blob: 6a1fffa489ba3a3934f04d3f6550ce048b340765 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package netstack
import (
networking_metrics "networking_metrics_golib"
const (
defaultInterfaceMetric routes.Metric = 100
metricNotSet routes.Metric = 0
lowPriorityRoute routes.Metric = 99999
ipv4Loopback tcpip.Address = "\x7f\x00\x00\x01"
ipv6Loopback tcpip.Address = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01"
dhcpAcquisition = 60 * time.Second
dhcpBackoff = 1 * time.Second
dhcpRetransmission = 4 * time.Second
var ipv4LoopbackBytes = func() [4]byte {
var b [4]uint8
copy(b[:], ipv4Loopback)
return b
var ipv6LoopbackBytes = func() [16]byte {
var b [16]uint8
copy(b[:], ipv6Loopback)
return b
func ipv6LinkLocalOnLinkRoute(nicID tcpip.NICID) tcpip.Route {
return onLinkV6Route(nicID, header.IPv6LinkLocalPrefix.Subnet())
type stats struct {
SocketCount bindingSetCounterStat
SocketsCreated tcpip.StatCounter
SocketsDestroyed tcpip.StatCounter
// Map from Cobalt metric ID to metric value.
type nicStats map[uint32]uint64
func runCobaltClient(ctx context.Context, cobaltLogger *cobalt.LoggerWithCtxInterface, stats *stats, stk *stack.Stack) error {
// Metric | Sampling Interval | Aggregation Strategy
// SocketCountMax | socket creation | max
// SocketsCreated | 1 minute | delta
// SocketsDestroyed | 1 minute | delta
// PacketsSent | 1 minute | delta
// PacketsReceived | 1 minute | delta
// BytesSent | 1 minute | delta
// BytesReceived | 1 minute | delta
// TCPConnectionsEstablishedTotal | 1 minute | max
// TCPConnectionsClosed | 1 minute | delta
// TCPConnectionsReset | 1 minute | delta
// TCPConnectionsTimedout | 1 minute | delta
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Minute)
defer ticker.Stop()
var lastCreated, lastDestroyed uint64
var lastTcpConnectionsClosed, lastTcpConnectionsReset, lastTcpConnectionsTimedOut uint64
previousTime := time.Now()
lastNICStats := make(map[tcpip.NICID]nicStats)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case ts := <-ticker.C:
created := stats.SocketsCreated.Value()
destroyed := stats.SocketsDestroyed.Value()
tcpConnectionsClosed := stats.TCP.EstablishedClosed.Value()
tcpConnectionsReset := stats.TCP.EstablishedResets.Value()
tcpConnectionsTimedOut := stats.TCP.EstablishedTimedout.Value()
period := ts.Sub(previousTime).Microseconds()
previousTime = ts
events := []cobalt.CobaltEvent{
MetricId: networking_metrics.SocketCountMaxMetricId,
Payload: eventCount(period, stats.SocketCount.Value()),
MetricId: networking_metrics.SocketsCreatedMetricId,
Payload: eventCount(period, created-lastCreated),
MetricId: networking_metrics.SocketsDestroyedMetricId,
Payload: eventCount(period, destroyed-lastDestroyed),
MetricId: networking_metrics.TcpConnectionsEstablishedTotalMetricId,
Payload: eventCount(period, stats.TCP.CurrentEstablished.Value()),
MetricId: networking_metrics.TcpConnectionsClosedMetricId,
Payload: eventCount(period, tcpConnectionsClosed-lastTcpConnectionsClosed),
MetricId: networking_metrics.TcpConnectionsResetMetricId,
Payload: eventCount(period, tcpConnectionsReset-lastTcpConnectionsReset),
MetricId: networking_metrics.TcpConnectionsTimedOutMetricId,
Payload: eventCount(period, tcpConnectionsTimedOut-lastTcpConnectionsTimedOut),
nicInfos := stk.NICInfo()
for nicid, info := range nicInfos {
packetsSent, packetsReceived := info.Stats.Tx.Packets.Value(), info.Stats.Rx.Packets.Value()
bytesSent, bytesReceived := info.Stats.Tx.Bytes.Value(), info.Stats.Rx.Bytes.Value()
lastStats, ok := lastNICStats[nicid]
if !ok {
lastStats = make(nicStats)
lastNICStats[nicid] = lastStats
deltaPacketsSent := packetsSent - lastStats[networking_metrics.PacketsSentMetricId]
deltaPacketsReceived := packetsReceived - lastStats[networking_metrics.PacketsReceivedMetricId]
deltaBytesSent := bytesSent - lastStats[networking_metrics.BytesSentMetricId]
deltaBytesReceived := bytesReceived - lastStats[networking_metrics.BytesReceivedMetricId]
lastStats[networking_metrics.PacketsSentMetricId] = packetsSent
lastStats[networking_metrics.PacketsReceivedMetricId] = packetsReceived
lastStats[networking_metrics.BytesSentMetricId] = bytesSent
lastStats[networking_metrics.BytesReceivedMetricId] = bytesReceived
// TODO(43237): log the NIC features (eth, WLAN, bridge) associated with each datapoint
events = append(
MetricId: networking_metrics.PacketsSentMetricId,
Payload: eventCount(period, deltaPacketsSent),
MetricId: networking_metrics.PacketsReceivedMetricId,
Payload: eventCount(period, deltaPacketsReceived),
MetricId: networking_metrics.BytesSentMetricId,
Payload: eventCount(period, deltaBytesSent),
MetricId: networking_metrics.BytesReceivedMetricId,
Payload: eventCount(period, deltaBytesReceived),
cobaltLogger.LogCobaltEvents(context.Background(), events)
lastCreated = created
lastDestroyed = destroyed
lastTcpConnectionsClosed = tcpConnectionsClosed
lastTcpConnectionsReset = tcpConnectionsReset
lastTcpConnectionsTimedOut = tcpConnectionsTimedOut
func eventCount(period int64, count uint64) cobalt.EventPayload {
return cobalt.EventPayloadWithEventCount(cobalt.CountEvent{PeriodDurationMicros: period, Count: int64(count)})
// endpointsMap is a map from zx.Handle to tcpip.Endpoint.
// It is a typesafe wrapper around sync.Map.
type endpointsMap struct {
inner sync.Map
func (m *endpointsMap) Load(key zx.Handle) (tcpip.Endpoint, bool) {
if value, ok := m.inner.Load(key); ok {
return value.(tcpip.Endpoint), true
return nil, false
func (m *endpointsMap) Store(key zx.Handle, value tcpip.Endpoint) {
m.inner.Store(key, value)
func (m *endpointsMap) LoadOrStore(key zx.Handle, value tcpip.Endpoint) (tcpip.Endpoint, bool) {
// Create a scope to allow `value` to be shadowed below.
value, ok := m.inner.LoadOrStore(key, value)
return value.(tcpip.Endpoint), ok
func (m *endpointsMap) Delete(key zx.Handle) {
func (m *endpointsMap) Range(f func(key zx.Handle, value tcpip.Endpoint) bool) {
m.inner.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
return f(key.(zx.Handle), value.(tcpip.Endpoint))
// A Netstack tracks all of the running state of the network stack.
type Netstack struct {
dnsClient *dns.Client
nameProvider *device.NameProviderWithCtxInterface
netstackService netstack.NetstackService
stack *stack.Stack
routeTable routes.RouteTable
dispatcher *dispatch.Dispatcher
mu struct {
transactionRequest *netstack.RouteTableTransactionWithCtxInterfaceRequest
countNIC tcpip.NICID
stats stats
filter *filter.Filter
endpoints endpointsMap
// Each ifState tracks the state of a network interface.
type ifState struct {
ns *Netstack
controller link.Controller
nicid tcpip.NICID
mu struct {
state link.State
// metric is used by default for routes that originate from this NIC.
metric routes.Metric
dnsServers []tcpip.Address
dhcp struct {
// running must not be nil.
running func() bool
// cancel must not be nil.
cancel context.CancelFunc
// Used to restart the DHCP client when we go from link.StateDown to
// link.StateStarted.
enabled bool
// The "outermost" LinkEndpoint implementation (the composition of link
// endpoint functionality happens by wrapping other link endpoints).
endpoint stack.LinkEndpoint
bridgeable *bridge.BridgeableEndpoint
filterEndpoint *filter.Endpoint
// defaultV4Route returns a default IPv4 route through gateway on the specified
// NIC.
func defaultV4Route(nicid tcpip.NICID, gateway tcpip.Address) tcpip.Route {
return tcpip.Route{
Destination: header.IPv4EmptySubnet,
Gateway: gateway,
NIC: nicid,
// defaultV6Route returns a default IPv6 route through gateway on the specified
// NIC.
func defaultV6Route(nicid tcpip.NICID, gateway tcpip.Address) tcpip.Route {
return tcpip.Route{
Destination: header.IPv6EmptySubnet,
Gateway: gateway,
NIC: nicid,
// onLinkV6Route returns an on-link route to dest through the specified NIC.
// dest must be a subnet that is directly reachable by the specified NIC as
// an on-link route is a route to a subnet that a NIC is directly connected to.
func onLinkV6Route(nicID tcpip.NICID, dest tcpip.Subnet) tcpip.Route {
return tcpip.Route{
Destination: dest,
NIC: nicID,
func addressWithPrefixRoute(nicid tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix) tcpip.Route {
mask := net.CIDRMask(addr.PrefixLen, len(addr.Address)*8)
destination, err := tcpip.NewSubnet(tcpip.Address(net.IP(addr.Address).Mask(mask)), tcpip.AddressMask(mask))
if err != nil {
return tcpip.Route{
Destination: destination,
NIC: nicid,
func (ns *Netstack) name(nicid tcpip.NICID) string {
if nicInfo, ok := ns.stack.NICInfo()[nicid]; ok {
return nicInfo.Name
return fmt.Sprintf("stack.NICInfo()[%d]: %s", nicid, tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID)
func (ns *Netstack) onInterfacesChanged() {
interfaces2 := ns.getNetInterfaces2()
// TODO(NET-2078): Switch to the new NetInterface struct once Chromium stops
// using netstack.fidl.
interfaces := interfaces2ListToInterfacesList(interfaces2)
for _, key := range ns.netstackService.BindingKeys() {
if p, ok := ns.netstackService.EventProxyFor(key); ok {
if err := p.OnInterfacesChanged(interfaces); err != nil {
syslog.Warnf("OnInterfacesChanged failed: %v", err)
// AddRoute adds a single route to the route table in a sorted fashion.
func (ns *Netstack) AddRoute(r tcpip.Route, metric routes.Metric, dynamic bool) error {
syslog.Infof("adding route %+v metric:%d dynamic=%v", r, metric, dynamic)
return ns.AddRoutes([]tcpip.Route{r}, metric, dynamic)
// AddRoutes adds one or more routes to the route table in a sorted
// fashion.
func (ns *Netstack) AddRoutes(rs []tcpip.Route, metric routes.Metric, dynamic bool) error {
metricTracksInterface := false
if metric == metricNotSet {
metricTracksInterface = true
for _, r := range rs {
// If we don't have an interface set, find it using the gateway address.
if r.NIC == 0 {
nic, err := ns.routeTable.FindNIC(r.Gateway)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error finding NIC for gateway %v: %s", r.Gateway, err)
r.NIC = nic
nicInfo, ok := ns.stack.NICInfo()[r.NIC]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting nicInfo for NIC %d, not in map", r.NIC)
ifs := nicInfo.Context.(*ifState)
enabled := == link.StateStarted
if metricTracksInterface {
metric =
ns.routeTable.AddRoute(r, metric, metricTracksInterface, dynamic, enabled)
return nil
// DelRoute deletes a single route from the route table.
func (ns *Netstack) DelRoute(r tcpip.Route) error {
syslog.Infof("deleting route %+v", r)
if err := ns.routeTable.DelRoute(r); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetExtendedRouteTable returns a copy of the current extended route table.
func (ns *Netstack) GetExtendedRouteTable() []routes.ExtendedRoute {
return ns.routeTable.GetExtendedRouteTable()
// UpdateRoutesByInterface applies update actions to the routes for a
// given interface.
func (ns *Netstack) UpdateRoutesByInterface(nicid tcpip.NICID, action routes.Action) {
ns.routeTable.UpdateRoutesByInterface(nicid, action)
func (ns *Netstack) removeInterfaceAddress(nic tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.ProtocolAddress) (bool, error) {
route := addressWithPrefixRoute(nic, addr.AddressWithPrefix)
syslog.Infof("removing static IP %s from NIC %d, deleting subnet route %+v", addr.AddressWithPrefix, nic, route)
nicInfo, ok := ns.stack.NICInfo()[nic]
if !ok {
return false, nil
if _, foundAddr := findAddress(nicInfo.ProtocolAddresses, addr); !foundAddr {
return false, fmt.Errorf("address %s doesn't exist on NIC ID %d", addr.AddressWithPrefix, nic)
if err := ns.DelRoute(route); err == routes.ErrNoSuchRoute {
// The route might have been removed by user action. Continue.
} else if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected error deleting route: %s", err))
if err := ns.stack.RemoveAddress(nic, addr.AddressWithPrefix.Address); err == tcpip.ErrUnknownNICID {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("stack.RemoveAddress(_): NIC [%d] not found", nic))
} else if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error removing address %s from NIC ID %d: %s", addr.AddressWithPrefix, nic, err)
return true, nil
// addInterfaceAddress returns whether the NIC corresponding to the supplied
// tcpip.NICID was found or false and an error.
func (ns *Netstack) addInterfaceAddress(nic tcpip.NICID, addr tcpip.ProtocolAddress) (bool, error) {
route := addressWithPrefixRoute(nic, addr.AddressWithPrefix)
syslog.Infof("adding static IP %s to NIC %d, creating subnet route %+v with metric=<not-set>, dynamic=false", addr.AddressWithPrefix, nic, route)
info, ok := ns.stack.NICInfo()[nic]
if !ok {
return false, nil
if a, addrFound := findAddress(info.ProtocolAddresses, addr); addrFound {
if a.AddressWithPrefix.PrefixLen == addr.AddressWithPrefix.PrefixLen {
return false, fmt.Errorf("address %s already exists on NIC ID %d", addr.AddressWithPrefix, nic)
// Same address but different prefix. Remove the address and re-add it
// with the new prefix (below).
if err := ns.stack.RemoveAddress(nic, addr.AddressWithPrefix.Address); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("NIC %d: failed to remove address %s: %s", nic, addr.AddressWithPrefix, err)
if err := ns.stack.AddProtocolAddress(nic, addr); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error adding address %s to NIC ID %d: %s", addr.AddressWithPrefix, nic, err)
if err := ns.AddRoute(route, metricNotSet, false); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error adding subnet route %v to NIC ID %d: %s", route, nic, err)
return true, nil
func (ifs *ifState) updateMetric(metric routes.Metric) { = metric
func (ifs *ifState) dhcpAcquired(oldAddr, newAddr tcpip.AddressWithPrefix, config dhcp.Config) {
name :=
if oldAddr == newAddr {
syslog.Infof("NIC %s: DHCP renewed address %s for %s", name, newAddr, config.LeaseLength)
} else {
if oldAddr != (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}) {
if err := ifs.ns.stack.RemoveAddress(ifs.nicid, oldAddr.Address); err != nil {
syslog.Infof("NIC %s: failed to remove DHCP address %s: %s", name, oldAddr, err)
} else {
syslog.Infof("NIC %s: removed DHCP address %s", name, oldAddr)
// Remove the dynamic routes for this interface.
ifs.ns.UpdateRoutesByInterface(ifs.nicid, routes.ActionDeleteDynamic)
if newAddr != (tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{}) {
if err := ifs.ns.stack.AddProtocolAddressWithOptions(ifs.nicid, tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
Protocol: ipv4.ProtocolNumber,
AddressWithPrefix: newAddr,
}, stack.FirstPrimaryEndpoint); err != nil {
syslog.Infof("NIC %s: failed to add DHCP acquired address %s: %s", name, newAddr, err)
} else {
syslog.Infof("NIC %s: DHCP acquired address %s for %s", name, newAddr, config.LeaseLength)
// Add a default route and a route for the local subnet.
rs := []tcpip.Route{
defaultV4Route(ifs.nicid, config.Gateway),
addressWithPrefixRoute(ifs.nicid, newAddr),
syslog.Infof("adding routes %+v with metric=<not-set> dynamic=true", rs)
if err := ifs.ns.AddRoutes(rs, metricNotSet, true /* dynamic */); err != nil {
syslog.Infof("error adding routes for DHCP address/gateway: %s", err)
if updated := ifs.setDNSServersLocked(config.DNS); updated {
syslog.Infof("NIC %s: setting DNS servers: %s", name, config.DNS)
// setDNSServersLocked updates the receiver's dnsServers if necessary and returns
// whether they were updated.
func (ifs *ifState) setDNSServersLocked(servers []tcpip.Address) bool {
sameDNS := len( == len(servers)
if sameDNS {
for i := range {
sameDNS =[i] == servers[i]
if !sameDNS {
if !sameDNS { = servers
ifs.ns.dnsClient.UpdateDhcpServers(ifs.nicid, &
return !sameDNS
// setDHCPStatus updates the DHCP status on an interface and runs the DHCP
// client if it should be enabled.
// Takes the ifState lock.
func (ifs *ifState) setDHCPStatus(name string, enabled bool) {
_ = syslog.VLogf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, "NIC %s: setDHCPStatus = %t", name, enabled)
defer = enabled
if && == link.StateStarted {
// Runs the DHCP client with a fresh context and initializes
// Call the old cancel function before calling this function.
func (ifs *ifState) runDHCPLocked(name string) {
_ = syslog.VLogf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, "NIC %s: run DHCP", name)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) = cancel = func() bool {
return ctx.Err() == nil
if c :=; c != nil {
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("nil DHCP client on interface %s", name))
func (ifs *ifState) dhcpEnabled() bool {
func (ifs *ifState) stateChange(s link.State) {
name :=
switch s {
case link.StateClosed:
syslog.Infof("NIC %s: link.StateClosed", name)
case link.StateDown:
syslog.Infof("NIC %s: link.StateDown", name)
// Stop DHCP, this triggers the removal of all dynamically obtained configuration (IP, routes,
// DNS servers).
// Remove DNS servers through ifs.
// TODO(crawshaw): more cleanup to be done here:
// - remove link endpoint
// - reclaim NICID?
if s == link.StateClosed {
// The interface is removed, force all of its routes to be removed.
ifs.ns.UpdateRoutesByInterface(ifs.nicid, routes.ActionDeleteAll)
} else {
// The interface is down, disable static routes (dynamic ones are handled
// by the cancelled DHCP server).
ifs.ns.UpdateRoutesByInterface(ifs.nicid, routes.ActionDisableStatic)
if err := ifs.ns.DelRoute(ipv6LinkLocalOnLinkRoute(ifs.nicid)); err != nil && err != routes.ErrNoSuchRoute {
syslog.Errorf("error deleting link-local on-link route for nicID (%d): %s", ifs.nicid, err)
if s == link.StateClosed {
if err := ifs.ns.stack.RemoveNIC(ifs.nicid); err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("error removing NIC %s in stack.Stack: %s", name, err)
} else {
if err := ifs.ns.stack.DisableNIC(ifs.nicid); err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("error disabling NIC %s in stack.Stack: %s", name, err)
case link.StateStarted:
syslog.Infof("NIC %s: link.StateStarted", name)
if err := ifs.ns.stack.EnableNIC(ifs.nicid); err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("error enabling NIC %s in stack.Stack: %s", name, err)
// DHCPv4 sends packets to the IPv4 broadcast address so make sure there is
// a valid route to it. This route is only needed for the initial DHCPv4
// transaction. Marking the route as dynamic will result in it being removed
// when configurations are acquired via DHCPv4, which is okay as following
// DHCPv4 requests will be sent directly to the DHCPv4 server instead of
// broadcasting it to the whole link.
tcpip.Route{Destination: util.PointSubnet(header.IPv4Broadcast), NIC: ifs.nicid},
false, /* metricTracksInterface */
true, /* dynamic */
true, /* enabled */
// Re-enable static routes out this interface.
ifs.ns.UpdateRoutesByInterface(ifs.nicid, routes.ActionEnableStatic)
if {
// Add an on-link route for the IPv6 link-local subnet. The route is added
// as a 'static' route because Netstack will remove dynamic routes on DHCPv4
// changes. See staticRouteAvoidingLifeCycleHooks for more details.
true, /* metricTracksInterface */
true, /* enabled */
} = s
var nameProviderErrorLogged uint32 = 0
func (ns *Netstack) getDeviceName() string {
result, err := ns.nameProvider.GetDeviceName(context.Background())
if err != nil {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&nameProviderErrorLogged, 0, 1) {
syslog.Warnf("getDeviceName: error accessing device name provider: %s", err)
return device.DefaultDeviceName
switch tag := result.Which(); tag {
case device.NameProviderGetDeviceNameResultResponse:
atomic.StoreUint32(&nameProviderErrorLogged, 0)
return result.Response.Name
case device.NameProviderGetDeviceNameResultErr:
if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&nameProviderErrorLogged, 0, 1) {
syslog.Warnf("getDeviceName: nameProvider.GetdeviceName() = %s", zx.Status(result.Err))
return device.DefaultDeviceName
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown tag: GetDeviceName().Which() = %d", tag))
// TODO(stijlist): figure out a way to make it impossible to accidentally
// enable DHCP on loopback interfaces.
func (ns *Netstack) addLoopback() error {
ifs, err := ns.addEndpoint(func(tcpip.NICID) string {
return "lo"
}, loopback.New(), link.NewLoopbackController(), false, defaultInterfaceMetric, true /* enabled */)
if err != nil {
return err
} = link.StateStarted
nicid := ifs.nicid
// Loopback interfaces do not need NDP.
if err := ns.stack.SetNDPConfigurations(nicid, stack.NDPConfigurations{}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error setting NDP configurations to NIC ID %d: %s", nicid, err)
ipv4LoopbackPrefix := tcpip.AddressMask(net.IP(ipv4Loopback).DefaultMask()).Prefix()
ipv4LoopbackAddressWithPrefix := tcpip.AddressWithPrefix{
Address: ipv4Loopback,
PrefixLen: ipv4LoopbackPrefix,
ipv4LoopbackRoute := addressWithPrefixRoute(nicid, ipv4LoopbackAddressWithPrefix)
if err := ns.stack.AddProtocolAddress(nicid, tcpip.ProtocolAddress{
Protocol: ipv4.ProtocolNumber,
AddressWithPrefix: ipv4LoopbackAddressWithPrefix,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error adding address %s to NIC ID %d: %s", ipv4LoopbackAddressWithPrefix, nicid, err)
if err := ns.stack.AddAddressRange(nicid, ipv4.ProtocolNumber, ipv4LoopbackRoute.Destination); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loopback: adding ipv4 subnet failed: %s", err)
if err := ns.stack.AddAddress(nicid, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, ipv6Loopback); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loopback: adding ipv6 address failed: %s", err)
if err := ns.AddRoutes(
Destination: util.PointSubnet(ipv6Loopback),
NIC: nicid,
metricNotSet, /* use interface metric */
false, /* dynamic */
); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loopback: adding routes failed: %v", err)
return nil
func (ns *Netstack) Bridge(nics []tcpip.NICID) (*ifState, error) {
links := make([]*bridge.BridgeableEndpoint, 0, len(nics))
for _, nicid := range nics {
nicInfo, ok := ns.stack.NICInfo()[nicid]
if !ok {
panic("NIC known by netstack not in interface table")
ifs := nicInfo.Context.(*ifState)
if err := ifs.controller.SetPromiscuousMode(true); err != nil {
return nil, err
links = append(links, ifs.bridgeable)
b := bridge.New(links)
return ns.addEndpoint(func(nicid tcpip.NICID) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("br%d", nicid)
}, b, b, false, defaultInterfaceMetric, false /* enabled */)
func (ns *Netstack) addEth(topological_path string, config netstack.InterfaceConfig, device ethernet.DeviceWithCtx) (*ifState, error) {
client, err := eth.NewClient("netstack", topological_path, config.Filepath, device)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ns.addEndpoint(func(nicid tcpip.NICID) string {
if len(config.Name) == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("eth%d", nicid)
return config.Name
}, eth.NewLinkEndpoint(client), client, true, routes.Metric(config.Metric), false /* enabled */)
// addEndpoint creates a new NIC with stack.Stack.
// If enabled is false, the NIC will initially be disabled. This is desirable
// when the underlying device or the newly created NIC needs to be further
// configured (with IP addresses, routes, etc.) before it is brought up and
// starts handling packets.
func (ns *Netstack) addEndpoint(
nameFn func(nicid tcpip.NICID) string,
ep stack.LinkEndpoint,
controller link.Controller,
doFilter bool,
metric routes.Metric,
enabled bool,
) (*ifState, error) {
ifs := &ifState{
ns: ns,
controller: controller,
} = link.StateUnknown = metric = func() bool { return false } = func() {}
// LinkEndpoint chains:
// Put sniffer as close as the NIC.
// A wrapper LinkEndpoint should encapsulate the underlying
// one, and manifest itself to 3rd party netstack.
ep = sniffer.New(ep)
if doFilter {
ifs.filterEndpoint = filter.NewEndpoint(ns.filter, ep)
ep = ifs.filterEndpoint
ifs.bridgeable = bridge.NewEndpoint(ep)
ep = ifs.bridgeable
ifs.endpoint = ep
ifs.nicid = + 1
name := nameFn(ifs.nicid)
if err := ns.stack.CreateNICWithOptions(ifs.nicid, ep, stack.NICOptions{Name: name, Context: ifs, Disabled: !enabled}); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NIC %s: could not create NIC: %s", name, err)
syslog.Infof("NIC %s added", name)
if ep.Capabilities()&stack.CapabilityResolutionRequired > 0 {
if err := ns.stack.AddAddress(ifs.nicid, arp.ProtocolNumber, arp.ProtocolAddress); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NIC %s: adding arp address failed: %s", name, err)
if linkAddr := ep.LinkAddress(); len(linkAddr) > 0 { = dhcp.NewClient(ns.stack, ifs.nicid, linkAddr, dhcpAcquisition, dhcpBackoff, dhcpRetransmission, ifs.dhcpAcquired)
// TODO(37636): remove this. netstack automatically generates a link-local
// ipv6 address via a configuration option. However, the algorithm used to
// generate that address may differ from the algorithm used by netsvc. This
// matters because netsvc implements the host side of the netboot protocol
// which provides device discovery.
// This code can be removed when:
// device discovery moves to another mechanism which is implemented by
// something running on top of netstack (not netsvc)
// OR
// netsvc ceases to implement its own network stack and uses netstack
// directly.
lladdr := tcpip.Address([]byte{
0: 0xFE,
1: 0x80,
8: linkAddr[0] ^ 2,
9: linkAddr[1],
10: linkAddr[2],
11: 0xFF,
12: 0xFE,
13: linkAddr[3],
14: linkAddr[4],
15: linkAddr[5],
if err := ns.stack.AddAddress(ifs.nicid, ipv6.ProtocolNumber, lladdr); err != nil && err != tcpip.ErrDuplicateAddress {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NIC %s: adding link-local IPv6 %s failed: %s", name, lladdr, err)
syslog.Infof("NIC %s: link-local IPv6: %s", name, lladdr)
return ifs, nil
func (ns *Netstack) getIfStateInfo(nicInfo map[tcpip.NICID]stack.NICInfo) map[tcpip.NICID]ifStateInfo {
ifStates := make(map[tcpip.NICID]ifStateInfo)
for id, ni := range nicInfo {
ifs := ni.Context.(*ifState)
info := ifStateInfo{
NICInfo: ni,
nicid: ifs.nicid,
if {
info.dhcpInfo =
info.dhcpStats =
if client, ok := ifs.controller.(*eth.Client); ok {
info.client = client
ifStates[id] = info
return ifStates
func findAddress(addrs []tcpip.ProtocolAddress, addr tcpip.ProtocolAddress) (tcpip.ProtocolAddress, bool) {
// Ignore prefix length.
addr.AddressWithPrefix.PrefixLen = 0
for _, a := range addrs {
a.AddressWithPrefix.PrefixLen = 0
if a == addr {
return a, true
return tcpip.ProtocolAddress{}, false