| # Run an end-to-end test |
| |
| This guide provides instructions on how to run an end-to-end test for testing a |
| Fuchsia product. |
| |
| This guide uses the Fuchsia emulator ([FEMU](/docs/get-started/set_up_femu.md)) to |
| emulate a device that runs Fuchsia. As for the end-to-end test, the guide uses |
| the |
| [`screen_is_not_black`](/src/tests/end_to_end/screen_is_not_black/) |
| end-to-end test. |
| |
| The `screen_is_not_black` end-to-end test reboots a device under test |
| (DUT), waits 100 seconds, and takes a snapshot of the device’s screen. If the |
| snapshot image is not a black screen, the test concludes that Fuchsia is |
| successfully up and running on the device after reboot. |
| |
| To run this end-to-end test, the steps are: |
| |
| 1. [Prerequisites](#prerequisites). |
| 1. [Build a Fuchsia image to include the end-to-end test](#build-a-fuchsia-image-to-include-the-end-to-end-test). |
| 1. [Start the emulator with the Fuchsia image](#start-the-emulator-with-the-fuchsia-image). |
| 1. [Run the end-to-end test](#run-the-end-to-end-test). |
| |
| Also, to run any end-to-end test, see the [Appendices](#appendices) section. |
| |
| ## 1. Prerequisites {#prerequisites} |
| |
| This guide requires that you've completed the following guides: |
| |
| * [Download the Fuchsia source code](/docs/get-started/get_fuchsia_source.md). |
| * [Start the Fuchsia emulator](/docs/get-started/set_up_femu.md). |
| |
| ## 2. Build a Fuchsia image to include the end-to-end test {#build-a-fuchsia-image-to-include-the-end-to-end-test} |
| |
| Before you can run the `screen_is_not_black` end-to-end test, you first |
| need to build your Fuchsia image to include the test in the build artifacts: |
| |
| Note: The examples in this guide use the `workstation_eng` product. End-to-end tests work with most |
| products except `core`. |
| |
| 1. To add the end-to-end test, run the `fx set` command with the following |
| `--with` option: |
| |
| ```posix-terminal |
| fx set workstation_eng.qemu-x64 --with //src/tests/end_to_end/screen_is_not_black |
| ``` |
| |
| `//src/tests/end_to_end/screen_is_not_black` is a test directory in the |
| Fuchsia source tree. The |
| <code>[BUILD.gn](/src/tests/end_to_end/screen_is_not_black/BUILD.gn)</code> |
| file in this directory defines the <code>screen_is_not_black</code> target |
| to include the <code>screen_is_not_black</code> end-to-end test in the build |
| artifacts. |
| |
| 1. Build your Fuchsia image: |
| |
| ```posix-terminal |
| fx build |
| ``` |
| |
| When the `fx build` command completes, the build artifacts now include the |
| `screen_is_not_black` end-to-end test, which you can run from your host |
| machine. |
| |
| ## 3. Start the emulator with the Fuchsia image {#start-the-emulator-with-the-fuchsia-image} |
| |
| Start the emulator with your Fuchsia image and run a |
| [package repository server](/docs/development/build/fx.md#serve-a-build): |
| |
| Note: The steps in this section assume that you don't have any terminals |
| currently running FEMU or the `fx serve` command. |
| |
| 1. Configure an IPv6 network for the emulator: |
| |
| Note: This has to be completed once per machine. |
| |
| ```posix-terminal |
| sudo ip tuntap add dev qemu mode tap user $USER && sudo ip link set qemu up |
| ``` |
| |
| 1. Configure the upscript: |
| |
| Note: If your machine is behind a firewall, you may need to apply some additional |
| configuration to allow the emulator to access the network. This is typically |
| accomplished by running an "upscript", which sets up the interfaces and firewall |
| access rules for the current process. If you're on a corporate network, check |
| with your internal networking team to see if they have an existing upscript |
| for you to use. |
| If you're not behind a firewall, there's still some configuration needed to |
| enable tun/tap networking. The example upscript |
| at <code>{{ '<var>' }}FUCHSIA_ROOT{{ '</var>' }}/scripts/start-unsecure-internet.sh</code> |
| should work for the majority of non-corporate users. |
| |
| ```posix-terminal |
| ffx config set emu.upscript {{ '<var>' }}PATH_TO_UPSCRIPT{{ '</var>' }} |
| ``` |
| |
| Replace the following: |
| |
| * `PATH_TO_UPSCRIPT`: The path to a FEMU network setup script; for example, |
| `~/fuchsia/scripts/start-unsecure-internet.sh`. |
| |
| 1. Start the package server |
| |
| ```posix-terminal |
| fx serve |
| ``` |
| |
| 1. Start the emulator: |
| |
| ```posix-terminal |
| ffx emu start --net tap |
| ``` |
| |
| When startup is complete, the emulator prints the following message and opens |
| a shell prompt: |
| |
| ```none {:.devsite-disable-click-to-copy} |
| Logging to "{{ '<var>' }}$HOME{{ '</var>' }}/.local/share/Fuchsia/ffx/emu/instances/fuchsia-emulator/emulator.log" |
| Waiting for Fuchsia to start (up to 60 seconds)........Emulator is ready. |
| ``` |
| |
| 1. The `--net` flag requires a value to indicate which kind of |
| networking to implement. `--net` has the following possible values: |
| |
| - `tap`: Attaches a Tun/Tap interface. |
| - `user`: Sets up mapped ports through SLiRP. |
| - `none`: Disables networking. |
| - `auto`: Checks the host system's capabilities and selects `tap` if it is |
| available or `user` if a tap interface is unavailable. |
| `auto` is the default. |
| |
| `auto` is the default if the flag is not specified on the command line. |
| The upscript is automatically executed only if the user selects `tap` |
| mode. |
| |
| If `auto` is used, the launcher checks for a tap interface on the |
| device. If it finds a tap interface, it uses `tap` mode; otherwise it |
| uses `user` mode. |
| |
| 1. Run the `fx set-device` command and select `fuchsia-emulator` (the |
| emulator's default device name) to be your device, for example: |
| |
| <pre> |
| $ fx set-device |
| ERROR: Multiple devices found, please pick one from the list: |
| 1) fuchsia-4407-0bb4-d0eb |
| 2) fuchsia-emulator |
| #? <b>2</b> |
| New default device: fuchsia-emulator |
| </pre> |
| |
| ## 4. Run the end-to-end test {#run-the-end-to-end-test} |
| |
| Run the `screen_is_not_black` end-to-end test: |
| |
| ```posix-terminal |
| fx test --e2e screen_is_not_black |
| ``` |
| |
| When the test passes, this command prints output similar to the |
| following: |
| |
| ```none {:.devsite-disable-click-to-copy} |
| Saw a screen that is not black; waiting for 0:00:59.924543 now. |
| |
| ... |
| |
| [FINE]: Running over ssh: killall sl4f.cmx |
| 01:46 +1: All tests passed! |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Appendices {#appendices} |
| |
| ### Run any end-to-end test {#run-any-end-to-end-test} |
| |
| Use the `fx test --e2e` command to run an end-to-end test from your host |
| machine: |
| |
| ```posix-terminal |
| fx test --e2e <TEST_NAME> |
| ``` |
| |
| Some product configurations may include a set of end-to-end tests by default |
| (see [Examine product configuration files](#examine-product-configuration-files)). |
| However, if you want to run an end-to-end test that is not part of your |
| product configuration, configure your Fuchsia image to include the specific |
| test: |
| |
| ```posix-terminal |
| ``` |
| |
| For example, the following commands configure and build your Fuchsia image |
| with all the end-to-end tests in the |
| <code>[//src/tests/end_to_end/perf](/src/tests/end_to_end/perf/)</code> test |
| directory: |
| |
| ```none {:.devsite-disable-click-to-copy} |
| $ fx set workstation_eng.qemu-x64 --with //src/tests/end_to_end/perf:test |
| $ fx build |
| ``` |
| |
| Note: Some end-to-end tests are designed to run only on specific product |
| configurations. |
| |
| For the list of all available end-to-end tests in the Fuchsia repository, see |
| the [//src/tests/end\_to\_end](/src/tests/end_to_end/) directory. |
| |
| ### Examine product configuration files {#examine-product-configuration-files} |
| |
| To find out which end-to-end tests are included in a |
| specific product configuration, examine product configuration files (`.gni`) in |
| the Fuchsia repository's <code>[//products][products-dir]</code> directory. |
| |
| The following example shows the product configurations files in the |
| `//products` directory: |
| |
| ```none {:.devsite-disable-click-to-copy} |
| ~/fuchsia/products$ ls *.gni |
| bringup.gni core.gni terminal.gni workstation_eng.gni |
| ``` |
| To see the list of all available product configurations, you can run the |
| following command: |
| |
| ```posix-terminal |
| fx list-products |
| ``` |
| |
| Among these product configurations, <code>[terminal][terminal-gni]</code> and |
| <code>[workstation_eng][workstation-gni]</code> include end-to-end tests by |
| default. The following example shows the end-to-end tests included |
| in `terminal.gni`: |
| |
| ```none {:.devsite-disable-click-to-copy} |
| cache_package_labels += [ |
| ... |
| "//src/tests/end_to_end/bundles:end_to_end_deps", |
| "//src/tests/end_to_end/bundles:terminal_end_to_end_deps", |
| ] |
| |
| ... |
| |
| universe_package_labels += [ |
| "//src/tests/end_to_end/screen_is_not_black", |
| "//src/tests/end_to_end/sl4f:test", |
| "//src/tests/end_to_end/perf:test", |
| ... |
| ] |
| ``` |
| |
| <!-- Reference links --> |
| |
| [products-dir]: /products/ |
| [terminal-gni]: /products/terminal.gni |
| [workstation-gni]: /products/workstation_eng.gni |