| // Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include <fuchsia/io/llcpp/fidl.h> |
| #include <fuchsia/posix/socket/llcpp/fidl.h> |
| #include <lib/fdio/limits.h> |
| #include <lib/fdio/vfs.h> |
| #include <lib/zx/debuglog.h> |
| #include <lib/zxio/ops.h> |
| #include <lib/zxio/zxio.h> |
| #include <sys/socket.h> |
| #include <sys/types.h> |
| #include <threads.h> |
| #include <zircon/types.h> |
| |
| zx_status_t fdio_get_socket_provider(::llcpp::fuchsia::posix::socket::Provider::SyncClient** out); |
| |
| typedef struct fdio fdio_t; |
| typedef struct fdio_namespace fdio_ns_t; |
| |
| // FDIO provides POSIX I/O functionality over various transports |
| // via the fdio_t interface abstraction. |
| // |
| // The "pipe" transport is a thin wrapper over Zircon sockets supporting |
| // vector read/write. |
| // |
| // The "socket_stream"/"socket_dgram" transports implement BSD sockets. |
| // |
| // The "remote" transport uses Zircon channels to implement POSIX files |
| // and directories. |
| // |
| // The "local" transport resolves and forwards open calls by looking up |
| // paths in a namespace. |
| // |
| // The "null" transport absorbs writes and is never readable. |
| // |
| // TODO(fxb/43267): Eventually, with the exception of the "local" and "null" |
| // transport, the different transports should become an implementation detail |
| // in zxio. |
| |
| typedef zx_status_t (*two_path_op)(fdio_t* io, const char* src, size_t srclen, |
| zx_handle_t dst_token, const char* dst, size_t dstlen); |
| |
| typedef struct fdio_ops { |
| zx_status_t (*close)(fdio_t* io); |
| zx_status_t (*open)(fdio_t* io, const char* path, uint32_t flags, uint32_t mode, fdio_t** out); |
| zx_status_t (*clone)(fdio_t* io, zx_handle_t* out_handle); |
| |
| // |unwrap| releases the underlying handle if applicable. |
| // The caller must ensure there are no concurrent operations on |io|. |
| // |
| // For example, |fdio_fd_transfer| will call |fdio_unbind_from_fd| which will |
| // only succeed when the caller has the last unique reference to the |fdio_t|, |
| // thus ensuring that the fd is only transferred when there are no concurrent |
| // operations. |
| zx_status_t (*unwrap)(fdio_t* io, zx_handle_t* out_handle); |
| |
| // |borrow_channel| borrows the underlying handle if applicable. |
| zx_status_t (*borrow_channel)(fdio_t* io, zx_handle_t* out_handle); |
| void (*wait_begin)(fdio_t* io, uint32_t events, zx_handle_t* handle, zx_signals_t* signals); |
| void (*wait_end)(fdio_t* io, zx_signals_t signals, uint32_t* events); |
| zx_status_t (*posix_ioctl)(fdio_t* io, int req, va_list va); |
| zx_status_t (*get_token)(fdio_t* io, zx_handle_t* out); |
| zx_status_t (*get_attr)(fdio_t* io, zxio_node_attributes_t* out); |
| zx_status_t (*set_attr)(fdio_t* io, const zxio_node_attributes_t* attr); |
| uint32_t (*convert_to_posix_mode)(fdio_t* io, zxio_node_protocols_t protocols, |
| zxio_abilities_t abilities); |
| zx_status_t (*dirent_iterator_init)(fdio_t* io, zxio_dirent_iterator_t* iterator, |
| zxio_t* directory); |
| zx_status_t (*dirent_iterator_next)(fdio_t* io, zxio_dirent_iterator_t* iterator, |
| zxio_dirent_t** out_entry); |
| void (*dirent_iterator_destroy)(fdio_t* io, zxio_dirent_iterator_t* iterator); |
| zx_status_t (*unlink)(fdio_t* io, const char* path, size_t len); |
| zx_status_t (*truncate)(fdio_t* io, off_t off); |
| two_path_op rename; |
| two_path_op link; |
| zx_status_t (*get_flags)(fdio_t* io, uint32_t* out_flags); |
| zx_status_t (*set_flags)(fdio_t* io, uint32_t flags); |
| |
| zx_status_t (*bind)(fdio_t* io, const struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addrlen, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t (*connect)(fdio_t* io, const struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addrlen, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t (*listen)(fdio_t* io, int backlog, int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t (*accept)(fdio_t* io, int flags, zx_handle_t* out_handle, int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t (*getsockname)(fdio_t* io, struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addrlen, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t (*getpeername)(fdio_t* io, struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addrlen, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t (*getsockopt)(fdio_t* io, int level, int optname, void* optval, socklen_t* optlen, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t (*setsockopt)(fdio_t* io, int level, int optname, const void* optval, |
| socklen_t optlen, int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t (*recvmsg)(fdio_t* io, struct msghdr* msg, int flags, size_t* out_actual, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t (*sendmsg)(fdio_t* io, const struct msghdr* msg, int flags, size_t* out_actual, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t (*shutdown)(fdio_t* io, int how, int16_t* out_code); |
| } fdio_ops_t; |
| |
| // fdio_t ioflag values |
| #define IOFLAG_CLOEXEC (1 << 0) |
| #define IOFLAG_EPOLL (1 << 2) |
| #define IOFLAG_WAITABLE (1 << 3) |
| #define IOFLAG_SOCKET_CONNECTING (1 << 4) |
| #define IOFLAG_SOCKET_CONNECTED (1 << 5) |
| #define IOFLAG_NONBLOCK (1 << 6) |
| |
| // The subset of fdio_t per-fd flags queryable via fcntl. |
| // Static assertions in unistd.cc ensure we aren't colliding. |
| |
| typedef struct fdio fdio_t; |
| |
| // Acquire a reference to a globally shared "fdio_t" object |
| // acts as a sentinel value for reservation. |
| // |
| // It is unsafe to call any ops within this object. |
| // It is unsafe to change the reference count of this object. |
| fdio_t* fdio_get_reserved_io(); |
| |
| // Access the |zxio_t| field within an |fdio_t|. |
| zxio_t* fdio_get_zxio(fdio_t* io); |
| |
| zx_status_t fdio_zxio_close(fdio_t* io); |
| zx_status_t fdio_zxio_clone(fdio_t* io, zx_handle_t* out_handle); |
| zx_status_t fdio_zxio_unwrap(fdio_t* io, zx_handle_t* out_handle); |
| zx_status_t fdio_zxio_recvmsg(fdio_t* io, struct msghdr* msg, int flags, size_t* out_actual, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t fdio_zxio_sendmsg(fdio_t* io, const struct msghdr* msg, int flags, size_t* out_actual, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| |
| zx_status_t fdio_zx_socket_posix_ioctl(const zx::socket& socket, int request, va_list va); |
| zx_status_t fdio_zx_socket_shutdown(const zx::socket& socket, int how); |
| |
| // Initialize an |fdio_t| object with the provided ops table. |
| // |
| // Initializes the refcount to one. The refcount may be altered with the |fdio_acquire| and |
| // |fdio_release| functions. When the refcount reaches zero, the object is destroyed. |
| fdio_t* fdio_alloc(const fdio_ops_t* ops); |
| |
| // Increases the refcount of |io| by one. |
| void fdio_acquire(fdio_t* io); |
| |
| // Decreases the refcount of |io| by one. If the reference count |
| // reaches zero, the object is destroyed. |
| void fdio_release(fdio_t* io); |
| |
| // Returns true if |io| is the only acquired reference to an object. |
| bool fdio_is_last_reference(fdio_t* io); |
| |
| // Accessors for the internal fields of fdio_t: |
| |
| const fdio_ops_t* fdio_get_ops(const fdio_t* io); |
| int32_t fdio_get_dupcount(const fdio_t* io); |
| void fdio_dupcount_acquire(fdio_t* io); |
| void fdio_dupcount_release(fdio_t* io); |
| uint32_t* fdio_get_ioflag(fdio_t* io); |
| zxio_storage_t* fdio_get_zxio_storage(fdio_t* io); |
| zx::duration* fdio_get_rcvtimeo(fdio_t* io); |
| zx::duration* fdio_get_sndtimeo(fdio_t* io); |
| |
| // Lifecycle notes: |
| // |
| // Upon creation, fdio objects have a refcount of 1. |
| // fdio_acquire() and fdio_release() are used to upref |
| // and downref, respectively. Upon downref to 0, |
| // the object will be freed. |
| // |
| // The close hook must be called before free and should |
| // only be called once. In normal use, fdio objects are |
| // accessed through the fdio_fdtab, and when close is |
| // called they are removed from the fdtab and the reference |
| // that the fdtab itself is holding is released, at which |
| // point they will be free()'d unless somebody is holding |
| // a ref due to an ongoing io transaction, which will |
| // certainly fail due to underlying handles being closed |
| // at which point a downref will happen and destruction |
| // will follow. |
| // |
| // dupcount tracks how many fdtab entries an fdio object |
| // is in. close() reduces the dupcount, and only actually |
| // closes the underlying object when it reaches zero. |
| |
| // Closes the underlying I/O backend object. |
| zx_status_t fdio_close(fdio_t* io); |
| |
| // Waits until one or more |events| are signalled, or the |deadline| passes. |
| // The |events| are of the form |FDIO_EVT_*|, defined in io.h. |
| // If not NULL, |out_pending| returns a bitmap of all observed events. |
| zx_status_t fdio_wait(fdio_t* io, uint32_t events, zx::time deadline, uint32_t* out_pending); |
| |
| // Wraps a channel with an fdio_t using remote io. |
| // Takes ownership of h and e. |
| fdio_t* fdio_remote_create(zx_handle_t h, zx_handle_t event); |
| |
| // creates a fdio that wraps a log object |
| // this will allocate a buffer (on demand) to assemble |
| // entire log-lines and flush them on newline or buffer full. |
| fdio_t* fdio_logger_create(zx::debuglog); |
| |
| // Creates an |fdio_t| from a remote directory connection. |
| // |
| // Takes ownership of |control|. |
| fdio_t* fdio_dir_create(zx_handle_t control); |
| |
| // Creates an |fdio_t| from a remote file connection. |
| // |
| // Takes ownership of |control|, |event|, and |stream|. |
| fdio_t* fdio_file_create(zx_handle_t control, zx_handle_t event, zx_handle_t stream); |
| |
| // Creates a pipe backed by a socket. |
| // |
| // Takes ownership of |socket|. |
| fdio_t* fdio_pipe_create(zx::socket socket); |
| |
| // Creates an |fdio_t| from a VMO. |
| // |
| // Takes ownership of |vmo|. |
| fdio_t* fdio_vmo_create(zx::vmo vmo, zx_off_t seek); |
| |
| // Creates an |fdio_t| for a VMO file. |
| // |
| // * |control| is an handle to the control channel for the VMO file. |
| // * |vmo| is the VMO that contains the contents of the file. |
| // * |offset| is the index of the first byte of the file in the VMO. |
| // * |length| is the number of bytes in the file. |
| // * |seek| is the initial seek offset within the file (i.e., relative to |
| // |offset| within the underlying VMO). |
| fdio_t* fdio_vmofile_create(llcpp::fuchsia::io::File::SyncClient control, zx::vmo vmo, |
| zx_off_t offset, zx_off_t length, zx_off_t seek); |
| |
| fdio_t* fdio_datagram_socket_create( |
| zx::eventpair event, llcpp::fuchsia::posix::socket::DatagramSocket::SyncClient client); |
| |
| fdio_t* fdio_stream_socket_create(zx::socket socket, |
| llcpp::fuchsia::posix::socket::StreamSocket::SyncClient client, |
| zx_info_socket_t info); |
| |
| // Creates a message port and pair of simple io fdio_t's |
| int fdio_pipe_pair(fdio_t** a, fdio_t** b, uint32_t options); |
| |
| // Creates an |fdio_t| referencing the root of the |ns| namespace. |
| fdio_t* fdio_ns_open_root(fdio_ns_t* ns); |
| |
| // Validates a |path| argument. |
| // |
| // Returns ZX_OK if |path| is non-null and less than |PATH_MAX| in length |
| // (excluding the null terminator). Upon success, the length of the path is |
| // returned via |out_length|. |
| // |
| // Otherwise, returns |ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS|. |
| zx_status_t fdio_validate_path(const char* path, size_t* out_length); |
| |
| // Create an |fdio_t| from a |handle| and an |info|. |
| // |
| // Uses |info| to determine what kind of |fdio_t| to create. |
| // |
| // Upon success, |out_io| receives ownership of all handles. |
| // |
| // Upon failure, consumes all handles. |
| zx_status_t fdio_from_node_info(zx::channel handle, llcpp::fuchsia::io::NodeInfo info, |
| fdio_t** out_io); |
| |
| // Creates an |fdio_t| from a Zircon channel object. |
| // |
| // The |channel| must implement the |fuchsia.io.Node| protocol. Uses the |
| // |Describe| method from the |fuchsia.io.Node| protocol to determine the type |
| // of |fdio_t| object to create. |
| // |
| // Always consumes |channel|. |
| zx_status_t fdio_from_channel(zx::channel channel, fdio_t** out_io); |
| |
| // Creates an |fdio_t| by waiting for a |fuchsia.io/Node.OnOpen| event on |channel|. |
| // |
| // Uses the contents of the event to determine what kind of |fdio_t| to create. |
| // |
| // Upon success, |out_io| receives ownership of all handles. |
| // |
| // Upon failure, consumes all handles. |
| zx_status_t fdio_from_on_open_event(zx::channel channel, fdio_t** out_io); |
| |
| // Clones the |node| connection and packages the new connection into a |fdio_t|. |
| // The new connection has the same |fuchsia.io| rights as the original connection. |
| // |
| // Upon failure, |out_io| is not updated and |node| is not consumed. |
| zx_status_t fdio_remote_clone(zx_handle_t node, fdio_t** out_io); |
| |
| // Open |path| relative to |dir| as an |fdio_t|. |
| // |
| // |dir| must be a channel that implements the |fuchsia.io.Directory| protocol. |
| // The |flags| and |mode| are passed to |fuchsia.io.Directory/Open| as |flags| |
| // and |mode|, respectively. |
| // |
| // If |flags| includes |ZX_FS_FLAG_DESCRIBE|, this function reads the resulting |
| // |fuchsia.io.Node/OnOpen| event from the newly created channel and creates an |
| // appropriate |fdio_t| object to interact with the remote object. |
| // |
| // Otherwise, this function creates a generic "remote" |fdio_t| object. |
| zx_status_t fdio_remote_open_at(zx_handle_t dir, const char* path, uint32_t flags, uint32_t mode, |
| fdio_t** out_io); |
| |
| // io will be consumed by this and must not be shared |
| void fdio_chdir(fdio_t* io, const char* path); |
| |
| // Wraps an arbitrary handle with a fdio_t that works with wait hooks. |
| // Takes ownership of handle unless shared_handle is true. |
| fdio_t* fdio_waitable_create(zx_handle_t h, zx_signals_t signals_in, zx_signals_t signals_out, |
| bool shared_handle); |
| |
| // Returns the sum of the capacities of all the entries in |vector|. |
| size_t fdio_iovec_get_capacity(const zx_iovec_t* vector, size_t vector_count); |
| |
| // Copies bytes from |buffer| into |vector|. |
| // |
| // Returns the number of bytes copied in |out_actual|. |
| void fdio_iovec_copy_to(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_size, const zx_iovec_t* vector, |
| size_t vector_count, size_t* out_actual); |
| |
| // Copies bytes from |vector| into |buffer|. |
| // |
| // Returns the number of bytes copied in |out_actual|. |
| void fdio_iovec_copy_from(const zx_iovec_t* vector, size_t vector_count, uint8_t* buffer, |
| size_t buffer_size, size_t* out_actual); |
| |
| // unsupported / do-nothing hooks shared by implementations |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_get_token(fdio_t* io, zx_handle_t* out); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_set_attr(fdio_t* io, const zxio_node_attributes_t* attr); |
| // Defaults to running conversion assuming the object is a file. |
| uint32_t fdio_default_convert_to_posix_mode(fdio_t* io, zxio_node_protocols_t protocols, |
| zxio_abilities_t abilities); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_dirent_iterator_init(fdio_t* io, zxio_dirent_iterator_t* iterator, |
| zxio_t* directory); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_dirent_iterator_next(fdio_t* io, zxio_dirent_iterator_t* iterator, |
| zxio_dirent_t** out_entry); |
| void fdio_default_dirent_iterator_destroy(fdio_t* io, zxio_dirent_iterator_t* iterator); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_unlink(fdio_t* io, const char* path, size_t len); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_truncate(fdio_t* io, off_t off); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_rename(fdio_t* io, const char* src, size_t srclen, zx_handle_t dst_token, |
| const char* dst, size_t dstlen); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_link(fdio_t* io, const char* src, size_t srclen, zx_handle_t dst_token, |
| const char* dst, size_t dstlen); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_get_flags(fdio_t* io, uint32_t* out_flags); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_set_flags(fdio_t* io, uint32_t flags); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_recvmsg(fdio_t* io, struct msghdr* msg, int flags, size_t* out_actual, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_sendmsg(fdio_t* io, const struct msghdr* msg, int flags, |
| size_t* out_actual, int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_get_attr(fdio_t* io, zxio_node_attributes_t* out); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_open(fdio_t* io, const char* path, uint32_t flags, uint32_t mode, |
| fdio_t** out); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_clone(fdio_t* io, zx_handle_t* out_handle); |
| void fdio_default_wait_begin(fdio_t* io, uint32_t events, zx_handle_t* handle, |
| zx_signals_t* _signals); |
| void fdio_default_wait_end(fdio_t* io, zx_signals_t signals, uint32_t* _events); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_unwrap(fdio_t* io, zx_handle_t* out_handle); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_borrow_channel(fdio_t* io, zx_handle_t* out_handle); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_bind(fdio_t* io, const struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addrlen, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_connect(fdio_t* io, const struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addrlen, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_listen(fdio_t* io, int backlog, int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_accept(fdio_t* io, int flags, zx_handle_t* out_handle, int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_getsockname(fdio_t* io, struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addrlen, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_getpeername(fdio_t* io, struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addrlen, |
| int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_getsockopt(fdio_t* io, int level, int optname, void* optval, |
| socklen_t* optlen, int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_setsockopt(fdio_t* io, int level, int optname, const void* optval, |
| socklen_t optlen, int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_shutdown(fdio_t* io, int how, int16_t* out_code); |
| zx_status_t fdio_default_posix_ioctl(fdio_t* io, int req, va_list va); |
| |
| typedef struct { |
| mtx_t lock; |
| mtx_t cwd_lock; |
| mode_t umask; |
| fdio_t* root; |
| fdio_t* cwd; |
| // fdtab contains either NULL, or a reference to fdio_reserved_io, or a |
| // valid fdio_t pointer. fdio_reserved_io must never be returned for |
| // operations. |
| fdio_t* fdtab[FDIO_MAX_FD]; |
| fdio_ns_t* ns; |
| char cwd_path[PATH_MAX]; |
| } fdio_state_t; |
| |
| extern fdio_state_t __fdio_global_state; |
| |
| #define fdio_lock (__fdio_global_state.lock) |
| #define fdio_root_handle (__fdio_global_state.root) |
| #define fdio_cwd_handle (__fdio_global_state.cwd) |
| #define fdio_cwd_lock (__fdio_global_state.cwd_lock) |
| #define fdio_cwd_path (__fdio_global_state.cwd_path) |
| #define fdio_fdtab (__fdio_global_state.fdtab) |
| #define fdio_root_ns (__fdio_global_state.ns) |
| |
| // Returns an fd number greater than or equal to |starting_fd|, following the |
| // same rules as fdio_bind_fd. If there are no free file descriptors, -1 is |
| // returned and |errno| is set to EMFILE. The returned |fd| is bound to |
| // fdio_reserved_io that has no ops table, and must not be consumed outside of |
| // fdio, nor allowed to be used for operations. |
| int fdio_reserve_fd(int starting_fd); |
| |
| // Assign the given |io| to the reserved |fd|. If |fd| is not reserved, then -1 |
| // is returned and errno is set to EINVAL. |
| int fdio_assign_reserved(int fd, fdio_t* io); |
| |
| // Unassign the reservation at |fd|. If |fd| does not resolve to a reservation |
| // then -1 is returned and errno is set to EINVAL, otherwise |fd| is returned. |
| int fdio_release_reserved(int fd); |
| |
| // Connect to a service named |name| in /svc. |
| zx_status_t fdio_service_connect_by_name(const char name[], zx::channel* out); |
| |