kernel and drivers |
| used with the tool(s) should match the SDK tools (or be newer than the tooling) |
| remains. |
| |
| ## Performance |
| |
| Use of the CLI tool has a neglible impact to the speed of the Fuchsia build. |
| While it moves a number of operations from Python to Rust, it also adds itself |
| as a compilation step that must be performed. |
| |
| The existence of the tool allows for the re-assembly of a different set of |
| components without performing a full build of Fuchsia itself. |
| |
| ## Security considerations |
| |
| The output manifests allow for auditing of the contents and provenance of the |
| image artifacts produced. |
| |
| ## Privacy considerations |
| |
| No privacy concerns. |
| |
| ## Testing |
| |
| The core library will have unit tests which covers: |
| |
| - input validation |
| - schema parsing |
| - schema generation |
| - each step of the assembly process's operation: |
| - generated command lines for external tools that are run |
| - parsing the output of external tools |
| - correct generation and parsing of intermediate files |
| |
| ## Documentation |
| |
| The `ffx` interface for this tool will need to be documented. |
| |
| [blobfs-docs]: /docs/concepts/filesystems/blobfs.md |
| [bootstrap]: /docs/concepts/process/everything_between_power_on_and_your_component.md |
| [build_images_BUILD_gn]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia/+/7461d8882167e7a9d1b494e3b1734d2c063830fc/build/resources/BUILD.gn#221 |
| [build_package_gni]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia/+/7461d8882167e7a9d1b494e3b1734d2c063830fc/build/package.gni#604 |
| [fuchsia.git]: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia/ |
| [ffx]: /docs/development/tools/ffx/overview.md |
| [ffx plugin]: /docs/development/tools/ffx/development/README.md |
| [merkle-roots]: /docs/concepts/security/merkleroot.md |
| [pkgfs]: /docs/concepts/packages/garbage_collection.md |
| [pkgfs-cmd]: /docs/reference/kernel/kernel_cmdline.md#zirconsystempkgfscmdcommand |
| [update-pkg]: /docs/concepts/packages/update_pkg.md |
| [zircon]: /docs/concepts/kernel/README.md |