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# bootserver
**bootserver** is a tool that takes a set of images and paves a device. The go
bootserver is meant to deprecate the C version at
and will be backwards compatible with it.
The bootserver executable is not actually used by the infrastructure, but the
library is used by
(which is used by the infrastructure) to pave devices. The executable is built
and uploaded through
to GCS along with other build artifacts to allow developers/testers to download
it and pave their local devices with the images produced by a particular build.
## Pave with explicitly specified images
The bootserver tool can take in specific images as command line arguments to
pave either zedboot or fuchsia. It uses the same arguments as bootserver_old.
See the flags at
to see which flags correspond to which images and also which unsupported
bootserver_old flags are remaining.
## Pave with image manifest
Alternatively, you can pave using the `-images` flag with the images.json
manifest produced by a build. The manifest should follow the schema at
and include all the necessary images for paving. This will automatically be
generated after a `gn gen` or `fx set` command in the build out directory, but
the images will actually have to be built with `ninja` or `fx build` before you
can call bootserver with it.
The `-images` flag takes either a path to a local image manifest on the
filesystem, or it can also take a GCS path to an image manifest for a particular
build (i.e. gs://fuchsia-artifacts/builds/\<build id\>/images/images.json). If
using a GCS path, the images will be downloaded from the same directory in GCS
as the manifest.
The `-images` flag must be used in conjunction with the `-mode` flag. The way
bootserver determines which files to pave the device with is by looking
at the `bootserver_pave`/`bootserver_pave_zedboot`/`bootserver_netboot` fields of
each image entry in the manifest, and depending on the `mode` provided (either
`pave`, `pave-zedboot`, or `netboot`), it chooses the images with non-empty args
for that mode to send to the device.