blob: 3b1c8538bc48e495ecb05bdc848220af0b7843a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// This file provides callout implementations of 16-byte atomic operations. When the compiler fails
// to provide inline intrinsics for a given atomic operation, it will generate a call to one of
// these functions. In particular this is needed by GCC to support 16-byte operations.
// These implementations provide __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST semantics regardless of the requested "memory
// model" argument. As a result, they are not necessarily optimal (esp. on arm64), but they will be
// correct because __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST has the strongest semantics.
#include <cstdint>
bool atomic_compare_exchange_16(volatile void* ptr, void* expected, unsigned __int128 desired, bool,
int, int) __asm__("__atomic_compare_exchange_16");
unsigned __int128 atomic_load_16(volatile void* ptr, int) __asm__("__atomic_load_16");
void atomic_store_16(volatile void* ptr, unsigned __int128 value, int) __asm__("__atomic_store_16");
#ifdef __aarch64__
bool atomic_compare_exchange_16(volatile void* ptr_void, void* expected_void,
unsigned __int128 desired, bool, int, int) {
auto ptr = static_cast<volatile unsigned __int128*>(ptr_void);
auto expected = static_cast<unsigned __int128*>(expected_void);
int result;
do {
uint64_t temp_lo;
uint64_t temp_hi;
__asm__ volatile("ldaxp %[lo], %[hi], %[src]"
: [ lo ] "=r"(temp_lo), [ hi ] "=r"(temp_hi)
: [ src ] "Q"(*ptr)
: "memory");
unsigned __int128 temp = (static_cast<unsigned __int128>(temp_hi)) << 64 | temp_lo;
if (temp != *expected) {
// No reason to leave the monitor in Exclusive so clear it.
__asm__ volatile("clrex");
*expected = temp;
return false;
auto desired_lo = static_cast<uint64_t>(desired);
auto desired_hi = static_cast<uint64_t>(desired >> 64);
__asm__ volatile("stlxp %w[result], %[lo], %[hi], %[ptr]"
: [ result ] "=&r"(result), [ ptr ] "=Q"(*ptr)
: [ lo ] "r"(desired_lo), [ hi ] "r"(desired_hi)
: "memory");
} while (result);
return true;
unsigned __int128 atomic_load_16(volatile void* ptr_void, int) {
auto ptr = static_cast<volatile unsigned __int128*>(ptr_void);
uint64_t value_lo;
uint64_t value_hi;
int result;
do {
__asm__ volatile("ldaxp %[lo], %[hi], %[ptr]"
: [ lo ] "=r"(value_lo), [ hi ] "=r"(value_hi)
: [ ptr ] "Q"(*ptr));
__asm__ volatile("stlxp %w[result], %[lo], %[hi], %[ptr]"
: [ result ] "=&r"(result), [ ptr ] "=Q"(*ptr)
: [ lo ] "r"(value_lo), [ hi ] "r"(value_hi)
: "memory");
} while (result);
return (static_cast<unsigned __int128>(value_hi)) << 64 | value_lo;
void atomic_store_16(volatile void* ptr_void, unsigned __int128 value, int) {
auto ptr = static_cast<volatile unsigned __int128*>(ptr_void);
auto value_lo = static_cast<uint64_t>(value);
auto value_hi = static_cast<uint64_t>(value >> 64);
uint64_t temp_lo;
uint64_t temp_hi;
int result;
do {
__asm__ volatile("ldaxp %[temp_lo], %[temp_hi], %[ptr]"
: [ temp_lo ] "=r"(temp_lo), [ temp_hi ] "=r"(temp_hi)
: [ ptr ] "Q"(*ptr));
__asm__ volatile("stlxp %w[result], %[value_lo], %[value_hi], %[ptr]"
: [ result ] "=&r"(result), [ ptr ] "=Q"(*ptr)
: [ value_lo ] "r"(value_lo), [ value_hi ] "r"(value_hi)
: "memory");
} while (result);
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
bool atomic_compare_exchange_16(volatile void* ptr_void, void* expected_void,
unsigned __int128 desired, bool, int, int) {
auto ptr = static_cast<volatile unsigned __int128*>(ptr_void);
auto expected = static_cast<unsigned __int128*>(expected_void);
auto desired_lo = static_cast<uint64_t>(desired);
auto desired_hi = static_cast<uint64_t>(desired >> 64);
bool result;
__asm__ volatile("lock cmpxchg16b %[dest]"
: [ dest ] "+m"(*ptr), [ result ] "=@ccz"(result), "+A"(*expected)
: "b"(desired_lo), "c"(desired_hi)
: "memory");
return result;
unsigned __int128 atomic_load_16(volatile void* ptr_void, int) {
auto ptr = static_cast<volatile unsigned __int128*>(ptr_void);
unsigned __int128 result = 0;
__asm__ volatile("lock cmpxchg16b %[dest]"
: [ dest ] "+m"(*ptr), "+A"(result)
: "b"(0), "c"(0)
: "cc", "memory");
return result;
void atomic_store_16(volatile void* ptr_void, unsigned __int128 value, int) {
auto ptr = static_cast<volatile unsigned __int128*>(ptr_void);
auto value_lo = static_cast<uint64_t>(value);
auto value_hi = static_cast<uint64_t>(value >> 64);
unsigned __int128 expected = 0;
bool matched;
do {
__asm__ volatile("lock cmpxchg16b %[dest]"
: [ dest ] "+m"(*ptr), [ result ] "=@ccz"(matched), "+A"(expected)
: "b"(value_lo), "c"(value_hi)
: "memory");
} while (!matched);