Examine memory usage

With the Memory tool, you can examine the amount of memory used by an individual process or the entire device.


Memory, like other computing resources, is finite. Checking the memory usage of a process or device can uncover implementation errors and unexpected behaviors.

Use the Memory tool to help monitor CPU usage.


  • A hardware device that is set up to run Fuchsia or the Fuchsia emulator.
    • The device should be paved and running. If you haven't already installed Fuchsia, see the Get Started documentation for your device or the emulator.
  • Fuchsia DevTools running and connected to your device, including a running package server.

Examine overall memory usage

Click the Memory tab to see the device’s overall memory usage.

  • The Memory tool reports the total memory used by all processes on the device.
  • The graph at the bottom of the tab shows the history of memory usage since Fuchsia DevTools launched.

Examine per-process memory usage

Examine instantaneous memory usage

The Memory tool can display the memory usage of any process on the system instantaneously.

In the Memory tool, you can do the following:

  • Scroll the process list to find a specific process.
  • Type some or all of a process’s name in the search box to filter the process list.
  • Select a process to see its memory usage on the graph.

Examine memory statistics

Each process in the Memory tool lists the following information:

  • Private memory: the total memory used by only this process.

  • Private plus shared memory (P+S): the process private memory plus the total memory it shares with other processes.

  • Private plus scaled-shared memory (P+SS): the process's private memory, plus the total memory it shares with other processes divided by the number of processes sharing that memory.

    For example if a process's private memory is 1Mb and it shares 1Mb with three other processes, its private plus scaled-shared total is 1.25Mb.