Contributing Tests to CTS

This guide provides instructions on how to contribute a test to CTS.

How to write an ABI test

An ABI test is a test that verifies the ABI or runtime behavior of an API in the SDK. These tests are distributed as Fuchsia packages containing test components and run entirely on the target device.


Step 1: Create a test directory

The structure of the //sdk/cts directory mirrors the structure of SDK artifacts. Your test should go in the same directory as the interface under test is found in an SDK. For example:

Tests for...Should go in...
Host tools//sdk/cts/tests/tools
FIDL interfaces//sdk/cts/tests/fidl

See existing tests under //sdk/cts/tests for examples.

Step 2: Create your test executable

Note: The CTS build templates verify that dependencies are released in an SDK. If your test needs an exception, file a bug in DeveloperExperience>CTS. The allow list can be found here.

In your test directory's file, create a test executable using CTS build templates.

  • {C/C++}

    cts_executable("my_test_binary") {
      deps = [ "//zircon/system/ulib/zxtest" ]
      sources = [ "" ]
      testonly = true
  • {Rust}


cts_rustc_test("my_test_binary") {
  edition = "2018"
  source_root = "src/"
  sources = [ "src/" ]

Step 3: Create your test component

Note: This section assumes familiarity with the concept of Test Components.

// my_test_component.cml
    include: [
        // Select the appropriate test runner shard here:
        // rust, elf, etc.
    program: {
        binary: "bin/my_test_binary",
    facets: {
        // mark your test type "cts".
        "fuchsia.test": { type: "cts" },

Wrap your executable as a Fuchsia component. CTS provides a special GN template for creating a component:

cts_fuchsia_component("my_test_component") {
  testonly = true
  manifest = "meta/my_test_component.cml",
  deps = [ ":my_test_binary" ]

Step 4: Create your test package

CTS also provides a special GN template for creating a test package:

cts_fuchsia_test_package("my_test") {
  package_name = "my_test"
  test_components = [ ":my_test_component" ]

Step 5: Run the test

These instructions require you to open several terminal tabs.

Tab 1: Start the Fuchsia emulator

fx vdl start --headless

Tab 2: Start the Fuchsia package server

fx serve

Tab 3: Stream the device logs

This step is useful for debugging your test.

ffx log

Tab 4: Run the test

  • -v enables verbose output.

See the section about “Debugging tips” below.

Step 6. Verify your test passes as part of the CTS release

This step involves building the CTS in the same way that our CI does when it is released, then running those CTS tests in your local checkout. It is necessary because upon release, we automatically rewrite each CTS test package‘s name to deduplicate it from the same package’s name at HEAD (the build does not allow duplicate names) and we must verify that the test still passes after this rewrite.

Follow the instructions in Step 4 to start an emulator and a package server, then launch a new terminal and run the following command:


This command will build the CTS archive, release it to your //prebuilt/cts/test/* directory, and run the tests contained therein. After a brief pause, the test results will be printed to the terminal window.

To learn more about that script, or to run the commands manually, please see //sdk/cts/build/scripts/verify_release/

Some common causes of test failure at this stage include:

  • The test launches one of its child components using an absolute component URL.
    • Explanation: The URL is no longer correct because the test's package was renamed.
    • Solution: Use a relative component URL instead.
  • The test is missing a dependency.
    • Explanation: It's possible that the Fuchsia system contained a different set of packages when you built and ran your test at HEAD vs as part of the CTS and that your test depended on some of those packages.
    • Solution: Make sure your test's GN target explicitly lists all of its direct dependencies as deps.

If you need additional help debugging at this step, please reach out to the CTS team by filing a bug in the CTS bug component.

Step 7. Make the test run on presubmit

This step causes the version of your test from Fuchsia‘s HEAD commit to run as part of Fuchsia’s presumbit queue. It does not include your test in the CTS release (See the next section).

Add a “tests” group to your BUILD file:

group("tests") {
  testonly = true
  deps = [ ":my_test" ]

Next add this target as a dependency to the closest ancestor group("tests") target.

Step 8. Make the test run as part of the CTS release

This step includes your test in the CTS release, which guarantees that your test cannot be broken between Fuchsia milestone releases (typically made every six weeks).

Add an sdk_molecule target and use it to mark all of your test packages for inclusion in CTS. Each cts_* template declares an sdk_atom or sdk_molecule target with the name ${target_name}_sdk. List each of the test packages as dependencies:

sdk_molecule("test_sdks") {
  testonly = true
  deps = [ ":my_test_sdk" ]

Next add this target as a dependency to the closest ancestor sdk_molecule("test_sdks").

Once these steps are complete, submit your change and you should see your test run as part of the next CTS release.

Debugging Tips

  • If your test hangs, use ffx component list -v to inspect its current state.

How to remove an ABI test

Please see the FAQ section about retiring tests.

How to disable your test

Please see the FAQ section about disabling tests.