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# Run an example component
This guide shows you how to build Fuchsia to include an example package from
Fuchsia's source [`//examples`](/examples/) directory and run a component on
your Fuchsia target.
Note: You can find the source code for the "Hello, World" example at
## Prerequisites
Before you can run an example component, you must:
* [Set up the Fuchsia development environment](/docs/get-started/
## Exploring the example {#exploring-the-example}
This example component prints `Hello, world!` to the system log. The example has
three main elements:
* An [executable binary](#executable-program) written in a supported language.
* A [component manifest](#component-manifest) (`.cml`) file to declare the
component and its capabilities.
* A [``](#build-gn) file to define the component build target and
include it in a Fuchsia package.
### Executable program {#executable-program}
Fuchsia components can execute programs written in any language with a supported
runtime. The most common runtime used for C++ and Rust programs is the
[ELF runner](/docs/concepts/components/v2/
* {C++}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/hello_world/cpp/" region_tag="main" adjust_indentation="auto" %}
* {Rust}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/hello_world/rust/src/" region_tag="main" adjust_indentation="auto" %}
### Component manifest {#component-manifest}
A [component manifest](/docs/glossary/ describes
how to run a Fuchsia program as a [component](/docs/glossary/
This includes declaring program binary, runtime information, and any capabilities
the component requires to execute, such as logging support.
* {C++}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/hello_world/cpp/meta/hello_world_cpp.cml" adjust_indentation="auto" %}
* {Rust}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/hello_world/rust/meta/hello_world_rust.cml" adjust_indentation="auto" %}
For more details on component manifests and their declaration syntax,
see [component manifests](/docs/concepts/components/v2/
### {#build-gn}
Fuchsia uses the Generate Ninja (GN) meta-build system to generate inputs for
[Ninja]({:.external}, which executes the actual build.
The `` file declares the build targets for a `fuchsia_component()` and
Note: If you aren't familiar with GN, see
[Introduction to GN](/docs/development/build/concepts/build_system/
* {C++}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/hello_world/cpp/" region_tag="cpp_bin" adjust_indentation="auto" %}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/hello_world/cpp/" region_tag="fuchsia_component" adjust_indentation="auto" %}
* {Rust}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/hello_world/rust/" region_tag="rustc_tests" adjust_indentation="auto" %}
{% includecode gerrit_repo="fuchsia/fuchsia" gerrit_path="examples/hello_world/rust/" region_tag="fuchsia_component" adjust_indentation="auto" %}
To learn more about how Fuchsia uses GN to define components and packages,
see: [Building components](/docs/development/components/
## Include the example package in your Fuchsia image {#include-the-example}
Note: For new build configurations, these commands can take up to 90 minutes.
To include the example package in your build configuration, use the `--with` flag
when setting your product and board environment:
<pre class="prettyprint">
<code class="devsite-terminal">fx set <var>product</var>.<var>board</var> --with //examples/hello_world</code>
For a Fuchsia emulator with the minimum build configuration, the command is:
fx set core.qemu-x64 --with //examples/hello_world
In this example, `core` is a product with a minimal feature set, which includes
common network capabilities, and `x64` refers to the x64 architecture.
For a Fuchsia device with the minimum build configuration, the command is:
fx set core.x64 --with //examples/hello_world
See [Configure a build](/docs/development/build/ for
more options.
Once you have set your build configuration, build Fuchsia with the following
fx build
You now have a build that includes the example package that can be
[fetched and launched on demand](/docs/development/build/concepts/build_system/
### Explore your product configuration {#explore-your-product-configuration}
You can explore the contents of your product configuration using the
`list-packages` command.
List all:
fx list-packages
There may be many entries, so add the name to find the one you're looking for:
fx list-packages hello-world
## Run the example component {#run-the-example-component}
To run a Fuchsia component, use its
[Fuchsia package URL](/docs/glossary/ as an argument
to the `run` command:
1. Open a terminal and run `fx serve-updates`:
fx serve-updates
1. Open another terminal and run the example component:
* {C++}
ffx component run fuchsia-pkg://
* {Rust}
ffx component run fuchsia-pkg://
1. Open another terminal and view the system log:
ffx log --filter hello-world
The component prints the following output to the log:
```none {:.devsite-disable-click-to-copy}
[ffx-laboratory:hello-world] INFO: Hello, World!
### Troubleshooting {#troubleshooting}
If `fx serve-updates` is not running, the command prints an error message from
the device or emulator.
If `fx serve-updates` is running, but the package is not found,
[repeat these steps](#include-the-example) and rebuild your Fuchsia image to
include the appropriate packages.