blob: a8788bde05e96ac824ca9fed17bb3acc5135523e [file] [log] [blame] [view]
<!-- Glossary specific widgets -->
{% set glossary | yamlloads %}
{% include "docs/glossary/_glossary.yaml" %}
{% endset %}
{% set fuchsia_editor = "" %}
{% set glossary_file = "docs/glossary/_glossary.yaml" %}
{% setvar pencil_edit %}
<div class="pencil-edit">
{% if item is defined %}
<a href="{{ fuchsia_editor }}{{ glossary_file }}&searchAndJump=- term: &quot;{{item.term}}&quot;" title="Edit the glossary"><span class="material-icons" style="font-size: 18px">edit</span></a>
{% else %}
<a href="{{ fuchsia_editor }}{{ glossary_file }}" title="Edit the glossary"><span class="material-icons" style="font-size: 18px">edit</span></a>
{% endif %}
{% endsetvar %}
{% setvar glossary_edit %}
<div class="edit-buttons">
<div class="edit-glossary">
<p><img src="" class="inline-icon" alt=""> <a href="{{ fuchsia_editor }}{{ glossary_file }}">Edit the glossary</a></p>
{% endsetvar %}
{% comment %}
Help text glossary macros
{% endcomment %}
{% macro glossary_simple (input, title, notclickable) -%}
{% set match=false %}
{% for item in glossary %}
{% if item.term|replace('-', ' ')|lower == input|replace('-', ' ')|lower and item.short_description != '' %}
{% if title is defined %}
{% if notclickable|lower == "notclickable" %}
<abbr data-title="{{ item.term }}: {{ item.short_description|striptags }}">{{ title }}</abbr>
{% set match=true %}
{% else %}
<a href="/docs/{{ item.term|replace(' ', '-')|lower }}"><abbr data-title="{{ item.term }}: {{ item.short_description|striptags }}">{{ title }}</abbr></a>
{% set match=true %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if notclickable|lower == "notclickable" %}
<abbr data-title="{{ item.term }}: {{ item.short_description|striptags }}">{{ item.term }}</abbr>
{% set match=true %}
{% else %}
<a href="/docs/{{ item.term|replace(' ', '-')|lower }}"><abbr data-title="{{ item.term }}: {{ item.short_description|striptags }}">{{ item.term }}</abbr></a>
{% set match=true %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if not match %}
<a href="{{ fuchsia_editor }}{{ glossary_file }}&searchAndJump=- term: &quot;{{input}}&quot;"><abbr data-title="This term does not exist in the glossary.
Check the widget call for typos. Or, click this term to add it to the glossary.">{{ input }}</abbr><span class="material-icons" style="font-size: 18px">edit</span></a>
{% endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
{% comment %}
Simple definition callout. Use between pargraphs.
{% endcomment %}
{% macro glossary_box (term, title) -%}
{% set match=false %}
{% for item in glossary %}
{% if item.term|lower == term|replace('-', ' ')|lower %}
<div style="display:flex;width:100%">
.pencil-edit {
float: right;
<aside class="key-term" style="width:100%">
<b><a href="/docs/{{ item.term|replace(' ', '-')|lower }}">{{ item.term }}</a>:</b>
{% if item.full_description != '' %}
{{ item.full_description }}
{% elif item.short_description != '' %}
{{ item.short_description }}
{% else %}
This term exists in the glossary, but does not have any description.
Click the pencil icon to add a description.
{% endif %}
{% set match=true %}
{{ pencil_edit }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if not match %}
.pencil-edit {
float: right;
<aside class="key-term"><b><a href="{{ fuchsia_editor }}{{ glossary_file }}&searchAndJump=- term: &quot;{{term}}&quot;"><abbr data-title="This term does not exist in the glossary.
Check the widget call for typos. Or, click this term to add it to the glossary.">{{ term }}</abbr><span class="material-icons" style="font-size: 18px">edit</span></a></b>
{% endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
<!-- General documentation widgets -->
{% macro inline_toc () -%}
{% for item in tocmeta.toc %}
{% if item.path %}
<li><a href="{{ item.path }}">{{ item.title }}</a></li>
{% elif item.section %}
<li>{{ item.title }}</li>
{% for sectionItem in item.section %}
{% if sectionItem.path %}
<li><a href="{{ sectionItem.path }}">{{ sectionItem.title }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endmacro %}