Message Buffer Message Queue (MBMQ) model for IPC

See the contents page for other sections in this document.

This is an outline of a set of primitives for IPC (interprocess communication) proposed for use in Fuchsia.

Overview of object types

The MBMQ model is based around five types of object:

  • Channel endpoint
  • MsgQueue: message queue
  • MBO: message buffer object
  • CallersRef: the caller's reference to an MBO
  • CalleesRef: a callee's reference to an MBO

A MsgQueue is a queue of messages, or to be more exact, a queue of MBOs. A MsgQueue may be set as the destination for a channel endpoint, so that when a message is sent to the endpoint, it is enqueued onto the MsgQueue. Furthermore, one MsgQueue may be set as the destination for multiple channels. MsgQueues are a replacement for Zircon ports.

A channel consists of a pair of channel endpoints. The destination MsgQueue for an endpoint can be set using the opposite endpoint of the pair. So, for a pair of endpoints A and B, calling zx_object_set_msgqueue() on endpoint B sets the MsgQueue that messages sent to endpoint A will be enqueued on.

MBOs have multiple roles:

  • An MBO stores a message. A message consists of an array of bytes (data) and an array of Zircon handles (object-capabilities). This message can be a request or a reply.

  • MBOs are passed back and forth between caller and callee processes, which will read or write the MBO. The caller writes a request message into the MBO, which the callee reads. The callee replaces the request with a reply message, which the caller reads. Ownership of the MBO is transferred so that, at any given point in time, only the caller or the callee can read or write the MBO's contents, via a CallersRef or a CalleesRef.

  • An MBO acts as a reply path for a request, by which the reply is returned from a callee to a caller. Each MBO may have an associated reply-path MsgQueue, which is the queue that the MBO will be enqueued on when a callee returns it via zx_mbo_send_reply(). This means that a callee does not have to specify a channel for returning a reply message on.

A CalleesRef is a callee process‘s limited-access reference to an MBO. A callee process can use a CalleesRef to read and write an MBO until it returns ownership of the MBO back to the caller. The callee’s access to the MBO is revoked when it sends the reply, so the caller can then reuse the MBO with a different callee.

Similarly, a CallersRef is a caller process's limited-access reference to an MBO. The caller process can use the CallersRef for an MBO to read and write that MBO while it has ownership of the MBO.

The MBO is a kernel-internal object that userland only access through CallersRef and CalleesRef handles. In practice, an MBO and its CallersRef are implemented by the kernel as the same object on the kernel heap; there is a one-to-one correspondence between the two and they have the same lifetime. However, we use separate terms to emphasise that a CallersRef handle cannot always be used to read and write its associated MBO.

Overview of the request-reply lifecycle

There are four possible states for an MBO, listed here in the order in which they are typically used:

  1. owned_by_caller: Owned by the caller via the CallersRef for the MBO: contents accessible through the CallersRef handle
  2. enqueued_as_request: Enqueued on a MsgQueue (or a channel) as a request
  3. owned_by_callee: Owned by a callee via a CalleesRef: contents accessible through the CalleesRef handle
  4. enqueued_as_reply: Enqueued on a MsgQueue as a reply

An MBO switches between these states as it is sent to a callee, received, and sent back to the caller.

Figure 1 shows how the MBO state transitions happen for simple usage of the core syscalls:

  • Create MBO: A caller process creates an MBO using zx_mbo_create(), which returns a CallersRef for the MBO. The MBO starts off in the owned_by_caller state.

  • Send request: To send a request, the caller process writes the request message into the MBO by calling zx_mbo_write(), passing the CallersRef handle, and then sends the MBO on a channel by calling zx_channel_send(). This enqueues the MBO onto the channel‘s associated MsgQueue and switches the MBO’s state to enqueued_as_request. In that state, the CallersRef handle can no longer be used to read or write the MBO, so the caller cannot modify the message after it has been sent.

  • Receive request: The callee process can read the MBO from its MsgQueue using zx_msgqueue_wait(), supplying a CalleesRef object. This removes the MBO from the message queue, sets the CalleesRef to point to the MBO, and sets the MBO‘s state to owned_by_callee. This state gives the callee the ability to read and write the MBO’s contents using the CalleesRef handle. The caller can read the request message out of the MBO by passing the CalleesRef handle to zx_mbo_read(). The caller can write a reply message into the MBO (overwriting its contents) by passing the CalleesRef handle to zx_mbo_write().

  • Send reply: Once the callee has written a reply into the MBO, it can send the reply to the caller by invoking zx_mbo_send_reply() with the CalleesRef handle. This enqueues the MBO on its associated MsgQueue, drops the CalleesRef‘s reference to the MBO (putting the CalleesRef back in the “unused” state), and sets the MBO’s state to enqueued_as_reply. The callee can now reuse this CalleesRef object in later calls to zx_msgqueue_wait().

  • Receive reply: The caller process can then read the MBO from its MsgQueue using zx_msgqueue_wait(). The caller supplies a CalleesRef object but in this case the CalleesRef is not used. The zx_msgqueue_wait() syscall removes the MBO from the MsgQueue and sets the MBO's state back to owned_by_callee. The caller can use the key value returned by zx_msgqueue_wait() to determine which MBO was returned, if necessary. The CallersRef handle can now be used to read and write the MBO, so the caller can read the reply message from the MBO using zx_mbo_read().

  • Repeat: The cycle can now repeat. The caller can now write a new request message into the MBO and send it on a channel as above, potentially to a different callee.

Figure 1. Pseudocode for a simple client and a simple server. This shows the basic usage of the core syscalls. The two are shown side by side to illustrate how the MBO transitions between states for this particular interleaving of execution.

// Client (caller)                      | // Server (callee)
// Setup                                | // Setup
channel = ...;                          | channel_server_end = ...;
msgq1 = zx_msgqueue_create();           | msgq2 = zx_msgqueue_create();
callersref = zx_mbo_create();           | calleesref = zx_mbo_create_calleesref();
zx_object_set_msgqueue(                 | zx_object_set_msgqueue(
    callersref, msgq1, key);            |     channel_server_end, msgq2, key);
// MBO is in state 1                    |
// Loop to send multiple requests       | // Loop to handle multiple requests
while (true) {                          | while (true) {
  // Write request message into MBO     |
  zx_mbo_write(callersref, ...);        |
  // Send request on channel            |
  zx_channel_send(channel, callersref); |
  // MBO is now in state 2              |
                                        |   // Wait for and unqueue a request
                                        |   zx_msgqueue_wait(msgq2, calleesref);
                                        |   // MBO is now in state 3
                                        |   // Read request message from MBO
                                        |   zx_mbo_read(calleesref, ...);
                                        |   // Process the request
                                        |   ...
                                        |   // Write reply message into MBO
                                        |   zx_mbo_write(calleesref, ...);
                                        |   // Send the reply
                                        |   zx_mbo_send_reply(calleesref);
                                        |   // MBO is now in state 4
  // Wait for and unqueue a reply       |
  zx_msgqueue_wait(msgq1, ...);         |
  // MBO is now in state 1              |
  // Read reply message from MBO        |
  zx_mbo_read(callersref, ...);         |
}                                       | }

Figure 2. Object reference graph. This shows the references between the kernel objects involved in a single IPC call from a client process to a server process. This shows how the references change as the call progresses and the MBO changes between states. [Note: This diagram is included as a PNG file because Gitiles does not support serving SVG files, but an SVG version is included in the repo.]

Diagram: Object reference graph

Figure 3. State transition graph. This shows the main transitions between MBO states. This shows the operations that are possible in each state, along with the operations that can cause each transition.

Diagram: State transition graph

Note that some syscall invocations can involve multiple state transitions, which are not shown on this graph. These include:

  • Fast paths where a thread is already waiting on the MsgQueue:
    • State 1 → 3 (skipping 2)
    • State 3 → 1 (skipping 4)
  • Auto-reply cases:
    • State 2 → 4 (skipping 3): auto-reply when closing the callee's MsgQueue
    • State 2 → 1 (skipping 3 and 4): auto-reply when closing the callee‘s MsgQueue, when a thread was already waiting on the caller’s MsgQueue
    • State 1 → 4 (skipping 2 and 3): zx_channel_send() was called when the callee's MsgQueue was already closed

The graph also does not show the cases where the MBO is deallocated.

Core operations

  • zx_mbo_create() -> callersref

    Creates a new MBO and its associated CallersRef and returns a handle for the CallersRef. The MBO starts off in the owned_by_caller state.

  • zx_mbo_create_calleesref() -> calleesref

    Creates a new CalleesRef. The CalleesRef starts off not holding a reference to any MBO.

  • zx_mbo_read(mbo) -> (data, handles) or (data_size, handle_count)

    Reads from an MBO. This reads the entire contents of the MBO. (Operations for partial reads will be defined later.)

    This takes an MBO reference, which means either a CallersRef handle (for an MBO in the owned_by_caller state) or a CalleesRef handle (for a CalleesRef pointing to an MBO in the owned_by_callee state).

    If the message is too large to fit into the buffer passed to the syscall, the syscall returns the size of the message. This allows the process to allocate a larger buffer and call the syscall again.

  • zx_mbo_write(mbo, data, handles)

    Writes to an MBO. This replaces the MBO's existing contents. (Operations for partial/incremental writes will be defined later.) This takes an MBO reference (as defined in the description of zx_mbo_read()).

  • zx_channel_send(channel, callersref)

    Sends an MBO as a request on a channel. Takes a CallersRef for the MBO. The MBO must be in the owned_by_caller state. Its state will be changed to enqueued_as_request.

    If the channel has an associated destination MsgQueue, as set by zx_object_set_msgqueue(), the MBO will be enqueued onto that MsgQueue and its current_key field will be set to the key value that was set by zx_object_set_msgqueue(). Otherwise, the MBO will be enqueued on the channel so that it is readable from the channel's opposite endpoint.

  • zx_msgqueue_create() -> msgqueue

    Creates a new MsgQueue.

  • zx_msgqueue_wait(msgqueue, calleesref) -> key

    Reads an MBO from a MsgQueue. If the MsgQueue is empty, this first blocks until the MsgQueue is non-empty.

    This takes a CalleesRef as an argument. The CalleesRef must not currently hold a reference to an MBO, otherwise an error is returned.

    This removes the first MBO from the message queue. If the MBO was in the enqueued_as_request state, this sets the CalleesRef to point to the MBO, and changes the MBO's state to owned_by_callee.

    If the MBO was in the enqueued_as_reply state, this changes the MBO's state to owned_by_caller and does not modify the CalleesRef.

    This returns the current_key field from the MBO, which allows the process to determine which channel the message was sent on (for requests) or which request this is a reply to (for replies).

  • zx_object_set_msgqueue(channel_or_callersref, msgqueue, key)

    Sets the associated destination MsgQueue for a channel or an MBO.

    For channels: When given channel endpoint 1 of a pair, this sets the associated MsgQueue for endpoint 2 of the pair so that calls to zx_channel_send() on endpoint 2 will enqueue messages onto the given MsgQueue with the given key value. If the channel had any existing messages queued on it (previously written to endpoint 2 and currently readable from endpoint 1), they are moved onto the given MsgQueue.

    For MBOs: When given the CallersRef for an MBO, this sets the associated MsgQueue for the MBO, onto which zx_mbo_send_reply() will enqueue the MBO with the given key value. The MBO must be in the owned_by_caller state.

  • zx_mbo_send_reply(calleesref)

    Returns a reply message to the caller. The given CalleesRef must have a reference to an MBO (which will be in the state owned_by_callee). This operation drops the CalleesRef‘s reference to the MBO, and enqueues the MBO onto its associated MsgQueue, setting the MBO’s current_key field to its reply key. The MBO's state is set to enqueued_as_reply.

    If the MBO had no reply_queue set (which can be true for MBOs used for fire-and-forget messages), the MBO enters a defunct state where it cannot be used any further. This is equivalent to the MBO being enqueued as a reply on a MsgQueue for which the handles are later closed.

  • zx_object_wait_async_mbo(handle, callersref, signals, options)

    This is a replacement for zx_object_wait_async(). Like that syscall, it sends a notification when one or more of the given signals is asserted on the object specified by handle. The difference is that rather than sending the notification by sending a port packet to a port, the new syscall sends the notification as a reply on the given MBO. The notification is returned as if by an invocation of zx_mbo_send_reply(), enqueuing the MBO onto its associated reply queue.

    This means that waiting for a signal on an object is like making a call to the object.

    This takes a CallersRef for an MBO. The MBO must be in the owned_by_caller state.

    Note that zx_object_wait_async_mbo() does not need to allocate memory. We can ensure that every MBO preallocates enough memory for the bookkeeping for waiting for a signal. In contrast, zx_object_wait_async() must allocate memory each time it is called.

    Note that while zx_object_wait_async() is commonly used for waiting for messages on channels in Fuchsia today, this is not necessary in the MBMQ model where messages (MBOs) are enqueued directly onto MsgQueues.

    We might need to define an equivalent to zx_port_cancel().

Handle-close operations

The following cases apply when all references or handles to an object are dropped:

  • MBO: An MBO is freed when all references to it have been dropped.

    Closing the CallersRef handles for an MBO only causes the MBO to be freed if there are no other references to the MBO from a MsgQueue or a CalleesRef. If the CallersRef handles for an MBO are closed while the MBO is enqueued as a request on a MsgQueue, the MBO remains in the MsgQueue, and it can still be read into a CalleesRef and sent as a reply, but it will be freed when zx_msgqueue_wait() returns the MBO to the owned_by_caller state.

    This means it is possible to do a “fire-and-forget” send with an MBO: that is, send the MBO as a request message, but close the CallersRef handle and ignore any replies.

  • Automatic replies: An MBO receives an automatic reply message if it was sent as a request but there is no way a callee could send a reply. There are two cases for this:

    • Closed CalleesRef: If a CalleesRef is closed while it holds a reference to an MBO, the system will send an automatic reply on the MBO. The system will replace the MBO's contents with a default reply message and send the MBO as a reply (as if zx_mbo_send_reply() was called).

    • Closed MsgQueue: If all the handles to a MsgQueue are closed while its queue contains MBOs in the state enqueued_as_request, or if MBOs are enqueued onto the MsgQueue after all handles to the MsgQueue were closed, then the system will send automatic replies on those MBOs. This does not apply to MBOs in the state enqueued_as_reply because these are already replies.

    This means that if a callee process crashes in the middle of processing a request from a caller, or before unqueuing the request, the caller will not be left waiting for a reply message indefinitely.

  • MsgQueue: When all the handles to a MsgQueue are closed, any messages on the MsgQueue‘s queue are removed from the queue. There may still be kernel-internal references to the MsgQueue (from MBOs’ reply_queue fields and from channels), but these are not sufficient for keeping the messages on the queue because these references cannot be used for reading from MsgQueues.

State for each object type

This section gives a summary of the state that is stored by each of the object types.

MBO state:

  • Message contents. This consists of two resizable arrays:
    • An array of bytes (data).
    • An array of Zircon handles.
  • current_key: 64-bit integer. This is set when the MBO is enqueued onto a MsgQueue by either zx_channel_send() or zx_mbo_send_reply(). Its value is returned by zx_msgqueue_wait().
  • reply_queue: This is the MsgQueue that zx_mbo_send_reply() will enqueue the MBO onto when it is sent as a reply.
  • reply_key: 64-bit integer. zx_mbo_send_reply() will set the MBO's current_key field to this value when the MBO is sent as a reply.
  • State: one of the four MBO states listed above (owned_by_caller, owned_by_callee, enqueued_as_request, enqueued_as_reply). Note that in practice we do not need to distinguish between enqueued_as_request and owned_by_callee. Operations on CallersRef handles need to check for owned_by_caller, whereas zx_msgqueue_wait() needs to check for enqueued_as_request versus enqueued_as_reply.

CallersRef state:

  • A CallersRef needs no state of its own. A CallersRef can be represented as just a reference to an MBO, or it can be implemented as the same heap object as the MBO.

CalleesRef state:

  • Reference to an MBO. This reference may be null. If the reference is non-null, the MBO is in the owned_by_callee state.

MsgQueue state:

  • List of MBOs, all of which will be in the state enqueued_as_request or enqueued_as_reply. This can use an intrusive list implementation so that adding an MBO to the list does not require doing a memory allocation.

Channel endpoint state:

  • Reference to a MsgQueue. This reference may be null.
  • channel_key: 64-bit integer. When an MBO is sent through this channel endpoint, its current_key field will be set to this channel_key value.
  • List of MBOs, all of which will be in the state enqueued_as_request. This will be empty if the endpoint has an associated MsgQueue.

Combined send+wait operation

The core IPC operations described above can all be invoked via separate syscall invocations. In addition to those syscalls, we provide a combined send+wait syscall that allows a specific sequence of those core IPC operations to be done in a single syscall invocation. This allows a process to send an outgoing message and then wait for an incoming message.

Using this combined syscall reduces the overhead associated with syscall invocations that comes from entering and leaving kernel mode. More importantly, it allows the kernel to optimise the cases where it is possible to do a direct context switch to the receiver process. If the “send message” step wakes a thread, and if the zx_msgqueue_wait() step would block, the kernel can switch directly to the thread that was woken.

Furthermore, if the message being sent fits into the buffer provided by the receiver, the kernel can potentially copy the message directly to the receiver‘s buffer without making an intermediate copy in the MBO’s buffer. This is termed the “direct-copy optimisation”. (Note, however, that this is not entirely straightforward to implement, because the sender and receiver's address spaces will usually not be mapped at the same time.)


struct zx_mbmq_multiop {
  // Inputs for write+send:
  bool is_req;            // true if sending a request, false if sending a reply
  zx_handle_t mbo;        // for zx_mbo_write() + zx_channel_send()/zx_mbo_send_reply()
  zx_handle_t channel;    // for zx_channel_send() (if is_req is true)

  // Inputs for wait+read:
  zx_handle_t msgqueue;   // for zx_msgqueue_wait()
  zx_handle_t calleesref; // for zx_msgqueue_wait()

  buffer_info buf;        // for zx_mbo_write() and zx_mbo_read()

  // Output:
  uint64_t key;           // from zx_msgqueue_wait()

zx_status_t zx_mbmq_multiop(zx_mbmq_multiop* args);

zx_mbmq_multiop() does the following:

  • Do zx_mbo_write() to write the message specified by buf into the MBO specified by mbo (which may be a CallersRef or CalleesRef handle).
  • Send message:
    • If is_req is true, do zx_channel_send() to send mbo on channel.
    • If is_req is false, do zx_mbo_send_reply() on mbo to send the message as a reply.
  • Do zx_msgqueue_wait() on msgqueue and calleesref. Returns the resulting key value in key.
  • Do zx_mbo_read() to read the message from the MBO that was unqueued by zx_msgqueue_wait() into buffer.
    • If the message was fully read into the buffer, the MBO is truncated (i.e. its copy of the message is dropped). This is to allow the direct-copy optimisation.
    • If the message that was unqueued was a request, this is equivalent to zx_mbo_read() on calleesref. Otherwise, if the unqueued message was a reply, then if userland were to do an equivalent zx_mbo_read() call it would involve looking up the CallersRef handle based on the key value.

Properties of CalleesRefs

CalleesRefs have these useful properties:

  • Acts as a reply capability: A CalleesRef acts as single-use, revokable capability for replying to a request. When the reply is sent, the CalleesRef‘s reference to the MBO is dropped, revoking the callee’s ability to use it to modify the MBO or send the MBO as a reply again.

  • Reusable: A callee can reuse a CalleesRef across multiple requests. This means we can avoid doing an allocation and deallocation for each request, and we can avoid modifying the handle table for each request. (A CalleesRef's ability to reply to a particular request is revoked when the reply is sent, but the CalleesRef itself is not revoked.)

  • Acts as a message handle: A CalleesRef acts as a handle to a request message. This means that a large request can be read incrementally by doing multiple syscall invocations using that handle to read parts of the message. (Note, however, that we have not defined the syscalls for doing that yet.) This means that a careful callee can potentially accept arbitrarily large messages while avoiding being vulnerable to memory exhaustion DoS.

    In contrast, Zircon's current zx_channel_read() syscall requires that a message be read fully into memory (or be truncated). This means that if the current 64k message size limit were removed, there would be no way for a message receiver to use zx_channel_read() to receive an arbitrarily large message without risking exhausting its own memory.

“Fire-and-forget” requests: requests without replies

At the FIDL level, some request messages are “fire-and-forget”: they have no corresponding reply message.

In the MBMQ model, each request generally has an associated reply message, but it may be an empty or automatic reply, and the caller may choose to ignore it.

For fire-and-forget requests, a caller has a choice of whether it recycles MBOs across requests or not:

  • Non-recycled MBOs: This is the simplest for a caller to do, so it is likely to be the common case. The caller allocates a new MBO for each fire-and-forget message. The caller closes the CallersRef handle after sending the MBO, without ever setting a reply_queue on the MBO. The MBO will get freed automatically after the callee has received the message and dropped its reference to the MBO.

  • Recycled MBOs: A callee has the option of detecting when the callee has dropped its reference to the MBO. It can exercise that option by setting a reply_queue on the MBO in order to receive a reply, just as with MBOs where non-trivial replies are expected. This may be useful for a resource-conscious caller, which can use this ability to recycle MBOs between requests or to implement flow control.

For fire-and-forget requests, a well-behaved callee should release the MBO after it has read or processed the message by writing an empty reply message into the MBO and calling zx_mbo_send_reply() (or, equivalently, by closing the CalleesRef handle). Unfortunately that has the problem of requiring an extra syscall invocation, so we might want to introduce a way of releasing the callee's MBO reference implicitly when the message is read.

Note that a badly-behaved callee could hold into the MBO indefinitely, but that is not very different from behaving badly by never unqueuing requests.

Preserving message ordering across channels

The MBMQ model is able to preserve the ordering of messages sent on different channels that are handled by the same server process. This means that, for example, if message M1 is sent on channel C1 and then message M2 is sent on channel C2, the server process can ensure that the messages are processed in the order they were sent. The server just has to ensure that C1 and C2 have the same MsgQueue set as their destination, which will preserve the message ordering within the MsgQueue.

In contrast, Zircon's current IPC primitives are not able to preserve message ordering in this case, because channels C1 and C2 have separate message queues. As messages are enqueued onto those queues, the information about their interleaving is lost. Zircon currently preserves message ordering only within a channel, not between channels.

Notes on terminology

Role of the “key” values

In this document, the term “key” has essentially the same meaning as in Zircon's current zx_object_wait_async() and zx_port_wait() syscalls.

In the MBMQ model, a key value is used by a process to identify which of its incoming channels a message came from, or which of its earlier requests an incoming reply corresponds to. A process can use whatever key values it wants when passing them to zx_object_wait_async() or zx_object_set_msgqueue(). We expect that the typical usage will be for a process to treat a key as being a pointer to some data structure in its address space.

“Caller” and “callee”

We are using the terms “caller” and “callee” to emphasise that these roles are relative to a particular interaction. The “caller” is the process that sends a request and may later receive a reply. The “callee” is the process that receives a request and may send a reply. We can't use the terms “sender” and “receiver” for these two roles because the caller and callee may both send and receive messages.

An alternative pair of terms would be “client” and “server”. We are avoiding those terms, for two reasons:

  • Firstly, a process that is a server in one interaction can be the client in another interaction.
  • Secondly, a server process may send callback messages to its clients (e.g. send-only request messages). In such cases, we choose to say that the server remains a server but acts as a caller when sending a message to its clients.

The terms “caller” and “callee” are commonly used in the context of programming languages and compilers where it is clear that a function may be a callee in one case and a caller in another case.


The concept of MBOs, with the MBO acting as both a reusable message buffer and a return path, is due to Corey Tabaka.